My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 27: Temple of the Four Sides

[Blood Sea Great Sage], level 18, arena points 888, winning rate 74%, also considered a minor celebrity in the silver arena.

In the card world, players can establish a family when they reach level 20.

This family is similar to guilds and gangs. There are many exclusive gameplays, and certain tasks are also limited to families.

[Blood Sea Great Sage] is about to reach level 20, and he also intends to establish a family, but a bare-handed commander can't become a family. To establish a family, at least two people are needed.

It's a pity that most of the players with a slightly higher level now have families, so [Blood Sea Great Sage] went to places where there are more novices to recruit some reserve family members. The strongest bastard].

Speaking of which, he supported two of the Wildcat Cards of [Making Me Do Miracles Vigorously].

For these two apprentices, [Blood Sea Great Sage] still cares a little bit, so today he received a request from [Strongly let me perform a miracle] today, so he decided to help.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up, he found someone pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, cheating his cute new apprentice.

Okay, this is a setback, a sanctioned replay, and then come to bully Mengxin?

[Blood Sea Great Saint] Some memories flashed in his mind. When he first entered the card world, he was cheated by some old birds, and he was cheated in the arena, so he will be very interested in the arena in the future. Mind you, he's doing pretty well now, and he's considered a minor celebrity in the Silver Arena.

Master, can Dali win?

This is a call from [The Strongest Hunzi], who is also watching the battle.

The spectator players cannot communicate with the players in the arena, but the spectator players can communicate at will.

That depends on his luck and understanding...

【Great Sage of the Sea of ​​Blood】I'm not optimistic about 【Greatly let me perform a miracle】.

She only has seven night cat cards!

If you can make up a nine-life cat, you can make do with it.

But now there are seven night cats, what's the use?

The [Black Card Emperor] has eight field black bears alone, which is enough to crush seven night cats.

This black card emperor is too hateful, there are so many cards, why didn't he use them in the duel field before, and deliberately tricked us by hiding his strength! Dali is too real, and he has his way, this time I have to pay two platinum coins , God, I lost all the previous earnings...

[The strongest bastard] sighed.

[Blood Sea Great Sage] said: Don't be too pessimistic, Dali is not without hope of turning the tables. In this competitive map, the strength of the temple troops should not be underestimated. Let's see, this person has opened a barracks now. The barracks is called a hunting hut, and it can train a jungle archer every minute... Hey, why didn’t he lead troops to fight in the wild, why did he bring all the soldiers back to the base, what is this for, building towers for defense?”

In the scene seen by [Blood Sea Great Sage], Zhou Nan brought all his troops back to the base, and without doing anything, he asked four heroes to block the entrance of the base to build a sentry tower. It was tightly blocked, blocking pandas, field black bears, etc. in the base, and the jungle archers spawned in the hunting lodge seemed to be set in patrol defense mode, guarding the base.

Here it goes again, this little trash is playing this trick again, he built the tower like this last time, waiting for us to attack him!

[The strongest bastard] shouted full of depression.

[Blood Sea Great Sage] laughed, and said: It seems that I read it wrong, this guy is a fool, how can he win... Hey, he sealed himself and a team of little murlocs outside the base, this What is he leading the team to do? Go to the jungle? Take the little murloc to the jungle? Why doesn’t he take the fifth ring road? To kill the mobs on the fourth ring road? No, he went to the third ring road, what is he going to do? ?”

What is the fifth ring, what is the fourth ring?

[The strongest bastard] I was a little confused.

[Blood Sea Great Sage] explained: Let me give you a brief introduction. The map of the Sifang Temple is very large. Every time you start the game, the positions of the four temples are random. This is called the birth point. The birth point Either in the due south, or in the due west, or in the due north, or in the due east. Did you see that Dali's birth point is in the due north, and Emperor Heika is in the due east, and the birth points of the two are adjacent, which is called near-point.

Yeah! [The strongest bastard] said, I saw it!

[Blood Sea Great Sage] said again: Look at the middle of the small map again, there is the strongest wild monster stronghold in the map, it is called Dragon Point!

Dragon point?

That's right, because red dragons, black dragons, blue dragons, or bone dragons will be randomly refreshed there. The strength of giant dragons, let alone you small players in the Bronze Arena, even our high-level players in the Silver Arena, would not dare It's easy to provoke.

Oh oh oh.

With Longdian as the center, there are five ring-shaped canyon passages, which are the Fifth Ring Road. The most central one is the First Ring Road, and the outermost one is the Fifth Ring Road. Of course, this is what our players call it.

The wild monsters on the fifth ring road are the weakest, and the wild monsters on the first ring road are the strongest. All the soldiers from the temple go to the fifth ring road. Why did this Emperor Heika go directly to the third ring road? Does he want to fight the monsters on the third ring road? Wild monsters, you need a green card configuration...

[Blood Sea Great Sage] Some people don't understand.

[The strongest bastard] shouted: Master, this little trash, he, he seems to have gone to the second ring...

Second ring? This guy pretends to be a batch, and wants to fight the second ring monster...

At this moment, in the [Sifang Temple] map, Zhou Nan was rushing to a highland in his memory with the gunners and 20 little murlocs.

That highland is on the second ring road, like a cliff, there is only one road up and down, very narrow, and a watchtower stands on it.

The watchtower allows players to conduct a fixed-point lookout of the entire map every minute, which can be used to scout the opponent's birth point or check the wild monster stronghold.

But generally speaking, few people use this watchtower as soon as they come up.

Because there is a spiked dragon turtle under the high ground, as long as someone uses the watchtower, the spiked dragon turtle will rush over. It is huge and cannot climb the high ground, but it will always block the player on the high ground, and it will not die. endlessly.

The Spiked Dragon Turtle is much stronger than the wild monsters on the Fifth Ring Road. It has a high attack and thick defense, and a huge amount of HP. Even in the infinite firepower mode, it is almost impossible for players to take it down head-on.

Even if it is stuck in the terrain, it will take time and effort, and it will be uncomfortable for the player to be stuck on the high ground.

But Zhou Nan is not afraid of being blocked, he was originally promoted to the star of the Paotu.

I sealed off the base, and the large troops stayed there, plus the jungle archers, even if the opposite party found my base location, it would take a while to capture it. During this time, I will give the artillery Ascended to a star...

In fact, Zhou Nan also had some scruples. He knew that there were people watching the battle, and he didn't want to expose General Rock prematurely.

When he came to the high ground, Zhou Nan took a closer look, and there was no surprise. The Spiked Dragon Turtle was as huge as a large armored vehicle, with a pitch-black shell covered with spikes.

[Spiky Dragon Turtle: HP 120,000, attack power 1250~1550, attack speed 1.0, blood recovery 30 per second, has skills Spike Skin, Taunt LV3, Smash Attack LV3! 】

Panda Panda also has a crushing attack, but unfortunately it's only LV1. The smashing range of LV3 is bigger. It seems that the damage is 180?

Zhou Nan couldn't remember clearly, and he didn't care. He took Paotu Denglei and 20 little murlocs to the high ground. When they reached the high ground, Zhou Nan asked Paotu Denglei to load the murloc shells, and then I opened the watchtower by myself, and chose the spawn point just south of the watch map.

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