My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 472: Strong

"Steel Refining" has soared in recent words, and after seeing this scene, Tong Yu immediately felt wrong.

In the first place, "Sirius" has a steady momentum, but the second place, "Steel Refining", is gaining momentum. From the last episode, "Steel Refining" has been catching up all the way, and the gap with "Sirius" is only 3 Ten thousand popularity value.

Fortunately, "Golden Paintbrush" formally collected manuscripts from domestic cartoonists, which temporarily suppressed the momentum of "Steel Refining". But the "Golden Paintbrush" can only affect the author for the time being. If you want to attract readers' attention, at least one or two comics above the standard are needed.

Even so, in the comics being serialized, "Steel Refining" is still closely following "Sirius".

Subsequently, the 49th issue of "ComicFuture" was released, and the "Smoke of Counterattack (Part 2 of "Steel Refining" was officially serialized.

So far, the biggest climax of "Steel Refining" has finally appeared in front of readers.

"Fire Alchemist" Roy VS. Cyborg Luster! This is a strong showdown.

Roy and his party followed Barre, chased the cyborg, and came to the basement of the Third Research Institute in one go.

Barry looks for his body, Roy, Al and others are divided into two ways. Al and Lisa search elsewhere, while Roy and John meet Luster.

Luster smashed the water pipes on the roof, making Roy unable to create flames and had to flee in a hurry.

After escaping from the laboratory, Roy used alchemy to decompose the sprayed water to produce hydrogen and oxygen. At the same time, John threw the lighter into the laboratory.

The flame encountered hydrogen and oxygen and caused a violent explosion.

When the explosion was over, the two entered the laboratory to check if Raster was dead.

Suddenly, two long black thorns stretched out from the ruins and pierced John's body. An angry Roy knocked Luster to the ground, tore her chest, took out the sage stone in her body, and made it The body began to rot.

Just as Roy turned his attention to John, Luster, who should have died, suddenly grabbed Roy's wrist.

"It's really rude to reach into the lady's chest, Colonel Marstan..." Luster's fingers turned into long thorns and pierced Roy's ribs.


This statement not only has fierce fighting, but also shows Roy's wit. The whole story has twists and turns from the beginning to the end. Although there are some witty words in it, the tension always accompanies the reader.

In the last scene, Roy's life or death is uncertain, which left the reader's attention to "ComicFuture" and "Steel Refining" again.

If the previous few words were a brewing atmosphere, quietly paving the way, but these words are like a fire, igniting all the previous paving.

Originally, "Sirius" still had a lead of 20,000 to 30,000 heat points. In just one day, this gap was smoothed.

"Sirius" fell from the first place for the first time after reaching the top.

The popularity value was surpassed in the afternoon. The segment reviewer who was about to take a break saw this scene, and immediately lost his good mood. On the one hand, he told his assistant to go to the nearby bookstore to buy "ComicFuture", and he wanted to see the "Gang Lian" with his own eyes. Plot.

Later, he opened Weibo again and sent a message.

"Everyone, now that "Sirius" has been surpassed on the popularity list, we need your help to post and discuss, mainly on's own forum and Manjia. You can also leave a message under the comics, and please help recommend it! It's the end of the year, please help me again!"

Afterwards, people in twos and threes began to leave messages below.

"Thanks for Duan Daan!"

"At night, I must help Duan Da post!"

"It's just being surpassed. Don't worry, Duan Da will recommend your work to your classmates tomorrow!"


Seeing the readers' comments, Duan's mood was a little calmer.

"I haven't lost yet... I still have a chance!"

At this moment, Duan Ping's cell phone rang suddenly, and he picked up the phone for the first time. It was the assistant who called.

"what's happenin?"

"The bookstores nearby are gone, and "ComicFuture" is sold out!"

"The latest issue will do, but the last issue is best."

"It's all gone. Previously, the sales of ComicFuture declined, and not many magazines were printed. In recent issues, the sales of magazines suddenly increased, and as a result, many bookstores were out of stock.

"...Come back!" Duan Ping exhaled impatiently, at the same time wondering in his heart.

"Steel Refining"...Can't you serialize it on the Internet? "ComicFuture" will be sold out, don't you know?

Although depressed in his heart, he also knew that it was almost impossible to see "the wolf smoke of counterattack" in a short period of time.


"Haha..." Seeing this ranking, Ye Hexu clapped his hands vigorously, "As expected, Mr. Shen and "Gang Lian" surpassed "Sirius" at once. No, I have to slow down and laugh. "

"What are you slowing down? Just started drawing your line draft, and the magazine is waiting for the third manuscript!" Jian Xiaomei said grimly, "Mr. Shen just started, the magazine wants to revive, and a cartoon will not work at all."

"Now is the most difficult time for the magazine. On the one hand, many comics have added 50 comics of reasonable quality, and the'Golden Paintbrush' award has also attracted some people's attention. In addition, Jian Xiaomei, don't forget. It is the last month that Duoman will be free. Starting next year, Duoman will also be charged.

"At that time, "Hunting Abyss" will return, and "King of Rock" will also enter a good situation. The magazine sales should pick up. When the magazine was most dangerous, it was lifted by "Steel Refining". It is no exaggeration to say that now "Steel Making" is carrying "ComicFuture" forward."

Jian Xiao frowned slightly, feeling Ye Hexu's last sentence a bit harsh.

However, the sales of "ComicFuture" really stopped after the rise of "Steel Refining". At the same time, the booklet of "Steel Refining" was also on the rise. Volume 9 is about to be printed in one edition of 800,000 copies. It is expected to be launched in late December.

Next year's Spring Festival, the "Hire of the Game: The Big Dipper" will be released, which can also set off a wave of turmoil, which will drive the sales of "The Soul of the Game".

At the end of this year, to the beginning of next year, it was indeed Shen Xin that took over the domestic comics market.

"Right, one more thing, I want to remind you."

" should be over... I guess that "Game" will not last until the end of next year.

"Fake?" Jian Xiaomei questioned.

"I guess should be the intense plot of "Game" for several months in the previous period, which affected the subsequent plot. Judging from the current plot, "Game" has a tendency to jump." Ye Hexu Reminded.

"Huh?" Jian Xiao blinked his eyebrows, a little lost, "Really?"


"Teacher Shen, it's really hard this time!" Wang Wenhong filled the manuscript into the envelope and bared his teeth with a smile, "This time, thanks to "Steel Lian", the magazine has been picked up. Now Teacher Luo's "The King of Rock and Roll" There is also the meaning of getting started, how can I put it? Under the leadership of "Steel Refining", the magazine's sales have returned to 4.3 million."

Shen Xin twisted his aching neck, "The King of Rock and Roll...I watched it. If Teacher Luo can pay more attention to it, the results may be very good. This time, "ComicFuture" can pick up, and this comic will also have a certain degree. relationship."

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