My Debauched Devotion

Chapter 98: Final Chapter of Nether Realm Chapter

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Xiao Ran struggled forward in the folded space alleyway.

The fishy smell of unknown origin and the lingering mucus twisted and squirmed, squeezing Xiao Ran's body.

What Xiao Ran fears most about the power of resonance is this kind of entanglement.

He was almost strangled by Qi Xingzhong's national teacher before.

Now he is entangled by this woman who doesn't know whether she is a human or a dragon.

Xiao Ran can shake open the space wall, but the viscous space quickly recovers, and it takes a lot of effort to shake open again.

Xiao Ran tried his best to perceive the structure of space, trekking through mountains and rivers in the distorted space in a relatively smooth way.


He saw Master!

In a foam cave formed by the folding and twisting of space, Ling Zhouyue lay sideways on the stele.

She was wrapped tightly in a dark blue robe, which was melted by the mucus, leaving only a few residues, but the white light emitted by the inscription was transparent to her whole body.

One by one, complex characters were printed upside down on the smooth and jade-like carcass.

For a moment, li xuan saw a touch of divinity in the master.

What a dragon, the little palace lady doesn't know where she is!

Xiao Ran hurriedly cleaned up the debris of the master's clothes, and put on the clothes he had backed up for her.

Only then did he prepare to wake her up to avoid the embarrassment of seeing her naked.

Holding the forehead with the palm, there was a slight tremor.

Master, wake up!

Ling Zhouyue woke up in a daze, saw Xiao Ran's face, and saw herself wearing Xiao Ran's clothes, feeling angry and warm in her heart.

If you come later, as a teacher, you will be melted by the Great Darkness and enter the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

Xiao Ran explained:

It's not Da Ming, both of us and Da Ming were swallowed by a giant dragon, if I'm not wrong,

We are now in the abyss.


Ling Zhou's moon crooked, suddenly landed.

You mean the woman?

Xiao Ran nodded.

Yes, that night, when the little maid was drinking with me, I lighted ambergris in the wine. It seems to have the same origin as the mucus here, and it has a similar taste. This dragon should be the real body of Hei Qin and the little maid. .”

Mother dragon? This woman is disgusting!

Ling Zhouyue straightened her clothes and put on Xiao Ran's loose green robe, her sassy demeanor instantly returned.

No, she turned her head and stared at Xiao Ran.

Okay, you actually drank ambergris, you're so disgusting... don't touch me in the future.

No, I can touch you without drinking ambergris?

Is what you said serious about touching it?

Xiao Ran shook his head.

I can still bear the potency of ambergris.

Ling Zhouyue was suddenly a little tired and wanted to drink, but the wine was empty, so she could only lean on Xiao Ran's shoulder and said weakly.

I never thought that the teacher wanted to protect you, but it became your burden. You can...

Xiao Ran only said:

Without Master, I couldn't find the stele either.

Ling Zhouyue said:

Almost forgot the stele, we got rich!

Xiao Ran carefully looked at the stele, and put aside the shocking sense of enlightenment.

It was discovered that this stele actually sensed the millions of singing in Wuyan City, resonating with millions of souls.

This accelerated the sinking of Da Ming...

Xiao Ran couldn't even detect Da Ming's will anymore.

If Daming continues to sink, and the dragon is allowed to merge with the underworld, Wuyan City will be in danger.

Although, for the giant dragon, after melting the body and soul of the Great Ming, Wuyan City has no use value, and it may fulfill its promise and let the people of Wuyan City survive.

But Xiao Ran can't rely on the enemy's benevolence and trustworthiness.

This woman is very treacherous, she might threaten Xiao Ran with three million lives for the stele.

Xiao Ran bent down, reached out and pressed the surface of the inscription, sensing the souls of millions of people in Wuyan City.

Firm and devout.

Holy and immaculate.

With the universe in mind.

There is nothing wrong with Chang Chungong himself.

What's wrong is that the first layer of Changchun Kungfu acquired by inhaling Mingwu, resonates and connects with Daming's soul through the stone tablet, and then strengthens the connection strength through the inscription, which seriously corrodes Daming's will.

Xiao Ran's idea is to temporarily wake up Daming, stimulate Daming's will and stomach with the power of resonance, and let him regain his sanity and spit out Wuyan City.

