My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 616: News and actions

The news of Shen Xin's accident soon spread on At the same time, some people posted the most thrilling scene on the Internet.

However, due to the distance between the photographer and the bad weather, the picture is blurred, so I can only look at the general idea. The person who posted the post simply explained the situation through the text.

"Someone fell from upstairs. Teacher Shen tried to save that person, but was pulled down."

"This is too scary! I almost fell downstairs."

"Who is so stupid, who is okay to jump off the stairs? Almost involved Teacher Shen too!"

"No, what's the situation with Teacher Shen now? Is there anything wrong?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything now—"

"Isn't "Steel Refining" going to be suspended?"

"Now it's not a matter of endless publication. If Mr. Shen is in a critical condition, "Steel Refining" will be gone."

"Therefore, the recently published "Steel Refining" booklet may be the last one in the near future. I will definitely buy it with or without the D edition."

"Such an author doesn't fan, so what else would you fan?"

"Does anyone know where Mr. Shen is? I want to see Mr. Shen."

"I don't know, and the magazine will not say it. I really want to support Teacher Shen, so just buy a single book? It's not too expensive."

"Buy, buy, buy, isn't it 25 yuan? There is still some money."

"I will buy the full version of "Hire of Go" when I look back, but unfortunately, I haven't finished it!"

"Huh? The full version seems to have only been out a dozen copies, and I bought them all, about six or seven hundred!"

"Isn't it worth it? I think it's worth it."

"Of course it's worth it. This is the official comic recommended by Huaxia Chess Academy. It is said that many Go dojos regard this comic as a recommended book for new students. Therefore, the monthly sales of the comics of "Soul of the Game" are very stable, even The dean of the Chess Academy also said that there is a soul on every chessboard, which shows that he also recognizes this cartoon."

"Ms. Shen's cartoons are all purchased."

"The fly in the ointment is that "y’s" has not ended up to now, so melancholy."

Just when netizens felt heartache about Shen Xin's affairs, the official Weibo account of "icfuture" also officially issued an announcement.

"This afternoon, Mr. Shen was injured because of a rescuer. The editor of the magazine is waiting for the results in the hospital. Please don't worry, all those who care about Mr. Shen's comfort are waiting for the news. I hope Mr. Shen can tide over the difficulties. Blessings."

Not long after Weibo was posted, a series of "blessings" was replied below.


Ye Hexu knew that Shen Xin's accident was mentioned by his assistant.

At first, Ye Hexu didn't believe it at all, until he saw the video, he was a little afraid.

He looked up for a moment, picked up the phone, and dialed Jian Xiaomei's number.

"Hey, which hospital is Teacher Shen in?"

"What are you doing?" Jian Xiaomei was wary.

"Go see him."

"Draw your cartoon first, and if you have any news later, I will tell you by phone."

"I played with his friend, if you don't tell me, then I will ask other people..."


Jian Xiaomei knew that Ye Hexu did what he said, and after a long silence, said: "Don't delay the serialization."

"no problem!"

Let me tell you the address first. As for other things, um... just by chance.


"Icfuture" was hit by the d version, and the loss was not small, but it was not the most serious. This incident allowed's comics to gradually spread on the Internet in a free way. This is Yuan Zhe and Tong Yushi. Unexpected.

If you want to upload a magazine or booklet of "icfuture" to the Internet, there is a process of buying and scanning, which requires a certain amount of money, and the comics on are all on the server, so the d version of the website does not need to be so cumbersome.

What makes the two people feel more powerless is that because and Manga Paradise are both online reading, and all have apps, readers can naturally move from Duman to Manga Paradise.

Compared with Duoman, the biggest advantage of Manga Paradise is not that it is free—maybe many people disagree, but this is a fact—but that Manga Paradise contains most of the hot comics, and readers don’t need to download other comics. app, you can see your favorite comics.

Can see "Steel Making"? Can you see "The Hunting Abyss"? Can you see "The Legend of the Dragon King" and "Ding Shi"?

Comic heaven can.

Readers can even see some 11 district cartoons reprinted by China Magazine on this app.

The d version of the comics website is like a hodgepodge, bringing together the best of various magazines. Readers do not have to deliberately buy a magazine for one or two favorite comics. Although there will be various advertisements, for readers, these are all tolerable.

It is for this reason that the two people will feel a headache. is in a competitive relationship with other platforms. They can't get the electronic copyrights of first-line comics, especially those comics copyrights of "icfuture".

Therefore, these d versions must not be allowed to continue.

When the two were worried, Qian Sheng knocked on the door twice.

"What's the matter?" Tong Yu asked.

"There was a piece of news just now that there was an accident with Teacher Shen Zheng. I'm in the hospital now. I don't know if there will be any accidents." Qian Sheng frowned and said.

Tong Yu raised his brows slightly.

If it is normal, he may be a little happy when he hears this news. After all, to throw out the unhappiness between him and Shen Zheng, "Gang Lian" is also the mainstay comic of "Icfuture" Lian is closed. , The most influential one must be "icfuture".

But now there is version D. Regardless of whether "Steel Refining" is serialized or not, many losses are inevitable, and the opponents they face are not limited to "Icfuture" and "Steel Refining".

Yuan Zhe put his arms around his chest, was silent for more than half a minute, and asked, "Sick?"

"It seems to be to save people. There are related videos on the Internet."


The expressions of Yuan Zhe and Tong Yu changed slightly.

"Save who?"

"I heard that a cartoonist caused poor sales of single book because of the D version, so I couldn't think about it for a while, so... By the way, there are related videos on the Internet." Qian Sheng thought of the video.

"On" Yuan Zhe asked subconsciously, and at the same time took out his mobile phone.

"Yes it is."

In fact, Yuan Zhe had already seen the relevant news without Qian Sheng's reply. A piece of news is placed on the top of's app. Open the software and you can see the news.

The video is very vague, and even so, you can still see the thrills at the time: one person was "pulled" from the high platform by another person and hung on the edge of the roof, and then someone rescued the two people-if there were any Mistakes, both of them are gone.

Yuan Zhe took a deep breath, put away his phone, and turned to Qian Sheng and said, "Go, ask what hospital Mr. Shen is in. Let's visit."

After seeing the news, Tong Yu also put away his gloating mood, and felt heavy in his heart.

Faced with such a cartoonist, it is really hard not to make people respectful.

"Go today? Or tomorrow?" Tong Yu asked rhetorically.

"Just today and tomorrow, what's the point?" Yuan Zhe got up, took Qian Sheng, and left the office.

Tong Yu thought for a while, also opened the drawer, took out the car key, got up and followed out.

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