My Choices Became Real

Chapter 181: Poetry is seriously ill

After this round, Li An was completely wiped out.

Although he is bothered, which man is not bothered?

He just made a mistake that all men make.

Although he knows no repentance...

Li An was also taken aback for a while, the changes on the Internet were too fast, he was ready to be hacked, and then... it was over?

He watched his copywriting on Weibo and got goosebumps. He just felt embarrassed. Is this me?

In the end, did I carry the burden of being an idol again?

Su Ye and Tang Ying didn't feel embarrassed at all, but read with great relish.

After watching for a while, he found that Liu Shishi's name was also on the hot search list, so Li An asked, "Can you suppress Liu Shishi's popularity?"

Forget it myself, maybe this time it will bring some troubles to Liu Shishi's life, right?

The two of them are bound together now, Li An already wants to meet, and certain media who want to earn enough attention may interview Liu Shishi and ask her if she will forgive Li An and be with Li An , reckoning that he cares more about his performance than himself, after all, this is traffic, because many people on the Internet care about this.

Isn't this noisy?

Originally, Liu Shishi was blocked in her heart, so she probably became even more bored after such a development. Maybe her heart was moved at first, but she was beaten back by such a question.

Whatever she wanted, Liu Shishi took the initiative to send a message.

Love Poetry: Is Your Crisis Over?

Li An stroked his chin, and then made a voice call.

In the small room on the second floor of the Atrium Yayuan, Liu Shishi looked at the lit screen with a complicated expression. She looked up at the tops of the camphor tree outside, and finally answered the phone.

"Hi." She tried to keep her voice as calm as possible.

"Thank you for still caring about me." Li An's voice came from the receiver, seeming very happy.

Liu Shishi pursed her lips, and said after a while: "It's just out of concern for my classmates."

Li An hummed, and then said: "I'm sorry to bring you into this, but don't worry, I will let the company try to suppress your enthusiasm for these two days, and you should try not to go out except for class."

"If, if someone asks you." Li An's voice seemed to be choked up, and it sounded a bit bitter: "Just tell the truth, so that they won't be interested anymore."

Liu Shishi's heart felt sore for a while, and her light white fingers holding the phone trembled slightly: "I've already asked for leave and I'm going home."

"That's good, that's good!"

"I'm only winning in public opinion now, and the next step is the main event, so I should be busy next time. You don't have to worry, it will pass."

Liu Shishi gave a shallow "hmm".

The two remained silent for a while, and after a long time, Li An continued to speak. On the phone, he seemed to sigh lightly, and then said: "Then, the road is far away, I wish you all the best."

A line of tears flowed down, Liu Shishi couldn't help covering her mouth, tried her best to say "Oh" calmly, hung up the phone, then lay on her arm, crying bitterly, looking a little embarrassed.

And outside the wooden door of the room, Father Liu and Mother Liu were carefully lying on the door.

"Okay, Shishi is crying again, next time I see him, I must beat that brat to death!" Liu Ze gritted his teeth angrily, holding his daughter in his hands for fear of falling, holding his daughter in his mouth for fear of melting, In the end, he was bullied by the brats outside!

I still like you! Still like them!

Mother Liu patted her husband on the back silently.

"It's you who supported her in finding a partner. I said at the time that you shouldn't fall in love in college!" Liu Ze lowered his voice and said angrily.

Huang Caiqin frowned, gave him a sideways glance, withdrew her hands and said with a straight face: "Are you blaming me?"

Liu Ze pursed his lips and said, "No, I'm talking about that brat Li An."

Huang Caiqin ignored Liu Ze whose family status was worrying, slowly opened the door, walked in, and then closed the door.

She walked to Liu Shishi's side lightly, and patted her on the back comfortingly: "Cry, it will be better if you cry."

Liu Shishi raised her head, looked at her mother with blurred eyes, then hugged her waist, and burst into tears.

After a while, probably because she was tired from crying, or maybe she was almost venting her emotions, Liu Shishi changed from crying bitterly to choking, Huang Caiqin stroked her head, and said slowly: "It's okay, it's love, It’s not going to be smooth sailing, just get over it, and in two years, when you look back, it might be a good experience.”

Huang Caiqin was also helpless in her heart. Li An, this boy, apart from being playful, has nothing else to say. Now that her daughter is so sad, she felt responsible for supporting her at the time.

Liu Shishi buried her face, and said sobbingly: "He, why, why did he want to cheat."

Huang Caiqin said: "At the earliest time, I thought he was just a man with a high literary quality, but I didn't expect him to be an entrepreneur. Shishi, I have to say that such a person is really not suitable for you, not that men have The money will go bad, but the position he is in is destined to be tempted a lot."

"And men can't stand the temptation. The simple love you want is destined to be impossible for him."

Liu Shishi continued to sob and said: "But, but he said he likes Huang Caiqin sighed helplessly: "Silly boy, my family's Shishi is so good, which boy doesn't like it? "

"No, it's different!" Liu Shishi murmured, trying to argue.

Huang Caiqin couldn't help sighing again, feeling distressed and annoyed at the same time, it seemed that Shishi had real feelings for him, and she still couldn't forget it.

"Then what do you think?" Huang Caiqin sat down and asked patiently, "Tell me about it?"

Liu Shishi wiped the tears on her face with a paper towel, and felt a little dry, so she drank half a glass of water before shaking her head: "I don't know either."

Hearing this answer, Huang Caiqin's heart tightened suddenly, oh my god, it seems that Shishi in my family is seriously ill!

Under normal circumstances, whenever a decision is made, and in this kind of anger, her answer must be "I broke up with him", "I will never talk to this scumbag again", "let him die", and so on. "Don't know?"

Huang Caiqin recalled yesterday's live broadcast. Li An said that he liked it under the state of being watched by everyone. For girls, this is indeed a kind of romance that cannot be rejected, and girls are emotional animals...

However, he still has the second half of the sentence! Didn't you hear?

My choice has come true! https://

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