It's risky.

He may not be able to bear it by himself.

Wuyan City's millions of Changchun Kungfu practitioners may not be able to bear it, they need to grasp a certain degree, and there may be some casualties.

Xiao Ran also had no choice.

The master was already wilted, and he was leaning limply beside him with the empty jug in his hand.

His own spiritual power is also constantly being wasted.

There was no other way, Xiao Ran took out the Explosive Blood Pill that Senior Uncle Yinyue gave him.

Ling Zhouyue's limp body bounced up with a jerk, and took away Xiao Ran's Explosive Blood Pill.

Don't eat this, I will use the power of the tide to penetrate the dragon's body!

Xiao Ran shook his head and sighed.

Master's power needs to be saved to save the three million people in Wuyan City.

Ling Zhou raised her foot angrily, and kicked Xiao Ran's ass with a slap.

As a result, this foot was weak, and Xiao Ran turned around and grabbed her thigh, lifting her onto his back.

She was already exhausted, lying on li xuan's back, and even let go of the blood-explosive pill that was tightly clenched and fell to the ground, she was just dazed and weakly said:

I don't care about the three million people, I only want you...

Why does the atmosphere feel a little like life and death?

Xiao Ran was a little moved, coughed his hands dryly, turned his head to take advantage of the master's danger, touched the master's dog's head, and comforted:

I can't die.

How could Ling Zhouyue have the strength to resist.

Bastard... you dare to touch the master, go back and get ready to kneel on the washboard!

Xiao Ran picked up the dropped Explosive Blood Pill.

Let's go back first.

After all, he had a life-saving blood pack in his pocket, so Xiao Ran was fearless, without the slightest hesitation, and directly swallowed the Explosive Blood Pill.

When Baoxue Pill enters the stomach, it melts, and when it enters the blood, it boils.

In an instant, huge waves set off in the air sea, as if detonating a nuclear bomb.


A cloud of mushrooms rose up, heading straight for Danbi.

If it wasn't for the Jiaodan wall protection, the Dan wall would have been blown to pieces.

Xiao Ran's eyes froze.

The bloodshot eyes were densely covered, like blue veins bursting out.

Ling Zhouyue was in a daze, feeling that Xiao Ran's whole body was burning hot, as if lying on the magma, with a feeling that his face was about to be blasted at any moment.

Taking advantage of the power of the medicine, Xiao Ran pressed his hot and steaming palms on the surface of the stele.

With the soaring spiritual power to drive the soul resonance, forcibly connect Daming and millions of Changchun Gong practitioners.

Resisting the numbness of his scalp, he sent a thought to Da Ming——

Wake up, you are going to be swallowed by the dragon, these mortals are poisonous, spit them out...

After finishing speaking, my palm trembled.


A vast and surging soul ripple spread through the stele like an electric shock, reaching the souls of Da Ming and millions of city residents.

This shock.

Directly disconnect all soul connections!

No Yancheng.

Millions of Changchun Kungfu practitioners suddenly felt their brains buzz and their eyes went blank.

His body was like an electronic puppet that had been cut off, or like a corn field swept by a storm, and he collapsed to the ground.

After a while.

A mournful scream that seemed to pass through infinite time and space resounded through the realm of the underworld.

Under the stimulation of Xiao Ran's soul and stomach, Da Ming suddenly became sober.

Instinctively compressed the space in the stomach pouch, coughed and spit out Wuyancheng!

Wuyan City was spit out of Da Ming's mouth.

Because it was wrapped by the twisted outer wall of the underworld, it was extremely lubricated in the space, and it flew directly out of the dragon's mouth.

Because it is in a stable and independent stomach pouch space, Wuyan City is relatively stable, only the dark mist gradually dissipates...

Xiao Ran was in the dark wall space, with Ling Zhouyue on his back, and the world was spinning again.

As a result, Master turned from his back into his arms.

Xiao Ran still maintains extremely strong spiritual power, his spiritual consciousness penetrates the wall of darkness, he passes through the dark abyss covered with blood mist, and sees a huge dragon body, escaping into the blood mist!

The pitch-black dragon scales shone with strange textures.

Although the giant dragon was big, Xiao Ran measured it carefully, and the dragon's body was still much smaller than that of Wuyan City.

