My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 960: look forward to

The gathering of Luo Zheng's group broke up unhappily, but as the center of the topic, Shen Xin was very busy.

Even if he already knows that "" before the crossing, its average sales volume is second only to "The Pirate", but after the crossing, he still has to pay a little attention to the results of "", especially the 11th district.

Asai is a native of District 11 and is very familiar with the major forums in District 11.

She knows that Shen Xin is very concerned about the ranking of "Young Leap", so sometimes when eating together, she will also talk about the results of "".

Shen Xin deliberately asked two aunts to cook lunch and dinner for the people in the studio. Lu Ning also sat at the dining table, listening to Asai Hui’s not-so-standard Chinese language, or the reader’s feedback, she felt it in her heart. Was shocked.

"Readers have a high evaluation of the latest story, especially Hua Dao and Liu Chuanfeng defend the fairy road, which is exactly the same as the real game, instead of using super powers to solve the game like other comics. More importantly, there is confrontation in the basketball comics, readers We all agree with the plot of this story."

Shen Xin took a mouthful of rice and nodded slightly, "How is the heat?"

"The popularity has also increased. In major forums, the discussion posts of "" are already very common, and some people even begin to analyze the storyboard of ""." Asai nodded repeatedly.

"Is there anything to analyze?" Shen Xin said afterwards.

"You can't say that." Asai retorted, "Other comics in "Shonen Leap" are also realistic, but the results are not as good as those that use "superpowers". The plot of "" is so attractive, whether it is a professional cartoonist, I’m an experienced reader, I’m sure I’m curious about how you did it. Moreover, Uematsuno-sensei also praised your storytelling and tweeted to praise it."

"is it?"

Uematsuno praised his storytelling, which surprised him.

As the main opponent in "Young Leap", Shen Xin pays more attention to "The Gate of Eternal Life" than other comics, and even Shen Xin spends half an hour to ponder every word.

The current "Gate of Eternal Life" has not yet ushered in a hot spot, but according to his speculation, it should not be far off.

The two comics are destined to have a confrontation.

The average volume sold is 2.9 million copies, which proves that the popularity of this comic in District 11 far exceeds that of other comics.

If Shen Xin is under pressure, it is basically impossible.

Although "The Gate of Eternal Life" is a **** fighting manga, Uematsuno's fighting storytelling is not satisfactory, but compared with "The Wasteland Hunter", these storyboards are at a disadvantage, and the dynamic storyboard of "" is better than "The Gate of Eternal Life" , Change is also reasonable.

But this is not to say that the storyboard of "The Gate of Eternal Life" is not good enough. Uematsuno's painting skills are excellent, and the exquisiteness of the picture is better than other comics, especially the spreads and the big story, plus its unique structure frame , The serialized more than 60 volumes of the still relatively clear power system, and the extremely smooth, buried many foreshadowing stories, so that this comic has the strongest popularity in the 11th district.

What's more rare is that the animation of "The Gate of Eternal Life" is very well-made, which makes up for the weaknesses of the comics during the combat. This also adds a lot of points to "The Gate of Eternal Life".

The quality of an animation will affect the comics to varying degrees.

Shen Xin remembered that "Black Five Leaf Clover" was criticized by readers because of the poor quality of the animation. On the contrary, the animation for "My Hero Academia" was produced by Bones Club, which also attracted a lot of popularity for the comics.

Before crossing, the Bone Club also succeeded in getting another comic to be accepted by more people, and that comic was "Steel Refining". After the release of "Steel Refining 03" that year, the first edition of "Steel Refining" increased from a hundred thousand copies to more than one million copies.

It would be great if "" could have a similar production company.

"By the way, teacher, "" has almost finished 50 words, should I also make an animation?" Lu Ning asked curiously.

Taking into account the animation production cycle, about 50 words, it is actually possible to talk about cooperation.

"I haven't talked about it yet?" Xi Muhan glanced at Shen Xin.

If there is news, she cannot be ignorant.

"If there is no accident, maybe you have to wait?" Asai interrupted, "It depends on the idea of ​​"Shoun Leap". If it thinks "" has the potential to become a mainstay comic, it does not rule out the possibility of making hundreds of episodes of animation at once. ."

"It would be great if so." Shen Xin smiled.

As the "organizing committee" model is accepted by more companies, the 13-episode model in a season has become more common, except that it is half a year.

The production company will be under pressure when producing anime, even hundreds of episodes of animation at a time, especially in terms of financial resources.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

Before he crossed, the animation was basically Jifan, supplemented by Half-Year Fan, but there will also be an animation like "Black Five Leaf Clover" that is much longer than Nian Fan.

"Once there is a chance, the momentum of "" is very good. However, Mr. Shen, the original "Young Exorcist" by the two teachers of Yamagishi will be serialized. By then, "Young Leap" is expected to be more chaotic." Asai reminded.

"Young Exorcist"?

Shen Xin smiled bitterly in his heart. The difficulty of "Clearance" in "Young Leap" is more difficult than he thought.

"The only good has also entered a good state." Yan Fei smiled, dispelling the depressed atmosphere.

Gao Hang's spirit tightened and looked around.

"" entering a better place also means that they have to be more careful.

Whether in Huaxia or District 11, as long as the readers of "", they are all waiting for the serialization of Chapter 44.

At the end of the last sentence, Hua Dao and Liu Chuanfeng joined forces to defend the Immortal Dao, which left readers wondering whether Immortal Dao was better, or Hua Dao and Liu Chuanfeng were better defensively.

"As the trump card of the Lingnan team, the strength should not be underestimated, and led the Lingnan team to the top four in the province. Therefore, whether it is experience or strength, Xiandao has the upper hand!"

"That's not necessarily. Liu Chuanfeng is also very powerful. Whether he is tall or strong, he can match up with Immortal Dao. What's more, there is a flower path next to him. Although his level is limited, his athletic talent still makes him hug him. There are expectations."

"Obviously it's just a cartoon, the atmosphere is even more tense than the real game, a little bit unbearable."

"This is strength! It's hard to imagine that before "", Teacher Shen hadn't drawn sports cartoons."

""The Soul of Chess"!"

"That doesn't count. Although the storyboard of "Gossuki" is also very good, I always feel that there are some cartoonists in the 11th district who can draw that kind of storyboard, but "" is different. There are many points in this game. The mirrors are all brilliant. It's really ahead of other basketball comics."

"It seems to read the next sentence, less than 2 minutes..."

"Don't worry, wait. The next words will come soon."


Readers' expectation for the next sentence made them suffer.

Fortunately, time will always pass, and a new issue of the magazine will always arrive.

Readers waited with difficulty until Monday, when the 12th issue of the magazine was released, the 44th episode "Santa" was serialized.

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