My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 66 Black Card Legion

After stepping on the sword butterfly for a small circle, Zhou Nan called Xindie Azhen to him, and studied its letter sending and mailing capabilities.

This ability is very interesting. Through Xindie Azhen, Zhou Nan can call up a translucent operation window, in which you can write letters and mail items.

Among them, to write and send a letter, you need to know the nickname of the recipient. You can write the letter anonymously. After the letter is written, click Send, and the letter butterfly will fly away and deliver the letter to the recipient.

Of course, Xindie will not fly all the way to the sender. It has the ability to teleport through space. No matter where the recipient is, even if it is a secret camp or a mission dungeon, Xindie can quickly send it there, and the letter will be delivered.

The item mailing function is only used between friends, and only one item can be mailed at a time. This mailing function has a cooling time of one hour.

Zhou Nan thought about it for a while, and anonymously sent a letter to [Daily Make Me a Miracle]: Happy from the sky! Congratulations on being favored by the mysterious god, and you have obtained the secret recipe for card synthesis: Use any number of stars to synthesize nine night cat cards, which can be synthesized into hidden cards. God Card Nine Nights Elvis!

After writing the letter, click to send, the letter butterfly Ah Zhen flapped her wings, and then flew into the sky, and soon turned into a light spot and disappeared.

At the same time, in the [Sifang Temple] arena, [Vigorously Make Me a Miracle] is leading nine night cats to clean up wild monsters on the Fifth Ring Road.

[The strongest bastard] was standing next to him, this guy was carefully checking the bushes, for fear that a big bad wolf would suddenly jump out of it.

To this day, these two are still determined, and they still earn betting gold coins in the arena.

It's just that [Blood Sea Great Sage] led them before, but now they can only fight with each other.

I've decided not to join the Blood Sea family. If we want to join, we will join the strongest family. The Blood Sea Great Sage is still too good!

【Greatly let me perform a miracle】said suddenly.

[The strongest bastard] was stunned, and said: This is not good, your Nine Lives cat, but he paid for it all?

Isn't this because he covets this girl's beauty? This guy really thinks of himself as a master now. He thinks we are bad and won't take us to the arena anymore. What's the use of such a master? I heard , there is a random family that is very strong, and it took the first pass to guard the N5 difficulty of Kasa, and compared all the three major families...

[Making me perform miracles vigorously] Just as I was saying this, I suddenly saw a spot of light appearing in the distance, and that spot quickly turned into a colorful butterfly. It flapped its wings, grabbed a letter, and flew straight Go to 【Strongly Make Me a Miracle】nearby.

Ah, what a beautiful butterfly, why did it fly to me? Hey, it seems to be carrying a letter!

【Strongly let me perform a miracle】I have some doubts.

The butterfly that brought the letter was of course Xindie Azhen. It threw the letter into the hands of [Making Me a Miracle], flew around her again, and then turned into a spot of light and disappeared.


[Making me do a miracle vigorously] Feeling even more puzzled, she quickly opened the letter she received, and after seeing the contents, she couldn't help but smile.

[The strongest bastard] asked in confusion: What, who sent the letter!

【Greatly let me perform a miracle】smiled and said: Times are turning, I should have completed a certain hidden achievement, and a mysterious god has favored me, step aside, and I will let you witness a miracle!

What a miracle to witness!

Witness the birth of the God Card!

【Strongly let me perform a miracle】Without doubting the content of the letter, she thought it was an email sent by the system, and immediately took back her nine night cat cards, and used them to develop card synthesis skills.

Ding, are you sure you want to synthesize cards?


Ding, the synthesis failed, your nine night cat cards have been destroyed!

Originally full of expectations, 【Greatly make me perform a miracle】, I was stunned,

In front of it, the nine night cat cards quickly turned into a pile of debris.

[The strongest bastard] was also stunned, and asked in confusion: Sister Dali, what are you doing? Your head is caught in the door, and you are playing card synthesis? You dare to combine things without the secret recipe? The Nine Lives Cat was killed by you! What a waste.

I, I have a recipe for synthesis, nine night cat cards combined with nine night cat king! This, what's going on...

【Strongly let me perform a miracle】Feeling very aggrieved, she looked at the letter in her hand again, frowned and said, Damn it, could it be that this mysterious god cheated me?

At this moment, another light spot turned into a butterfly and appeared, and the butterfly dropped a letter to 【Strongly make me perform a miracle】again.

