My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

71. Panda Bar (1 more for customization, flowers!)

"Fortunately, after Aberforth was about to switch to a candy store, he was no longer planning to run the Hog's Head and was planning to change hands," Dumbledore explained in place of Scamander.

You could tell he was in a good mood right now, and even made a joke with Dunn.

"In fact, if the location of the pig's head bar is converted into a normal bar, the business is not expected to be very good, after all, the people who really go to that bar are not for drinking.

It seemed that he felt that it was a bit inappropriate to say this, and he immediately changed his words.

"Of course, if it was refurbished, it could also be turned into a stylish bar, not all private chats need to take place in that kind of shady setting, and honestly the bar is really hygienic. is too bad.

Dunn guessed that Dumbledore's good mood might have something to do with Aberforth's "880" change.

After all, these Aberforths would run the Pig's Head Bar like that, all because they were depressed and had not come out of the shadow of the death of their sister.

Now that Aberforth was going to change careers to fulfill his Hogwarts dreams, Dumbledore was of course happy.

This also made Dunn realize one thing.

It is impossible for him to get the house of the Honeydukes Candy Store in the future.

That's not exactly bad news for Dunn, though.

In fact, there are three secret roads leading to Hogsmeade Village from Hogwarts Castle.

After all, there is no mark on the Marauder's map.

And that secret passage leads directly to the Room of Requirement.

Dunn had not considered the option of the Hog's Head Bar because he felt that Aberforth was unlikely to sell the bar.

What's more important is the identity of the other party, whether it is to throw money or threaten to force it will not work.

Now that the other side is willing to change hands, Dunn couldn't be better.

Dumbledore was very satisfied with the happy result, and immediately offered to send Dunn to Hogsmeade to discuss the transfer fee with Aberforth.

Dunn seriously doubted that Dumbledore was trying to find an excuse to see his brother, otherwise he could have asked Scamander to do it for him.

After all, Scamander's relationship with Aberforth is much better than Dumbledore's.

"Professor, are you sure there will be no problems this time?"

"You can rest assured, Aberforth is not an unreasonable person. Whenever I have time, I often go to the Pig's Head Bar to sit and have a drink. Although Aberforth never spoke to me, he never told me Driven out. 35

When Dumbledore said that, Dunn was even more worried.

If Aberforth drives Dumbledore away, it means that he just hates it in his heart, and there is at least a possibility of reconciliation between the two.

Turning a blind eye to Dumbledore showed that he was desperate and that there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides.

But as long as it doesn't get in the way of getting the Hog's Head, Dunn has no interest in the matter between the Dumbledore brothers.

Leaving the castle, Dumbledore took Dunn to a clearing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

All wizards who want to Apparate to Hogwarts or leave Hogwarts can only do it in this open space.

The two apparated directly to the outskirts of Hogsmeade Village.

Finding an empty place, Dunn opened the box and let Nagini out.

In the blink of an eye Nagini was back in human form.

The three walked into the village of Hogsmeade together.

Because it was not a weekend, there were very few people on the streets of Hogsmeade Village. The bars and shops on the roadside looked deserted, and many shop windows had notices of transfer or closure.

Dunn took a look, and the most famous Three Broomsticks bar didn't exist yet.

Turning into a side road from the Hogsmeade Post Office on Central Avenue, Dunn saw a dilapidated two-story house.

There is a wooden signboard hanging at the door with a picture of a pig's head not to be cut off, and the white cloth covering the pig's head is dripping with blood.

Pushing the door and entering the bar, it was small and dark, and the air smelled of sheep mutton.

There was thick dirt on the windowsill, the glass didn't look like it had been wiped in years, and the outside sunlight could barely get in.

Aside from a dirty bar, there were only a few rough wooden tables with candles lit on them to bring some light into the room.

It was like compacted dirt underfoot, at least that's what Dunn thought at first.

But after stepping on it, he realized that it was a thick layer of dirt.

This floor hasn't been cleaned for centuries, no wonder the house smells so bad..

Nagini called out, "Hello, is anyone there?

Footsteps quickly came from the stairs, as if carrying something.

Soon an old man who looked almost like Dumbledore appeared at the top of the stairs, with two large suitcases in his hands and a blanket rolled under his arms, as if he was moving.

"I didn't expect you to come so early, but I've already packed up all my belongings, just in these two boxes, and all the rest of the things here are left to you, do whatever you want, even if it's a fire You can drop it, but be careful not to set the house on fire."

Aberforth's speaking style is very similar to Dumbledore's, but his eyes are not as bright as Dumbledore's, and the gangster looks like he has no spirit.

Dunn looked at each other curiously.

"You know I bought this bar?"

"Or else? Am I expecting this woman dressed like a circus to pay me 2,000 Galleons for this bar?"

Dumbledore, who was standing beside him, was once again splendidly ignored.

Fortunately, Dumbledore was already familiar with this way of meeting, so he found a seat and sat down, waiting for Dunn and Aberforth to complete the handover.

2000 Galleons is not expensive, and Dunn is no nonsense.

The money bag was placed on the wooden table with a crisp sound.

Aberforth picked up the purse and stuffed the 3.1 directly into his pocket.

"Aren't you going to click?'

"No need, I believe that the person Theseus introduced, now this bar is yours, have you thought of its name?"

"Panda Bar."

Aberforth pouted.

Although he still thinks the pig's head bar sounds better, but now that the bar has changed owners, he has not expressed any more opinions on this.

Go to the door, take out your wand and point it at the sign.

The bloody pig head disappeared, replaced by a red panda with a long tail.

Turning around, Aberforth asked Dunn how this was.

Dunn took out his wand himself and pointed it at the sign.

The red panda disappeared, replaced by a black and white naive giant panda, holding a green bamboo in his hand.

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