My Debauched Devotion

Chapter 140: A Child Driving a Big Boat

Mind steering? Can you control such a big ship with your mind like a sword?

Ling Zhouyue sat cross-legged on the stone table, wearing the fairy clothes made by Chuyan, with a graceful and sassy posture, even her butt was not cold.

Are you sailing? Are you the ship's wife or am I the ship's wife?

Xiao Ran held a cup of tea, his expression sky high and cloudless, with the mood of sailing, admiring Master's posture.

Even the cross-legged sitting posture is so slim and graceful...

Maid is really great!

Wouldn't it be nice to ask Chuyan to make a Sirius Bibo Qingyun cheongsam suit for Master next time?

No, the disciple is afraid that the master will be too tiring and exhausting to sail the boat, so he assists the master to sail the boat. The manual steering of the master is of a higher level than my mind steering. The master can control the whole boat at any time. If you still mind , this disciple will erase the resonance spirit pattern of mind control.

As soon as she heard the trouble, Ling Zhouyue was scared.

It's better for you to sail.

At the side, Master Gao and Junior Sister Zhehui looked at each other, as if they understood something, they prepared to leave wisely.

This boat was specially designed by my junior for my uncle. The specific method of use is clear to me, so I won't demonstrate it separately. The only thing to note is that the new boat needs to be run-in, so it shouldn't be driven too hard. Just keep it quiet.

The corners of Xiao Ran's eyes twitched slightly.

Ling Zhouyue only said:

We're going to fight against the Netherworld, so movement and noise can't be ignored.

Nephew understands, so I will leave now.

Master Gao hurriedly grabbed Junior Sister Zhehui to leave the boat, halfway there, he turned around and said:

There are a lot of temptations at the Tianjiao Conference. I wish the younger brother a speedy triumph, and don't let the Daomeng snatch it away.

Xiao Ran saw on his face a look of rejoicing to stay in Zongzhi Mountain.

Junior sister Zhehui is very moist...


After Master Gao and Zhehui left, Ling Zhouyue was not in a hurry to try out the new boat, but immediately called Chuyan, and the three of them sat on the stone table, fighting against the ghosts first.

Fighting the Netherworld is the most important thing in the Dharma-ending Era.

With the fully automatic card dealing table, Lingzhou Yuedou Youming has even more momentum.

Chuyan waited for the cards to be dealt, and looked around for the boat.

It is impossible to understand how such a design is good for ship speed and combat effectiveness.

Suddenly, she wakes up.

I understand, you are not going to participate in the Tianjiao Conference, you are going on honeymoon!

Ling Zhouyue didn't quite understand the meaning of honeymoon, but it didn't matter.

Do you want to come too? It's okay to let the cat watch Zhijian Peak, so that we can sail all the way and fight against the Nether, especially in the dark forest outside the Chaos City. , playing cards and fighting against the Netherworld, wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

Xiao Ran nodded.

Master is worthy of being an elder holding a sword, his attachment to Dou Youming is unmatched by ordinary people.

Chu Yan lacked interest.

Although I also went with Master Grandpa, Master Uncle Huangfu said, let me work hard, the next Tianjiao, I can't show my face in advance.

Xiao Ran smiled and said:

Uncle Huangfu will be pissed off if he finds out that you knit sweaters at home every day.

Chu Yan glared at him.

This is also a practice. Thousands of methods are all about cultivating the mind and enlightening the Tao. There is no distinction between high and low. If the promotion to the distraction state can be as painless as the promotion to Yuanying, within five hundred years I will be in the distraction state like the master.

No pain, just confidence!

Ling Zhouyue also nodded and said:

Chu Yan's words are right. Cultivating the mind does not distinguish between high and low. In the past month, I have fought more ghosts than in the previous thousand years. If this continues, I will have to rise to the state of integration.

Whatever you say is what it is.

Although you talented players are so terrifying,

But in front of my system players, they are all younger sisters.

Xiao Ran decided to try the boat.

With a thought, he kicked the accelerator to the end, activated the maximum horsepower, and steered the boat straight into the sky, reaching the peak under the big formation on the Jiuxiaoyun.

Even so, the hull is still very stable, and the gravity device firmly fixes the three of them on the stone bench, without feeling any dizziness.

However, Ling Zhouyue, as the ship's mother, the sea of ​​qi linked to the ship's core, was manipulated by Xiao Ran's thoughts, and her spiritual power was suddenly drained.

Although this little bit of spiritual power was just a drizzle to her, this feeling of emptiness caused her pelvis to tremble and her whole body to tremble.

It's similar to the feeling of being drawn by Xiao Ran's random critical strike to draw spiritual power, but it's not as strong.

Ling Zhouyue's sword eyebrows twitched slightly, and a red wine blush appeared on her picturesque face for no reason.

What the hell are you doing? Aren't you sailing the boat? Why do you want to use my spiritual power!

Xiao Ran explained:

I have only cultivated qi, how can I drive a sword boat in the Nascent Soul Realm? Isn't this a kid driving a big cart? I have to die on your boat.

Chu Yan was startled, as if she had misheard a certain word.

Are you driving a boat or a man?

Xiao Ran hit her dog's head in a rage.

Happiness is the most important thing.



The water and soil of Zhijian Peak are too rich and fertile, and the fruits planted by Xiao Ran are super bountiful.

There are so many fruits that Xiao Ran picks a wave, and is hung on the tree every day by spring frogs and autumn cicadas, it is far from enough to eat them all.