[Strength makes me perform miracles] Check it quickly, and I saw that it said: Did the synthesis fail, don't be discouraged, the magic card is not so easy to get, failure is the mother of success, only great efforts can make miracles, continue to collect night cats Card, after three failed synthesis, the fourth synthesis must be successful. The mysterious god reminds: Nine Nights Elvis is hiding the orange card!

I see!

[Strongly let me perform a miracle] I felt relieved and excited again, Nine Nights Elvis actually hides the orange card! Orange card, the most advanced card! After three failures, can the fourth succeed? Thank you Mystery Great God, I will definitely produce Nine Nights Elvis King together, and it will become a blockbuster...

At the card training ground, Zhou Nan saw Xindie returning, but he also muttered: Is this okay? This is not good! What if Miss Dali really believed it? Wouldn't she be cheated? She wouldn't be so stupid, would she? Forget it, convince people with virtue, carry things with virtue, and send her a letter in half a year... The premise is that I haven't forgotten about it.

Zhou Nan stopped writing letters, and then he used Mysterious Butterfly and Mysterious Butterfly to continue looking forward to the Butterfly Card, and finally got the Butterfly Card, which is a garbage card comparable to the Snail Card.

Zhou Nan wasn't discouraged either, he only thought of accumulating black cards to synthesize the secret recipe, and also synthesized the Emperor Crab Card and the mysterious Butterfly Card, looking forward to the God Emperor Card, and finally came out with the Crab Butterfly Card.

After using this card, Zhou Nan discovered that the Crab Butterfly is a butterfly with crab pincers, with 50 points of health, 3 points of attack power, and the profession is set as a warrior!

Zhou Nan shook his head, and synthesized it with the Little Devil Card, Emperor Crab Card, and Mysterious Butterfly Card, expecting to produce a Demon God Emperor or Emperor Demon God, but a Little Crab Butterfly was produced, whose attributes were worse than that of the Crab Butterfly.

After that, Zhou Nan's method of making up characters was unsuccessful. In the end, he synthesized all the waste cards such as Yingxiong Crab, Villain, Crab Butterfly, Little Crab Butterfly, and Mysterious Butterfly Card, and got a [Butterfly Crab·Kemei card] Pull], this card is only equivalent to an upper-middle-class white card.

So far, Zhou Nan's previous accumulation has been exhausted, and there are not even a few bottles of the small shimmer potion that he accumulated before. The harvest is three strongest hero cards, crab sword king card, wild man king card, two Xindieka, and [Great Devil Chen Batian], Zhou Nan was not disappointed with the result.

Good cards are not easy to come by. After finishing the training ground mission, let's go to the Sunset Forest. If you don't get any benefits in the Sunset Forest, then go to the transfer point in the City of Silver and go to the east coast to collect crabs. Created by my strongest crab sword king.

Zhou Nan summed up silently: The king crab card is still very good as a combination card material, and the adult card synthesized from the big murloc card, and the big adult card can also be used as a combination card material. The word big is still okay, Xindie card It’s not bad, there is also a synthesis method now, and there is a chance to combine a few more.”

After a while, Zhou Nan started card group training.

Pass the ninth level of card group training, which is the ninth level of the card training field.

Card group breakthrough is different from single card breakthrough. The gatekeepers are more powerful. No matter how many cards are in the deck, they are all the same gatekeepers. There is no upper limit on the number of cards in the deck. If you are shameless, use a few It is no problem to form a deck of hundreds of cards, and you can still go to the training ground to break through the level, but doing so does not have much practical significance except for the record of breaking through the level.

Zhou Nan didn't pursue being on the ranking list of star decks either. He just passed the mission and wanted to pass through the ninth level as soon as possible. Ba], [Savage King Hahaken], Humha Sanye, [Sword Butterfly Qiangfen], [Veterinary·Secondary], [Paulner·Denglei], [Variation Murloc·Tiantian], [Murloc Warrior· Shaliman], [Murloc Warrior Shallif], [Crab Sword King Gofanqi], [Great Devil Chen Batian], three strongest hero cards, twelve blood murloc cards A 30-card deck was created, named Black Card Army, and the Black Card Army was used for card group training to break through.

As a result, he was naturally devastated, and easily passed the ninth level.

Ding, the training ground card group training task is completed, and you will be rewarded with 100 game points!

Ding, your card group's black card army has been backed up in the training ground database, please set the appearance fee!

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