My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 123: The Holy King and the Overlord (Free Chapter)

"Yes, even if a miracle occurs, this wish cannot be realized, but if the Holy Grail is truly omnipotent, it will certainly be possible—"

Halfway through Saber's words, she finally understood what the subtle atmosphere between Rider and Archer was. Now the two heroic spirits in front of her had expressions of boredom on their faces.

"Saber, let me confirm...the country called Britain perished during your time, right? Was it when you ruled?"

"That's right! That's why I can't tolerate it."

Saber was even a little angry at Rider's reaction, and her tone of voice couldn't help but become irritable.

"That's why I feel regretful and hope to change the ending! It's all because of me..."

The scene suddenly erupted into a burst of laughter, a burst of wanton laughter that seemed to kick all etiquette and dignity away. This burst of laughter came from the mouth of Archer, the ancient king.

The unbearable humiliation colored Saber's expression with anger, and Archer trampled on the most precious area of ​​her soul.

"...Archer, what's so funny about this?"

Gilgamesh completely ignored Saber's anger, laughed out of breath, and said intermittently:

"——Self-proclaimed king——Also respected by the masses as a king——such a person actually feels 'regret'? Ha! How can one not laugh at such a thing? It's amazing, Saber! You are really the funniest What a buffoon!”

Archer laughed so hard that he couldn't control himself. Rider, who was beside him, frowned and looked at Saber with an expression of displeasure that was not usually seen on his face.

"Wait a minute - King of Knights, please wait for me. Do you actually want to deny your words and deeds that you have left in history?"

Saber has never had any doubts about her ideals, and of course she never expected that someone would question her like this now.

"Exactly! What's so surprising? What's so funny? Is there anything wrong in feeling sad that the country I raised my sword and sacrificed my life for has perished?"

Archer's laughter answered her again.

"Hey, did you hear what she said, Rider? This little girl who claims to be the King of Knights... unexpectedly! She actually said something like 'dedicate your body and mind to the country'!"

Rider remained silent for a while, ignoring Archer who was laughing wildly, and the melancholy expression on his face became heavier. To Saber, Rider's silence was as humiliating as Archer's ridicule.

"What's so funny about this? As the leader of a country, you should wholeheartedly hope that the country you govern will always prosper!"

"No, you are wrong." Rider refuted what Saber said firmly and seriously, "It is not the king who dedicates himself, but the country and the people who dedicate their wealth and lives to the king. It is definitely not the other way around."

"What did you say——!" Saber's voice became hoarse with excessive anger.

"That is simply the rule of a tyrant! Rider, Archer, evil people like you are not qualified to be kings!"

"That's right. Precisely because we are tyrants, we are great heroes." Rider responded calmly without changing his expression. "But Saber, if any king regrets his rule and the consequences he has caused, then he is just a mediocre and incompetent king, worse than a tyrant."

Rider, unlike Archer who just laughed at her, still refuted Saber in a question-and-answer format. When Saber discovered this, she also restrained her tone and decided to answer the challenge with theory.

"Iskandar, isn't it the same for you...the heir was killed, and the empire that you worked so hard to build was finally split into three pieces. Don't you feel regretful at all about this ending? If you still have the chance to do it again now , don’t you think there are other ways to save the motherland?”


Rider's answer was straightforward. The Conquering King proudly puffed out his chest, stared directly into the Knight King's serious eyes, and counterattacked: "If the decisions I make and the lives of my subjects end up like that, then destruction is inevitable. I will I will mourn and cry for this, but I will never regret it.”

"how come……"

"Let alone overthrow all of this! This stupid behavior is an insult to all those who jointly created the era with this king.

Regarding Rider's arrogant declaration, Saber denied: "Only soldiers regard destruction as glory. People don't think so. What they need is salvation."

"You mean they want the king's rescue?" Rider shrugged and laughed. "I don't understand! What's the point of this kind of thing?"

"That is what a king truly pursues!" This time it was Saber's turn to speak excitedly, "Reigning in accordance with the laws of heaven and governing the world in accordance with the right path. Aren't these what all the subjects are eagerly looking forward to?"

"So, is it possible that you, the king, are a slave of the 'righteous way'?"

"That's right. A true king is one who dies for his ideals." The young knight king nodded and said without any hesitation in his tone.