He guessed that after the giant dragon devoured the Great Underworld that devoured Wuyan City, it was stuck in the dragon's neck by the huge urban space, unable to swallow it for a while.

Now, Wuyancheng was spit out, and the dragon swallowed Daming directly into his stomach.

It can be seen that the pressure on the giant dragon is also great by swallowing the big ghost!

This may be the reason why Julong knew that the stele was in Xiao Ran's hands, but he didn't bother him anymore.

The soul was interrupted a little due to the disconnection of the inscription link, but the body of Da Ming was completely in control.

It can be said that the giant dragon has succeeded 80%!

The dragon's body moved away quickly, and with a flick of its tail, it quickly escaped into the vast blood mist, setting off a monstrous mist wave.

Wuyan city hangs in the abyss, drifting with the waves in the fog.

Surrounded by a thin wall of space, this is Da Ming's stomach acid mucus, which cannot last long in the abyss.

Fortunately, a wave of mist thrown out by the dragon's tail wrapped Wuyan City, slightly slowing down the speed at which the dark mist dissipated and the space wall melted.

This woman wants to return my favor?

Xiao Ran thought to himself.


The space wall relaxed, and Xiao Ran and Shizun floated in the air.

The outer wall is constantly being eroded by the darkness in the abyss, even if the dragon mist delays it for a moment, it will dissipate within a quarter of an hour.

At that time, it will be hell without Yancheng.

Xiao Ran hurriedly woke up Master.

Master, it's your turn!

Ling Zhouyue woke up in a daze, looked at the dark blood mist around her, and found that she was actually in the abyss, which reminded her of many battles in the past inexplicably.

What do you want me to do?

Xiao Ran already had a complete plan.

Now we are in the abyss, I will help you locate the imperial city in the world, and you will use the power of the tide to forcibly pull Wuyan City back to the world.

Ling Zhouyue glanced at him quietly.

I'm going to die.

Is it not possible...

Xiao Ran sighed, and then lay down, hanging in the air, to rest for a while.

In fact, Ling Zhouyue is not a big problem, she just deliberately tested Xiao Ran and said:

It's very easy if you just bring the two of us back, or you can bring as many people as you want in the city, it's also very easy, but there are three million people in the whole city, and this place is an abyss, so it's not too much to be a teacher. ...

Xiao Ran stood up cross-legged, he would not kidnap Master morally, he only said:

Well, whether it's good to help Master conceal the truth, or endure the scolding of the world, no matter what, I will stay with Master.


Ling Zhouyue shook her head, raised her head and took a sip of the wine, but the wine was gone long ago.

With stars and blood mist above his head, he sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, and let his long hair spread out.

The sword light flashed in his eyes, piercing the boundless darkness.


In the human world, around the imperial city.

The rain stopped.

In the night sky, five huge torches were lit again, illuminating the night.

The headquarters of the Dao League also detected the spiritual power fluctuations and spatial changes caused by the giant dragon, and the high-level officials of the Zhuming Mansion rushed to the Huofen Kingdom through the teleportation array in Dongfu City.

The huge pit in the imperial city.

Hundreds of people who were shocked by the sword energy gathered around the cave where the dragon disappeared.

There is only one huge pit here, filled with black mist.

Ouyang Cheng came out with Li Wuxie on his shoulders.

Turning around and looking at the disappearing Wuyan City and the three million people, his body was weak and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Huangfuqun was still standing at the bottom of the pit in a daze, recalling the past and not believing the facts in front of him.

Zongzhi Mountain has been silent for many years, and the hope of rising that he finally saw was shattered before his eyes...


The abyss door at the bottom of the pit was smashed open.

A solid ground pushed up.

Huangfu Qun was stunned, and had already appeared on the main street of Wuyan City.

There was a faint fog all around, and the streets were full of people who collapsed on the ground...

No Yancheng!

Everyone was shocked, and looked up at the night sky where the clear fog dissipated.

Holding Ling Zhouyue in his arms, Xiao Ran flew towards Zongzhi Mountain on a bamboo raft.

The swaying firelight illuminates the broad back...


The Netherworld chapter is over, many subscriptions have been dropped, and it is possible that everyone is dropping, heartbroken...

Is it too depressing to write the Nether Realm chapter?

I have to think about the plot later.

Write the outline in the afternoon.

Post a big chapter at zero o'clock.

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