Chapter 94 Who is this? It’s so brave!

The first response of Qi order was to put a weapon again.

“The event group is great, how do you always vote around me … What happened, my dad is a judge in the competition group?”

For a moment, Qi Xuming felt like whether he walked the back door by himself.

But soon, Qi Wu realized that it didn’t seem to be put in any weapon.

After all, it will be shiny, but it will be shiny.

It is only a bit of gloss, even …

Qi Xu glanced at the air, felt a murderous in the air, and ate half of the crabs hurriedly lost, and took the bow.


There was a cramped roar in front of it, and it seemed to be in the direction of yourself!

“It’s a monster!”

Qi Xu sank in his heart, and then he did not hesitate, shot a arrow!

I only heard a dull sound, and the order did not know that the arrow was not shot. I only heard a sound that seemed to be gold and iron, and seemed to be a flesh sound, but with a roar, it seemed that the arrow was angry. The other party.

At least a first -order monster!

And looking at this, it is not like an ordinary first -order monster, it is likely to be … second -order monsters!

How can it be a second -order monster?

Will the second -order monsters be placed every night. I am lucky tonight, so the monsters fell directly to myself?

Qi Xu feels a little headache. Fortunately, it is a second -order monster.

But since it is likely to be a second -order monster.

Qi Xu’s battle was upset, and he didn’t hesitate to find out one of the nine arrows. The screen was condensed, and he aimed in the direction of a roar in front of him, but he did not shot the first time.

Wait, the closer the better!

Qi Xu took the breath, the moonlight was thin tonight, and the night was dark. Although he couldn’t see the situation clearly, the intuition told Qi Xu that the monster was getting closer and closer to himself.

“Shasha …”

The sound of the leaves was swinging, and a sturdy wind was blowing towards the order.

I do n’t know if this is the cause of the monster and the beast, or when the wind is righteous, in any case, Qi’s hand is still very stable, holding the bowstring of the bow, opening the bow like a full moon, a feather arrow stared at him in his hands Essence

Although the order of the career can not be able to see the night as the day, but under the blessing of a variety of talents, the movement can be seen. The sound of the ears is getting heavier. After that, he did not hesitate, and went straight out of the slingshot. The arrow was like a meteor!

Suddenly, the arrow came out of the bow from the order of Qi. The light flickered, like a meteor, and brought up ripples, seemed to shatter the air, whistling towards the target, the speed was really appalling!

Bow open the full moon,

Arrow Huanyu!

The destroyed sound of destroyed and deadly sounded almost a piece. This arrow shot like a thousand arrows. For a moment, it shot through all plants along the way.


The sound of destroyed rotten, like a rock shot, a huge roar broke out.

Qi Xu couldn’t see the situation, I just felt that something was brought out by the arrow directly, nailed to a tree, and then the trees roared, collapsed directly, causing a burst of dust!

“hold head high!”

Qi Xu heard a roar again. Unlike the previously invasive sound, this roar seemed to have a little more painful struggle.

It’s hit!

When the order is exposed, when the order is upright, when I plan to go to Mercedes -Benz to collect loot, I suddenly feel that the hair is stood up, and a strong sense of crisis is rising!

Qi Xu’s heart was shocked again, and then, Qi Xu saw that a stone rushed towards himself in the dust of the dust. The speed was extremely fast, which surprised Qi Xu’s heart. Intersection

“hold head high!”

With a lion, Qi Xiu held the knife and was directly poured to the ground by this stone, but the war blade in his hand against the teeth of this ‘stone’. Yong!

Second -order monster, rock lion!

The quantity is extremely rare. The monsters in the west walked in Gobi all year round. The whole body is as hard as stones. It often likes to disguise as stones and wait for the prey to come to the door.

There have been records in the historical book. When the westward traveled to the border defense market in the west, many teams that had never seen rock lion suffered their poisonous hands!

Some rock lion leaders can even reach the point of third -order monsters.

However, the number is extremely scarce. Most of the rock lions are second -order. Therefore, when the level is ruled, the rock lion is ruled at the second order.