"The people learn what the rule of law and order are through the words and deeds of the king. What the master of a country conveys to the people cannot be an phantom that will disappear with the king, but something more noble and eternal."

Seeing Saber's firm attitude when she spoke, Rider even showed sympathy and sighed.

"That's simply not how 'human' lives."

"Of course not. If you want to be the king of a country, how can you expect to live the same life as a mortal."

In order to become a flawless monarch, in order to become an ideal practitioner, the body gives up mortal nature to gain immortality, and the mind gives up personal feelings to become a perfect person. The life of the girl Arturia ended the moment she pulled out the Sword of King Selection from the rock. After that, she became a legend called undefeated, a hymn, and a phantom.

She had had pain and troubles, but the pride she had was far greater than that. The uncompromising belief still gives him strength and supports her sword-wielding hands.

"King of Conquerors, people like you who only care about yourself will not understand. You became the overlord just to satisfy your endless desires!"

Saber shouted loudly, as if she had struck a fatal blow to the enemy.

Rider's eyes suddenly opened when he heard this.

"The king who has no desires and demands is not even worth a decoration!"

Rider shouted loudly. The ferocity in his words made his already huge body look twice as big.

"Saber, you said that 'a king must die for his ideals.' I see. You should have been an incorruptible and flawless saint during your lifetime. Your image must have been both noble and inviolable. But who would care about martyrdom? Do you have visions and dreams for a life full of suffering?"

Among the kings, the unparalleled overlord mercilessly scolded the holy king sitting opposite him:

"A saint can comfort the people, but he can never lead them. A king must show clear desires and respect the ultimate glory and wealth in order to guide the people and lead the country!"

"The so-called king is a person who is greedier than anyone else, is more heroic than anyone else when he smiles, is more violent than anyone else when he is angry, and exhausts the good and evil of human nature. That's why the ministers will envy the king and be attracted by the king. Only in the hearts of every people will the fire of longing "I also want to be the best among ten thousand people" will be ignited."

"What kind of justice is there in this kind of rule?"

"There is no justice, and the royal way does not need any justice at all. Because of this, there is no regrets."

Rider's words were so arbitrary that Saber was shaking with rage.

What is the happiness of the people. On this basic concept, the gap between the two is really too big.

One side is praying for stability. On the one hand, there is hope for prosperity. The king who hopes to calm down the troubled times and the king who caused the troubled times by himself cannot have the same ideals.

Rider showed a fearless smile and continued.

"King of Knights, perhaps the banner of justice and ideals you held high once saved your country and its subjects. That must have been a great cause enough for you to leave your name in the legend. But you should also It’s very clear, what will happen to those people who ‘only know how to be saved’?”

"You...what did you say?"

At dusk, the hills are stained with blood.

That scene flashed through Saber's mind again.

"You always 'save' your subjects, but you don't 'guide' them. You have never shown the 'king's desire' and left your lost subjects behind. You are just a person with a sacred attitude, eager to realize those small and beautiful ideals. So. You are not a real king, you are just a little girl bound by the image of a king who lives not for yourself but only for others."


She had a thousand words to say in reply, but every time she spoke, the scenery she had overlooked on the hills of Camlan resurfaced before her eyes.

The endless mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. The lives that ended there were once her courtiers, friends and relatives.

If she thought about it carefully, she had heard the prophecy before when she pulled out the sword in the stone. It was predicted that the future would be a sign of destruction, and he should have been mentally prepared for it.

But even if there is awareness. Once she witnessed that scene with her own eyes, she couldn't help but think about it and have the thought of praying.

A completely different possibility could even overturn the magician's prediction. She thought to herself that if there was such a possibility...

A dangerous imagination seemed to seep into the void in Saber's heart. What if instead of protecting Britain as a savior, I ravaged Britain as a overlord...

However, when comparing the outcome of this terrible way of overlordship with that of Camlan Hill, which one is the real tragedy...

At this moment, a voice sounded from the side:

"No, you don't understand, Rider, if you were to pursue your tyranny in Britain at that time - it would only hasten Britain's demise."

The one who said this was the white-haired young man who had always remained silent before.

Facing Rider's glare, Shuo Yue responded with a smile as light as the breeze, and the wine glass in his hand was already empty.

"The tyranny you praise is nothing compared to King Arthur's royal way."

The young man said this.

Because it is almost the original text, but it is the original text that I had to write, so I posted it in the chapter review for everyone to know.

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