My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 752: Gaps and weaknesses

After officially going to work after the year, the editorial department of "ComicFuture" has been busy.

The fifth issue of the magazine released a year ago sold 4.206 million copies. Before that, "ComicFuture" had not reached this sales volume for a year.

In the subsequent seventh issue, the magazine increased to 4.42 million copies, and the sixth issue in the middle had only 4.092 million copies.

"ComicFuture" can maintain more than 4 million copies, certainly a batch of high-quality comics is indispensable, but the influence of "DN" on "ComicFuture" is also clearly expressed through the sales of these three issues.

After the small book came down, it was nearly 100 votes higher than the second place "Demon Dao", and it also crushed other comics in the magazine.

Yu Chen's face finally showed a long-lost smile, and he had confidence when talking to the sales department.

Although "DN" was only serialized up to Chapter 33, he told Yan Fei early to prepare her to calibrate the dialogue from Chapter 26 to Chapter 34, and don't delay printing the volume 4 pamphlet.

Jian Xiao's eyebrows were a little sour. After get off work, he immediately took a taxi to Ye Hexu's studio.

Just opened the door of the studio, Jian Xiaomei saw the paintings all over the floor.

Needless to say, it must be drying the ink on the artwork.

At the end of winter and early spring, the sun is not too strong, and it is nothing to directly face the window. I am afraid that when the temperature is high, let the sun shine on the paper. If the ink quality is not good, it may fade.

Jian Xiaomei will take a look at the drawing and find that the ink on it has dried up, so he will tidy up the drawing in order.

Recently, the plot of "Demon Way" is also very good. Based on her experience, the quality of "Demon Way" is much higher than that of "Hunting Abyss".

In fact, if it hadn't been for "Demon Dao" chasing behind, the ranking of the little book would have long been unable to look directly at it.


Thinking of "DN", Jian Xiaomei's heart will be sour.

She didn't have any opinion on "DN", on the contrary, the recent big reversal of "DN" completely "conquered" her, and she also became a loyal reader of "DN" without knowing it.

Therefore, rather than extreme, it is more envy.

Compared with "DN", "Demon Dao" has certain deficiencies in both the structure of the story and the arrangement of the plot.

Jian Xiaomei knows this, but she still hopes that "The Demon Road" will not be left too much.


Perhaps "Demon Dao" is not without a chance to surpass "DN", just like before.

Ye Hexu should have the same idea, right?

Otherwise, Yelaoshr would not come up with a bunch of painted names when she came to the studio for the first time after the year.

"This small book is the second." Jian Xiaomei explained.

"I know. The quality of this story in "DN" is very high. After so long, it has been a turning point in this story. As a reader, I also look very enjoyable." Ye Hexu smiled, "To be honest. Now it’s hard to have comics that can surpass "DN"."

"So sure?"

"Of course." Ye Hexu put down his pen, leaned back, leaned back in his chair, and glanced at Jian Xiaomei, "This comic can attract authors like me, and it's harder for ordinary readers to resist its charm."

"Although this is the second cartoon that Mr. Shen has drawn in succession, the structure of the story is very complete, and the reversal is even more impressive. The name alone is already surprising, and more importantly, It lies in the painting skills of Teacher Shen."

"Painting skills?" Jian Xiaomei was taken aback.

For a manga, painting skills are often placed behind, so Jian Xiaomei never expected that Ye Hexu would mention painting skills.

"That's right." Ye Hexu was lying on the table, searching through a pile of waste paper, and finally found a drawing. At the same time, he opened "ComicFuture" and turned to one of the pages. "This is what I have seen. After talking about the "DN", compare the one-page drawing, do you find any problems?"

What Ye Hexu imitated is the last page of the 33rd chapter. Since one of them requires three-point perspective, the difficulty of drawing is not that small.

However, for top cartoonists like Ye Hexu, drawing such a composition is not difficult. just……

"It looks a little weird." Jian Xiaomei stared at Ye Hexu's drawing, and suddenly realized, "I know, it should be because I am used to "DN" written by Teacher Shen."

When readers get used to the style of a cartoonist, it is difficult for readers to accept the style of another cartoonist in a short period of time.

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Hexu looked helpless, "I'm not going to say this, it's painting skills, okay?"

After Ye Hexu emphasized again, Jian Xiaomei once again set his sights on the screen.

If you insist on saying the difference between the two pictures...

Because it is an imitation, the composition is the same, and the shot is the same. Then...

"Lines? No, it should be said that from the lines, to the treatment of light and shadow, to the control of proportions, uh... there are also expressions of expression, especially the expression of Sulco, there is a gap."

At first, Jian Xiaomei just thought that the reason she felt uncomfortable was because she was familiar with Shen Xin's painting style. Now it seems that it is not that simple. It should be that after seeing Shen Xin's painting style, she suddenly saw Ye Hexu. The painted moon and sulfur are inconsistent in details.

Just looking at the manuscripts of Ye Hexu's paintings, it is not a big problem, but after the comparison, the gap appears.

"Yes." Ye Hexu sighed, "Although I am very upset, but I can't do much. Mr. Shen's painting skills are basically "ComicFuture"...No, among the domestic cartoonists, it is the best. If If I am not used to this kind of drawing, I can’t hold my energy, and if I guess it’s right, the drawing time for a single page of "DN" should be much longer than "Y's".

"For general comics, painting skills are not the most important thing, but when painting skills reach a very high level, you can't ignore it."

"Then what to do?" Jian Xiaomei was a little nervous, afraid that Ye Hexu would be soft. "Aren't you afraid?"

"How is it possible? In fact even if it is "DN", there will be weaknesses." Ye Hexu said here, he also has spirit.

Jian Xiaomei looked puzzled.

"The next plot will definitely slow down, and there won't be too much climax in a short time." Ye Hexu stretched his muscles and bones.

"Sure?" Jian Xiao asked with surprise.

"OK. Now, L has caught the sea sand. If I'm not wrong, the next big high tide. Either L will die or the sea sand... No, the probability of L's death is very high. Once, L will die in a short time. Death within, then, this reversal is meaningless. So, there may be small ups and downs in the next plot, but the truly wonderful place should be related to L’s destiny. Before that, I still have a chance. "Ye Hexu said with a smile.

"Huh..." Jian Xiaomei's face eased, "You don't scare me upset, do you?"

"No, I really didn't scare you. Even if the plot calms down, Teacher Shen's painting skills will not change, but the pressure... is still great." Ye Hexu sighed, the smile on his face disappeared.

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