Thinking is constantly surging, and in the minds, I constantly search for information about rock lion.

Qi Xuan is very clear that this rock lion is not a second -order monster with strength.

“Tick …”

There are continuous liquid flowing out of the rock lion’s body, all over the whole body, this bloody smell makes Qi Xu feel cold.

Qi Xu can feel that the rock lion seems to be hurt very seriously. His two arrows are all in the whole, the first one is okay, the second one is terrible!

Qi preface can also obviously feel that the opponent’s strength is declining step by step … But even if this is the case, fortunately, it is also a time to take out the outbreak to take the move.

Even if it used out the outbreak, it was poured to the ground, and it would be difficult to imagine what would happen if it did not exert an outbreak.

Are there really people around him? If you are really pushed, can you rescue it in time?

Qi Xu murmured in his heart, but he didn’t hesitate.

There is no chance, you can let yourself kill the second -order monster alone!

Must be shot!

At this point, Qi Xu did not hesitate, and the outbreak of the outbreak of three floors in a row. Originally, he had resisted the battle blade of the rock lion, and stepped up this rock lion step by step!

“piss off!”

Qi Xu gritted his teeth, and he tried his best to lift the rock lion, and then he drank angrily, and immediately cut off his knife. He only heard the “锵” sound. Among them, I couldn’t pull it out for a while!


The painful roar of the lion and lion, after being overturned by the giant force of Qi, did not move forward for a while, but turned around, and began to go in the direction of the coming.

Qi Xu looked at the past with the help of Moonlight, but saw that the lion’s neck had its own war blade to cut in, and an arrow was inserted in the abdomen and waist, and there was also an arrow on the left front limbs.

“Do you want to run, do you want to run?”

Qi Xu is now on a stomach. Seeing that the other party wanted to run, he was relieved and a little annoyed. Then he lifted the bow without hesitation.

The order is not only to eat its meat, nor is it for points.

It’s for …

Both arrows and his short knife are on him!

I have never heard of the killing of the monster, but I did not expect that my equipment was exploded by this rock lion!

It is unbearable, let it take these two arrows and a knife away, and only eight rune arrows are left!

Can this be available? Intersection

Qi Xu’s heart was very exciting, and his long bow was gloomy and hesitated. He didn’t hesitate. He directly put on a rune arrow, chased all the way, and was ready to find when to shoot. Lao Tzu comes! ”

The sound is stunned, deterning the surrounding areas!

Qi Xu is very angry. Tomorrow’s breakfast must be this rock lion!


Wu Ruqing leaned carefully on the tree, while adjusting the true gas, waiting for dawn, and meeting with teammates not far away.

Although she didn’t know who teammates were, they were either in order or Luo Qiuzhen.

There is no reason for him. It can still be scrambled in the evening. It is always impossible for Shen Zhibai?

However, both the order or Luo Qiuzhen is very powerful.


The team is currently ranked fourth, and her contribution to the team is not high, but she has made every effort to kill a bright moon rabbit.

Among the first -order monsters, the strength of Jiaoyue Rabbit is extremely weak. It belongs to the weak in the first -order monster and belongs to the best first monster.

The team ranking can be fourth, obviously the credit of Qi Xu and Luo Qiuyu, and Wu Ruqing can only sigh.

She has always studied how to fight with people. He here is hunting the monsters, but she is busy, but she doesn’t know how to fight.

It’s not as good as the training in weekdays.

“Rock lion, come to life!”

Suddenly, Wu Ruqing sounded a thunder -like sound.

The sound of thunderous sounds was echoed in this sound, just like thunder. In this silent forest, it seemed to be a clear thunderbolt, and it instantly hit the surroundings.

“This sound is … Qi Preface?”

Wu Ruqing couldn’t believe it.

She naturally understands what the “rock lion” in Qi Xukou is a monster, and she is one of the time.

That’s the second -order monster!

Qi preface, is the order of Qi preface hit the second -order monster?