The same goes for vegetables.

It is a pity to let these fruits and vegetables rot, as it is the season of full ripening.

But these fruits are not of high grade, so they are of no use to Xiao Ran.

Before leaving, Xiao Ran decided to harvest all the fruits and vegetables on the mountain, and sent a boat to each mountain peak inside the gate.

After harvesting, Xiao Ran kept some for himself, and the rest of hundreds of tons of fruits and vegetables were piled up on the boat to form a mountain.

He used his spiritual power to slowly sail the boat and tour the Zongzhi Mountains.

The first stop was Baicao Peak, where Xiao Ran unloaded several tons of fruits and vegetables in front of the bamboo house on Baicao Peak.

This is the first time that Spring Frog and Qiu Cicada ignored the delicious food, and when they saw Xiao Ran's sword boat, they jumped into the air excitedly.

A person jumps up on top of another person's head, and then another person steps on his head and flies into the sky.

Just like this, the two girls stepped on Xiao Ran's sword boat all the way.

Xiao Ran glanced at it, it was okay, it was better than making Newton feel better than stepping up with his left foot and right foot into the air.

Wow, what kind of boat is this? It's so long?

Like a sword, but also like a boat, so beautiful, can the Qi Refining Realm be opened?

Xiao Ran shook his head.

No, kids can't drive big cars.

The two girls were puzzled.

Aren't you also in the Qi Refining Realm?

We are older than you, you can drive, why can't the two of us drive?

Xiao Ran shook his head.

I'm just helping Master sail the boat.


I remembered, Master wants us to go to Chaos City to buy a medicine called anorexia flower, can you take the two of us there together?

No, the anorexia of flowers is to practice life-extending pills for the head master. The uncle has already entrusted me with this task, so you don't need to go.

The two girls pouted unhappy, and stayed on the boat with a stern face.

Xiao Ran said:

It's okay for you to help me scatter the fruits. Remember to move lightly so that the fruits and vegetables fall smoothly on the grass.

Xiao Ran drove the boat, carrying spring frogs, autumn cicadas, and a boatload of fruits and vegetables, unloaded a few tons to Jianping, the main peak, and unloaded a few tons in front of the gate of Zhujian Peak, and unloaded less on unfamiliar small peaks.

At first, the inner disciples were still confused, after tasting the fruity taste, they soon started looting, and even the coach joined the looting army.

Of course, there are exceptions.

Big Valley Peak.

When Baili Qingfeng saw the sword boat on Zhijian Peak, he thought that Xiao Ran was going to transport the grain, so he immediately closed the barn and told his apprentice that he had left the sect.

In the valley, Chen Gongxing also escaped into the weeds, out of sight.

So Xiao Ran didn't sprinkle any fruit, but sprinkled some pastries, letting the disciples of Dagu Peak taste the delicacy made by his own grain.

The same is true for the Valley of Beasts.

As soon as Master Guiyan saw Xiao Ran, he immediately sealed off the whole valley.

Wherever the sword boat went, the herds of beasts fled.

After the boat left, Master Guiyan still picked up a present, opened it and found it was dried mutton.

Xiaoyu Peak.

The female disciples of Xiaoyu Peak have already tasted Xiao Ran's delicacy, opened the mountain gate, and hugged the sword boat, quite a bit of the tent door is now opened for you.

Eldest sister married a good man!

Fruits and vegetables were piled up in front of the outer disciples' rooms.

For foreign disciples, these are the best products that are rarely tasted at ordinary times!

Lin Yunzi looked up at the departing sword boat with mixed feelings in his heart.

At that time, I just wanted to hug a thigh casually, but I didn't expect to hug Optimus Prime.

Does Uncle Xiao have another mission? Our handyman team hasn't been dispatched for a long time!

Zhaoxia Peak.

Han Erlen and Wang Tiezhu were sitting on the west hillside, looking forward to seeing the new ship coming.

Zhijianfeng is really rich!

Why haven't the elders and uncles practiced physical training recently?

Uncle Master has already defeated the Saint Demon Sect Lu Pingtian, do you still need to train your body?

I heard that because the cost of bumping into Zhaoxia Peak was too high, the elder bumped into Baicao Peak instead.

Although you shouldn't say bad things, I still really hope that this ship will crash into Zhaoxia Peak.

Xiao Ran had just sprinkled the last fruits and vegetables, but after hearing these words, he took them back.


After Xiao Ran sailed around in a boat, the entire Zongzhi Mountain was filled with a sweet and fruity fragrance.

Giving away fruit, leaving a lingering fragrance in your hand, this move has greatly improved the image of Zhijianfeng's indomitable iron rooster.

Xiao Ran threw Spring Frog and Qiu Cicada on Baicao Peak.

The uncle was still working hard in alchemy in the alchemy room, so he didn't go to say goodbye.

Return to Zhijian Peak.

Ling Zhouyue took the picture book and all the jugs, and boarded the sword boat again.

Okay, let's go a day early.

Amid the farewell sounds from the inner and outer disciples, the sword boat soared into the sky, slowly shuttled through the Zongzhi mountains, and soon left the mountain guard formation.

Entering the desolate desert, all you can see are broken walls and ruins, which are in sharp contrast with Zongzhi Mountain.

Ling Zhouyue stretched a long way.

Excluding the teleportation array along the way, there is still half a day's journey. The two of us are really boring. By the way... What does Chuyan mean by honeymoon?

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