My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 897: meeting

At the end of March, the second episode of "The Devil's Family Education" was serialized. Qingyue took the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with Snow. The video was uploaded to Weibo, and popot, which once again set off a lot of enthusiasm.

During the interview, the host also asked Snow a question, why he chose to enter the comics circle.

"Try. One has to leave the comfort zone if one wants to improve. So, I am also trying to be a better version of myself."

Snow's answer made many people's eyes bright.

You can change yourself only by stepping out of your comfort zone. It's simple to say, but many people can't do it-you can make money lying down, why do you still have to walk?

But if you don’t get out of your comfort zone, once the environment changes, many people may simply have no jobs.

Many people should have heard the story of boiling frogs in warm water.

However, some people also asked why it was Snow, not Shi Qun, who was interviewed. After all, he was the original work of "The Demon King's Family Education".

Reading this choice, in fact, has its own difficulties. "ComicFuture" and Shi Qun have reached a deadlock in their negotiations. If you are doing publicity for Shi Qun at this time, it is equivalent to disguising Shi Qun's popularity and increasing his worth.

In Yishu culture, all platforms have to make way for "ComicFuture". In fact, it is not difficult to understand, who makes "ComicFuture" the backbone of Yishu culture?

Light reading wants to wrestle with "ComicFuture", at least more than

Obviously, Qingyue does not have this strength yet.

As for the negotiations between "ComicFuture" and Shi Qun, the problem did not lie with Shi Qun, but Yu Chen, after learning that Shi Qun had a good relationship with Fan Yinmo (masker), wanted to dig him up too-digging has always been In the tradition of "ComicFuture", they have not only dug one person.

The problem is that Fan Yinmo is the winner of the Golden Brush Award, and has spent a lot of money on him. Therefore, the two parties also signed a five-year contract, otherwise he would not be able to take away the huge sum of 3 million.

Now there are two years left, and even if he leaves immediately, he cannot be serialized in "ComicFuture".

What's more, even if it is forced to dig, a large amount of liquidated damages is definitely indispensable.

In Yu Chen's view, Fan Yinmo is the most suitable candidate. First of all, he is young, which shows that he has great potential to be tapped in the future.

If he can grow into the next Shen Xin in the future, he can at least guarantee the sales of "ComicFuture" in the next 10 years.

But his contract is indeed a problem. In particular, Fan Yinmo took away the 3 million bonus from If foolishly lets go of Yu Chen, then its decision-making level is the silly big head?

Fan Yinmo refused to breach the contract, and Yu Chen didn't want to pay too much liquidated damages, so the matter was temporarily shelved.

The best solution at the moment is to find a new cartoonist and partner with Shi Qun, but for a while, there is no suitable candidate.

So, at the serial meeting, Yu Chen brought up the matter again.

"Teacher Shi Qun gave two choices. One is that Shi Qun recommends a newcomer author. This person should be their classmate, and the painter is guaranteed; second, we will find a cartoonist." Wu Xiaoli looked at The notepad stated Shi Qun's thoughts.

" it appropriate?"

Yu Chen hesitated. Of course, he would be very happy if there were high-level newcomers, but in fact, it is really difficult to find a capable newcomer. Especially in the Internet age, "ComicFuture" is not the only one. A platform that makes creators heartwarming, there is a serious loss of newcomer cartoonists.

He hasn't seen him for a long time, and he has been a new comic artist.

"Ms. Shi Qun said that Ms. Masker will take time to give guidance-they live together now."

Yu Chen rubbed his chin and looked at Wu Xiaoli: "Give them two weeks and let them try it. If it can be confirmed, if it doesn't work, I will come to the cartoonist."

"Yes." Wu Xiaoli nodded.

"Also, how is "The Devil's Family Education" now?" Yu Chen asked again.

Wu Xiaoli lowered her head to take notes, and said, "I don't know."


Yu Chen scratched her eyebrows with her little finger. Wu Xiaoli is not an editor who reads lightly, and indeed she shouldn't know the situation of "The Devil's Family Education".

"The performance of "Magic World" is showing a trend of improvement, and the latest ranking has reached seventh place. Xu Jie, what is the situation of Teacher Xifeng now?"

"There's nothing wrong, my heart is open, and I'll go smoothly." Yu Chen chuckled lightly.

"Heart knot?" Yu Chen was a little surprised.

"Ms. Lu Ning painted for "The Gate of Destiny Stones", and "The Daily Life of a Small World" could only invite the cartoonist of "Young Future". He couldn't solve this knot in his heart. When creating "Magic World", he always Thinking about this, I got distracted."

"How did you let him untie the knot?"

"Hey, I didn't do anything, just let him watch "Stones of Destiny" again. Actually, I always recommend him to watch this one, but he never watched it. Seeing that the ranking of the little book "Magic World" continues Mr. Han Ye was also very dissatisfied with the decline. Some time ago, I became angry in front of him, and he bit the bullet and looked down. The result was suddenly fascinated. Now he is still telling me that when the booklet goes on sale, he must Tell him." Xu Jie said weakly.

When he saw Xifeng the other day, Xifeng complained to him, why did he recommend it so late?

God tm recommended it late, he recommended it a long time ago. If Xifeng doesn't watch it, who is the blame?

Xu Jie was also very depressed.

"Stone of Destiny, is it really that good?" Yu Chen was a little confused, after all, he hadn't seen it.

However, Zeng Yue and Kong Xian called it a "sacred work", and Xifeng was so fascinated by it, which shows that it does have its own uniqueness.

""Stone of Destiny" do you say In terms of quality, it is the top three works on "ComicFuture", but it may be cut in the middle." Wu Xiaoli interjected.

"Why?" Yu Chen puzzled.

"The story in the front is to pave the way for the back, and it reads very plain. In the magazine, it is estimated that if you can't hold the most exciting story, you will be forced to cut it." Wu Xiaoli's signature pen in her hand draws circles on the paper.

"Have you seen it?" Yu Chen was a little surprised.

"Yes, Sister Yan recommended to me. The quality is very high." Wu Xiaoli narrowed her eyes and smiled.


"The Demon King's Family Education" is also Shi Qun's work. You don't watch it, but you watch "The Gate of Destiny Stone"... Don't play cards according to the routine.

Is it really so good?

Yu Chen wrote down the name of the movie, looked up and asked, "There will also be comics in "The Gate of Destiny Stones", right?"

"Yes, it should be just these few days. I want to see what effect Mr. Lu can draw." Wu Xiaoli explained.

This is the first time that Yan Fei has acted as a cartoonist's personal editor after jumping out of the magazine. Wu Xiaoli is looking forward to the quality of the comics.

"What about Teacher Han Ye? What does he mean now? Does he want the new work to be serialized in "ComicFuture"?" Yu Chen asked Xu Jie again.

"If "Magic World" can make the top five, he will let the new work be serialized lightly. From the current point of view, the possibility that the new work is serialized lightly is very high."


Yu Chen picked up his pen and wrote "The Demon King's Family Education", "The Gate of Destiny Stone" and "Han Ye" on his notepad. After hesitating for a while, he added "The Daily Life of a Small World".

For some time to come, Light Reading is about to take off, and "ComicFuture" needs to prepare quickly.

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