At this point, Wu Ruqing did not hesitate, jumped down from the tree, holding a long iron gun, raised his wrist, and saw that there was a little red dot on the surroundings. Essence

Teammates have difficulty, can’t always sell teammates?

Can help, you can’t help but sell it again.

Wu Ruqing took a deep breath and followed quickly.

Step on the leaves and make a rustling sound.

Not only Wu Ruqing, many of the surrounding contestants heard this sound of thunder.

“Who is shouting?”

“Is he shouted by the rock lion? Is that the second -order monster, my God! Is it the‘ child invincible ’of the magic capital, or the Cao Yaohua of Nandu?”

“Are you stupid? This is clearly a man, how could it be” children’s invincible “? In addition to Cao Yaohua, it may also be Mai Zhongning and Feng Zhao! Or other masters!”

“We are still a little farther, so as not to look for the death of the person, be eliminated by the rock lion, and the rock lion and the beasts are going to do us.”

“Sneak, see if there is a chance to grab the head, or pick up cheap 1”


Many three -three teams have dispersed, and many people have ghosts, intending to follow the sound to see how the rock lion is.

If the rock lion is beheaded, then they are going to wait for the opportunity to attack the person who kills the lion and get half of the points.

If that person is defeated by the rock lion, he is looking at the state of the rock lion.

If the morale is like a rainbow … then if you have n’t been here, you will be a waste of time.

This time is also worth it.

After all, it is a second -order monster.

Kill one end, the points can be directly 2500 points!

Basically lock the top ten!

Even if it is half a sneak attack, there are 1250 points. In addition, the murderer’s original points can be regarded as a loss of sale!

Battle, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

There are not a few people with such ideas.

The same sound was heard, and there were other three.

Magic Capital Team.

The bonfire is influential, and sheep with a level of monster -level monsters in the same level are being roasted by the bonfire, and there are three people around the bonfire.

The two men and a woman are distinguished according to their sitting position, and the girl is led by the girl.

“Rock lion, come to life!”

The stunning roar of Qi preface was faintly in the distance. The girl suddenly stood up, staring at the direction of Qi Xu, widened her eyes, and her face was surprised: “Who is this general, so brave? In the case of the blade, you can chase the lion and the lion! ”

The girl grew her hair shawl with a braid and a black martial arts dress clean and neat, but it was strange that she was still wearing a white high socks, a pair of purple gold hammers, and her chest undulating, but there was some turbulent waves.

A man with a thin hair on the side also stood up and laughed at the girl: “How do we want to get a vote?”

“Go and see who is the Titans.”

As soon as the girl dumped her braids, she was simply stubborn and said directly: “My child is invincible and invincible, and he has never seen such a powerful player! Lao Mai, Lao Zhang, walk away, let’s make it.”

Lao Mai is Mai Zhongning, who is a team of Magic Capital, and Lao Zhang also comes from the Demon Capital team, named Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun was a boy who looked a little dark. He heard Tong Chengjun’s words, and immediately stood up silently and said, “He” scored the rock lion with him, or take him down with him and the lion. ? ”

“Look at your words, can you be a little master?”

Tong Chengjun glanced at his eyes, and then said, “This is hunting. Let’s go sneaky. What are the heroes?

“In a few days, with the righteous Shangfeng’s sword with this person, a decision!”

After that, Tong Chengjun raised his long and white neck, and his eyes were full of eagerness, and then laughed: “Hurry up and go, you can’t keep up!”

After that, Tong Chengjun directly mentioned a pair of purple gold hammers and stroked in the direction of Qi.

Seeing this, Mai Zhongning and Zhang found this, and could only look at it, and followed them helplessly.

Who asked Tong Chengjun to be the champion of the magic capital, the captain of their team?

Originally planned to find Han Yong, let the four of them gathered to keep the team first, and strive to win the top five individuals.

As a result, when I encountered such a thing halfway, my captain was a secondary temperament that was escaped. What can I do?

I can only obey.

I just hope that the wave of the Nandu team is also watching the excitement.

(This chapter is finished)

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