My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 642: negotiation

In the next two days, Yuan Zhe and Tong Yu took the initiative to find Wang Wenhong again and negotiated twice.

The first negotiation broke up unhappy.

In the second negotiation, both parties were a lot more cautious. The focus of the negotiation was not on the copyright itself, nor on Shen Xin's income, but on the way of serialization.

Now, "Steel Refining" is not only popular in China, but also has a good response abroad. It is precisely because of this that they have made concessions, hoping to get the serial rights of Shen Xin's lower works.

However, Wang Wenhong only assured Yuan Zhe that Shen Xin could only be updated monthly, not weekly. This went against Yuan Zhe's expectations.

Now, Yuan Zhe also needs a comic to boost the popularity of the website.

If it is a monthly change, it will be difficult to gather popularity if you draw a story in January.

"If it's a weekly... then wait for "Steel Making" to end."

Wang Wenhong depends on the respective contracts given by and "ComicFuture", and now only provides conditions. Of course, he has to wait a little longer.

"So... Xiao Wang, let's take a step back. You should know Mr. Shen's first cartoon "Y's", right?" Tong Yu said seriously.

Wang Wenhong nodded, wondering why he mentioned this cartoon.

"The copyright of "Y's" is now in our hands." Tong Yu pressed the table with firm eyes, "I also know that it is difficult for a cartoonist to create a comic, and serializing monthly and weekly magazines at the same time, even for Teacher Shen, is also very It’s hard work, but... "Y's" is different. Mr. Shen should have thought about the following plot... Re-serialize "Y's". The problem shouldn't be big, right?"

""Y's"?" The muscles on Wang Wenhong's face twitched. He didn't expect that Tong Yu would take out "Y's".

This cartoon has always been Shen Xin's regret, and at the same time, Yan Fei's regret. If Shen Xin knew about this, he would definitely agree.

However, the person in charge of the negotiation is him, neither Shen Xin nor Yan Fei.

"What do you want?" Wang Wenhong frowned.

"We only need the copyright of comics and film and television, and the other copyrights will be returned to Mr. Shen. Please Mr. Shen to update it on"

"No." Wang Wenhong shook his head, "Even "Y’s", I would not agree."

"Why?" Tong Yu puzzled.

"This comic, if I remember correctly, the contract will not expire next year or the year after. Teacher Shen can wait another two years without rushing for a while. If Mr. Shen agrees, the contract must be re-signed, and you will have it again at that time. Ten years of comics and film and television copyrights are not such good things." Wang Wenhong sneered, "Moreover, from my perspective, I don’t want Teacher Shen Zhou to change this comic. On the one hand, it will increase the workload of Teacher Shen. On the other hand, "Y's" has been off for almost eight or nine years until now. How do you say it? It's a very old manga, and it's not easy to say what the continuation can achieve."

"Of course, Mr. Shen won the'Newcomer Award' for "Y's", which proves the quality of this cartoon, but for the current Mr. Shen, it is not worthwhile to continue to update this cartoon."

"..." Tong Yu rubbed his forehead, and he found that Wang Wenhong was more difficult than he thought.

Yuan Zhe rubbed his hands, "Will you ask Teacher Shen about this matter? You should not be the master."

Wang Wenhong glanced at Yuan Zhe, and he didn't know what to say. He didn't know that Tong Yu would come up with "Y's", because this comic felt very strange to him. At the beginning, he and "Y's" were opponents, so he could not control it. The future fate of "Y's"-this comic has a greater relationship with Shen Xin and Yan Fei.

Wang Wenhong glanced at Yuan Zhe helplessly, got up and walked out of the private room.

Originally, Yuan Zhe just asked casually, but he didn't expect that Wang Wenhong would really be embarrassed.

"Will it be possible?" Tong Yu muttered.

"I don't know... but it's better than other comics." Yuan Zhe muttered softly, "However, we must also be prepared. We may make concessions on certain conditions."

As soon as Tong Yu was about to speak, the door was opened and Wang Wenhong walked into the private room.

"What is Mr. Shen's opinion?" Yuan Zhe asked quickly.

Wang Wenhong's face was gloomy and a little unhappy.

"Ms. Shen meant that "Y’s" could be updated weekly..."

Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe looked overjoyed, but they didn't expect to actually achieve it.

"Don't be happy too early... Teacher Shen has the conditions." Wang Wenhong interrupted the joy of the two.


""Y's" is going to jump out of the monthly subscription of The charge is 0.5 yuan per word. The price should not be too excessive, right? The revenue is seventy-three, we seven, you three. All copyrights other than comics are recovered. The copyright of the film and television can be given to you, but the price has to be discussed again. The most critical point is that Mr. Shen just authorized the comic "Y's" to Duoman. During the serialization period, he can serialize it on other platforms."

Wang Wenhong made four requests in a row, which caught Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe by surprise.

"But monthly subscription is the basis of "Y’s" ~ ~ Tong Yu retorted.

"That's what you have to consider." Wang Wenhong didn't plan to talk with Yuan Zhe any more.

"But, the copyright is renegotiated..." Tong Yu frowned and wiped his nose. He wanted to save a certain amount of money. It seems that this amount of money can't be saved. "There is still an income of seven to three dollars, isn't it... …"

Wang Wenhong shrugged, "Isn't copyright the basis of this negotiation? As for spend more than this price on other teachers, right? Whether it is Teacher Wang Yunze or Teacher Duan Ping. Or, what do you think? Teacher Shen can't match these two."

Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe shook their heads at the same time.

"Steel Refining" is a comic that has an excellent reputation in China, 11 districts, the United States and Europe. It can be regarded as the second dimension of all countries and regions. Apart from "Steel Refining", China does not have a second place. This comic can do it.

You said, Shen Xin asked too much?

There are indeed many, but apart from Shen Xin, no one in China can do it. The gimmick of the restart of "Y’s" and Shen Xin's name are also extremely important to

This cooperation can be regarded as each has its own needs.

Shen Xin needs a greater say in his works, and Duo needs the popularity that Shen Xin brings.

"I see." Tong Yu took a deep breath and nodded, "That's it... Let's talk about more details."

The general direction is determined, and the next thing to talk about is more detailed terms.

For example, if Shen Xin still has a contract with "ComicFuture", they must find a way to avoid this contract; secondly, it is the buyback price of film and television copyrights.

I hope this kid in front of me will not get stuck too much.

Tong Yu and Yuan Zhe looked at each other and saw each other's ideas in each other's eyes.

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