My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

82. The secret of blood (2 more please subscribe!)

Horcrux is a very profound black magic, and even Abu, the future heir of the Malfoy family, has never heard of this magic.

Dunn was actually just trying it out. He wasn't even sure that in Slytherin's time, the method of making Horcruxes had already been discovered.

Tom and the four were very interested in being able to help Dunn, and immediately set out to search.

Soon the magic books in front of the four of them piled up into a hill.

Basically it's a quick scan, and if the content doesn't match, just read the next one.

After several attempts to persuade him to no avail, Dunn had no choice but to give up.

His original intention was to ask everyone to help him sort out the magic books to facilitate future research, but now it has become the knowledge that everyone works together to help him find the Horcrux.

"found it!"

Ella stood up with the magic book in her hands and walked towards Dunn excitedly.

The others put down the magic book in their hands and gathered around.

Dunn put the magic book on his desk so everyone could see the contents.

Ella pointed to the last paragraph of the magic book 26 and read it out loud.

"To make a Horcrux requires the dark wizard to shatter and split his own soul through murder and other evil things, and then separate a part of the soul from the body and seal it in a vessel. This vessel is a Horcrux. 39

"A wizard with a Horcrux, even if his body is destroyed, he will not really die, because some of his souls remain unharmed and remain in the world."

"The soul should remain intact, and to split it is an evil act against nature."

"As long as the soul is split, it becomes extremely unstable, and many wizards who have successfully made Horcruxes eventually become lunatics.

"The secret of Horcruxes is not a secret in the eyes of wizards who really master the secrets of magic, but everyone would rather die happily than make Horcruxes. 39

The appearance of a series of horrible words of murder, soul damage and lunatic made Ella's face very bad.

She raised her head and looked at Dunn worriedly.

Dunn had to comfort her and said: "Don't worry, if I haven't found a solution to the problem of soul splitting, I will definitely not try this magic easily."

Then a hand was placed on his shoulder.

Looking back, it was Tom.

"Promise me, even if you are sure of solving the drawbacks of soul splitting, you must tell me first, and I will help you practice it or not. If I succeed, you can try it!"

Looking at Tom's unusually serious expression, Dunn's words of refusal came to his lips, and he finally refrained from speaking.

He believed that as long as he obtained the Horcrux production method by himself, all problems would be solved after automatic whitewashing.

The system has never let him down in this regard.

Now that he has decided to change Tom's fate, Dunn will naturally teach him how to make a Horcrux after the whitewashing.

As such, it wasn't a particularly serious matter for Tom to try to make a Horcrux first.

"Well, let's take a look at what else Slytherin mentioned in his notes."

The eyes of the five people surrounding the desk fell back to the magic book.

Ella continued to read the above, but most of them were Slytherin's comments on Horcruxes.

Obviously, Slytherin is very disdainful of Horcruxes.

He believes that it is a very stupid and absurd idea to start from the soul to obtain immortality. On the contrary, the way to seek immortality should start from the blood.

The five people present were not surprised.

Most of the magic books they had just flipped through were records of Slytherin's research on blood magic.

The Colosseum on the second floor of the Chamber of Secrets, which is specially used to draw blood from dangerous magical creatures, also proves this.

This is also enough to prove that Slytherin's emphasis on the purity of blood is not a simple stubborn prejudice, but what he may have discovered in the process of blood research.

Of course, it was definitely not completely successful, or fell short of success.

Otherwise, the other three founders of Hogwarts should be the last to leave.

The record of Horcruxes in the magic book ends here.

Except for Dunn, the other four have some regrets.

Seeing that everyone's mood was affected, Dunn threw up an interesting topic.

"Although Slytherin finally left Hogwarts, I don't think he was as complete a failure in blood magic as we thought, at least a little he succeeded.

Tom was the first to be attracted to the topic, and at the same time most interested in it.

When he was reading those magic books before, he wondered if Slytherin had succeeded in the end.

Because I was involved in finding a way to make a Horcrux, I didn't think about it in depth.

It's no accident that Dunn is now making a similar point.

"what do you mean?"

"You and I, our Slytherin bloodline is the best proof! 39

Tom was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

"You mean, Slytherin's bloodline is related to his research?"

Dunn shrugged.

"This is an obvious fact. Otherwise, how to explain Parseltongue? It is absolutely impossible for the blood of human wizards to give birth to the ability to communicate with snakes. Obviously, Slytherin has successfully integrated the blood of some kind of snake-like magical creature into itself."

It wasn't just Tom who was stunned.

Abu, Ella, and 893 Angelica all gave Dunn incredible looks.

"If that's not enough to convince you, let me give you another example.

"Slytherin is not the only one who studies blood magic, and he is not the only one who has achieved success. At least I know a family whose blood is also related to some kind of magical creature."

"You all know this man, Albus- Dumbledore!"

"As you may know, Dumbledore has a phoenix pet.35

"But you never know, that phoenix must have accompanied the Dumbledore family for centuries, and all Dumbledore family members can summon that phoenix.

"There is absolutely no possibility for a phoenix and a human being to have offspring, so apart from the fusion of the phoenix blood in the Dumbledore family through blood magic, I can't think of any other possibility."5

All four were stunned by Dunn's conclusion.

Bloodline magic is obviously black magic, and it is extremely advanced black magic.

Even for Slytherin, the study of blood magic has to build a secret room to carry out secretly.

The blood of the Dumbledore family actually came from blood magic, doesn't that mean that the ancestor of the Lido family was an out-and-out dark wizard?.

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