My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 671: Not in the same circle

"That's the way it is. The magazine's plan is to start serializing the short story of "DN" after the completion of "Steel Refining". Is there enough time?" Yan Fei asked.

"It should be possible. When Zhang Ziyue and the others come back, it should be done in two weeks." Shen Xin listened to Yan Fei's words and redrawn the line draft of "Y's".

The assistants have not returned yet, and Shen Xin can only redraw the manuscript of the last chapter of "Y’s" first, and try it out by the way.

"Anyway, Mr. Yu's intention should not be difficult to guess. He wants to stir up the topic of ‘confrontation’ between you and Teacher Ye and draw the reader’s attention to these two comics." Yan Fei said her understanding.

Yu Chen asked Shen Xin and Ye Hexu to serialize before and after. In a sense, he borrowed Shen Xin's popularity to lift Ye Hexu, and at the same time try to get rid of Shen Xin's influence on "ComicFuture".

Shen Xin stopped writing, obviously a little surprised, and then shook his head again.

"No... if the magazine really has such an idea, I would be disappointed." Shen Xin said simply, "If you just let me serialize with him, there should be no problem. But if the magazine deliberately builds momentum, yes. Teacher Ye is not very helpful."

"Why?" Yan Fei asked puzzled.

"Because... we are not in the same circle anymore." Shen Xin's voice was very soft, and the pressure-sensitive pen in his hand outlined a rounded arc.

Not in the same circle? why? Are they all cartoonists?

Yan Fei heard this statement for the first time, and did not react for a while.


"You and Teacher Shen are both cartoonists, why can't you compare them together?" After Jian Xiaomei told Ye Hexu of the magazine's decision, Ye Hexu shook his head repeatedly.

"It's very simple." Ye Hexu took out a page of white paper and drew a circle with "CF" written in it. "If this white paper represents the comics industry, I can only serialize it on "ComicFuture". For the same reason, When other cartoonists publish serially in other magazines, "ComicFuture" will not accept their submissions. Therefore, I and other cartoonists are the same kind of people. But Teacher Shen is different..."

Ye Hexu put slashes on the entire piece of white paper.

"Have you seen it? He has jumped out of the circle now. Whether it's "ComicFuture", "MangaFly", or, he can serialize on any two magazines or platforms. I am now different from his starting point, no Ways to compare.

"I don’t know if you have noticed that the recent update of "Y's" has been significantly faster. There are two to three episodes of content updates every week. On the reward list, "Y's" is also ranked in the top ten. It is not ruled out. Mannet’s own operation, perhaps they have already begun to create momentum for "Y's".

"After the completion of "Steel Refining", "Y's" may be serialized soon. You said, it was Mr. Shen that was serialized on "ComicFuture" and Duoman at the same time, which caused a big sensation, or "Demon Dao" and Mr. Shen's new book. Serialized together, more eye-catching?"

Jian Xiaomei was taken aback, and Ye Hexu's worries seemed reasonable.

"Then what to do?" Jian Xiaomei asked.

"Chill." Ye Hexu turned his head and looked at Jian Xiaomei, "Mr. Shen is really not with other cartoonists anymore. Copyright benefits are hidden conditions that readers cannot understand. But in both "CF" and, all Readers can see it. However, Teacher Shen also has things to worry about now."

"What do you mean?" Jian Xiaomei asked puzzled.

"In order to prove to the magazine and other platforms, Mr. Shen has jumped out of "CF" and chose to double open. However, it is very difficult to serialize two comics at the same time, and it is a great test of body and energy. But Mr. Shen You can’t fail, especially, the works serialized in "ComicFuture" must surpass all domestic comics... This difficulty is no less than re-drawing a "Steel Refining". Once it fails, the magazine will definitely tighten the conditions. I’m afraid it’s hard to have such an opportunity again."

"So, do you support Teacher Shen, or..."

"Contradiction..." Ye Hexu sat cross-legged in a swivel chair, looking up at the roof, "I hope he can succeed. I used to think that his work is accepted by as many readers as possible, and it is the greatest praise for cartoonists. As for cartoonists, Where is the ceiling of... Who knows? 99.9% of cartoonists cannot rely on comics to support their lives, so 1% of cartoonists are their goal. As for 1% of cartoonists, they also need a goal. "

"Is this goal to sell the work? I don't think it is. "The Legend of the Dragon King" has sold well, and "The Hunting Abyss" and "The King of Rock" also have good sales. These comics are popular and have readers. But why should the magazine be right? What about Mr. Shen's concession with "Steel Refining"?"

"Because "Steel Refining" is more classic, isn't it?"

"No. Many comics can become classics. "Y’s" is a classic in love, but its influence is not as powerful as "Steel Refining."

"It has a great reputation abroad."

"Those are just icing on the cake. "ComicFuture" is based on the domestic market."

Jian Xiaomei was dumb.

"After the establishment of, "ComicFuture" has been in turbulence. Mr. Wang joined, which attracted the attention of readers. The'Golden Paintbrush' award also attracted a large number of new authors. Later, the D version It has a negative impact on the comics industry, and the impact of apps has also led to a decline in the sales of many magazines... During this period, I don’t know how many magazines have lost their news. Although the sales of "ComicFuture" have also declined, it can still reach 4 million copies. Wandering. Why?" Ye Hexu raised his head and looked at Jian Xiao's eyebrows on one side.

Jian Xiao shook his head.

" lied. You know...everyone in your magazine knows."

Ye Hexu opened his fingers, and the light penetrated the gap between the fingers and entered his pupils.

"One person, one book, one issue. In the most difficult time for the magazine, Mr. Shen and "Gang Lian" were walking with "ComicFuture" on their backs... Don't deny that for a while, "ComicFuture" entered the hot list of comics, There is only one "Steel Refining". During the period when "Steel Refining" was closed, everyone can see how the magazine's sales were. Mr. Shen proved himself that this cannot be denied by "ComicFuture"."

"This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought. Of all the cartoonists in China, only Teacher Shen seized this opportunity. Therefore, he is qualified to negotiate with the magazine. What's more, he risked his death to save Teacher Zuo Yuan. If Mr. Zuo does fall downstairs, who will the public opinion point the finger at? I think it will point to "ComicFuture"."

Jian Xiao's eyebrows opened her mouth, but she was unable to refute.

Teacher Zuo chose to jump off the building. The root cause was the D version, but public opinion will definitely bring "ComicFuture" to everyone, especially, Zuo Yuan has not left a suicide note.

"I am very I hope that Mr. Shen will go far, so that I can see where the ceiling of the cartoonist is? However, I don't want to be too far away from him, otherwise, I may never catch up. he."

Jian Xiaomei looked at Ye Hexu, whose face was full of envy, in a daze.

At this moment, she seemed to see Ye Hexu who lost to Shen Xin in the "Comic Festival".

"Then chase harder... I will convey your meaning to the editorial department. Also, Teacher Ye, I will always help you." Jian Xiaomei patted Ye Hexu's shoulder.

"Thank you. I will try my best to chase it." Ye Hexu took a deep breath, "By the way, Jian Xiaomei, I said Mr. Shen today. I must not tell you at the same time, including the editor-in-chief. Promise me."

Jian Xiaomei looked at Ye Hexu's expectant eyes and nodded involuntarily.

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