My biological black technology

Chapter 591 Steen (please subscribe)

The Mota civilization was just the beginning. As the Mota civilization began, the warships commanded by Li Yishou continued to jump along the planned route, jumping all the way, and gathering all the way.

Time also passes quickly in this process.

In the blink of an eye, there were five jumps in a row.

They have arrived in a brand new galaxy.

"What time is it now, Lao Fan?" Li Yishou asked.

"It has been exactly three Earth months since we set off. According to the road map, our current location should be near the Steen Galaxy."

"From a time perspective, the current progress is just right and within the range of our calculations."

"There are no accidents. We should be able to complete the mission smoothly." Fan Yinghua said quickly. Along the way, this was not just a mission execution as part of the Tinder Plan, but also a spiritual transformation.

The rise of every third-level civilization is a profound epic, with countless heroes and stories embedded in it. However, such top-notch third-level civilizations now have to cut off their tails to survive without any retreat.

Whether we all welcome death or choose to keep the fire, this is a choice that does not need to be considered.

Except for a few confident civilizations, most civilizations quickly cooperated with Li Yishou and others after they sent the special plan digital token.

Some of the evacuation processes were orderly, while others were chaotic. There were also guys who were so bold that they wanted to seize the fourth-level battleship by force. However, these weird people who overestimated their capabilities were often civilized by themselves before they even reached the edge of the battleship. The battleship was cleaned up.

The mission execution progress is nearly halfway, and the mission execution is considered smooth. However, Li Yishou and others are not relaxed at this time, "The Steen galaxy is already the most distant galaxy that we are responsible for. We order the entire ship to remain vigilant at all times. "

"At the same time, we warn the information investigation department that we are currently in the yellow zone and in the danger zone, and we must pay close attention to collecting space broadcast pulse signals." Li Yishou ordered.

"Understood!" Fan Yinghua immediately made arrangements.

After issuing the completion order, Li Yishou once again observed the concept map of the entire action plan.

At first, the entire battleship was a little uncomfortable with such a large-scale evacuation operation, especially when it involved the fate of hundreds of billions of human beings.

They can temporarily increase the quotas of some races, but they cannot do so.

First of all, not to mention the hundreds or tens of millions of people who have improved, they will not be of much use to a civilization with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions. More importantly, the battleship's route arrangement and evacuation capacity were carefully calculated.

An increase for one party will inevitably mean a decrease in the quota for the subsequent party.

Taking sides inevitably means more injustice.

This is a challenge to the entire order.

Therefore, at this time, only by maintaining order in an iron-blooded manner can we complete the task better and more efficiently.

Besides, China is not their savior, and has no necessary obligation to save them. Coming to implement the Fire Plan is China's help for the overall situation of the Human Alliance, and this help is also extremely limited. They can only follow Plan to save limited civilization.

"It takes half a year to come and go."

"I wonder what's going on at the base camp now?"

"Faced with such a crisis, what plan will the base camp choose to implement?" Li Yishou was worried. He was used to the joys and sorrows of evacuation, but he still felt that what actions China itself would take when facing this unprecedented crisis to anxiety.

Unfortunately, the right to know is limited. All he can know is the current plans. As for what actions the base camp will take to deal with this crisis, Li Yishou is completely a question mark and can only guess based on his own strategic literacy.

"Perhaps we will also evacuate." Fan Yinghua had already made arrangements through the smart terminal, and then continued his thoughts on Li Yishou's topic.

"Evacuate, this is the only way."

"The enemy is too powerful. Even the main fleet that assembled the entire cantilever force was completely annihilated. It is difficult for us in China to maintain it alone."

"It's impossible to maintain it." Li Yishou had to admit this reality, with a very solemn expression.

Evacuation is a simple word. Moreover, in Li Yishou's eyes, if China wants to evacuate, at least it does not have to be a direct act of cutting off the arms of a strong man and abandoning most of the population. With the number of Chinese warships and the relatively sparse population, , the battleship is enough to pull everyone away.

However, Li Yishou was not very clear on how many things and secrets would be involved in the evacuation. However, as a soldier, it was really very cowardly for him to run away before even seeing the enemy.

"Old Fan, tell me, if we want to retreat, where will we retreat? Will the higher ups retreat to extragalactic galaxies?" Fan Yinghua asked, "What we need most is a stable development time."

"Extragalactic galaxy? Impossible." Li Yishou shook his head, "I can clearly say that although we have the ability to carry large masses, it should be impossible to go to the extragalactic galaxy, because even the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is relatively close to us, , that’s also 1.5 million light-years away.”

"It doesn't matter that we can store enough mass, but to span such a long distance, even if we carry more, at the same time, carrying the mass itself, we have to make a long jump, and we must burn more energy. quality."

"And, more importantly, we have absolutely no information about the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds."

"When we exhaust everything and reach the extragalactic galaxy, we are exhausted and exhausted. What should we do if we encounter a strong enemy or crisis? The risk of destruction is greater. This is obviously inappropriate."

"Rather than going to the extragalactic system, I prefer to continue fighting guerrillas inside the cantilever."

"It is more suitable for us to disperse and fight guerrillas."

"We have a fairly complete star map, which is very convenient for both operations and replenishing supplies. Moreover, although the enemy is extremely powerful, we do not know everything about the enemy."

"The most important thing is that we can endure it. Maybe this time will be very long, but even if they are the masters of the galaxy, once they start to enter the stranger road of civilization, they will eventually perish. From a longer time span, we The victory of the human race is inevitable."

"What we in China have to do is to survive in such an unstoppable disaster. As long as we live long enough and survive until they cannot withstand the decline of civilization and weaken, that will be the beginning of our victory!" Li Yishou! I’ve been thinking a lot these days.

Fan Yinghua remained silent, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

What he saw was the other side of this disaster. No matter what choice China made in this disaster, it would be painful and difficult after all, and it would inevitably require blood and sacrifice.

Disaster is imminent.

No one can survive easily.

During the conversation, all departments of the battleship were already quite skilled in cooperating with each other, and soon, the general information about the Steen Galaxy appeared on the big screen.

See the intelligence information collected on the big screen.

Li Yishou and Fan Yinghua looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The information on the big screen is more serious.

It's not that the Galactic Core Civilization has invaded this area, but that the Steen Civilization, which was originally included in the Fire Plan, has fallen into fierce civil strife.

Judging from the situation detected by the short-distance space jump probe, a fierce civil war broke out in the Steen galaxy.

Yes, it was a civil war, and it was extremely fierce. In the Steen galaxy, which originally had seven administrative stars recorded on the star map, two rich planets were directly shattered at this time, and these shattered planets, One of them is the home planet of the Steen civilization.

As you can imagine, the civil strife broke out suddenly and violently.

"How could this happen? Is this a full-scale civil war?" Fan Yinghua frowned. For this mission, they had rehearsed various situations and encountered many emergencies. However, that was when the civilization began to evacuate. after. Until now, twelve civilizations have been rescued, but I have never seen an entire civilization break out into such civil strife in advance like Steen.

"If they break out in civil strife, it will seriously affect our evacuation plan in the Steen System."

"There is a problem here." Li Yishou also frowned and said, "Order, continue the detection. There must be a problem here."

"Civil strife is still possible for the civilization of the home star era."

"According to supercomputing model deduction, the more developed and advanced a civilization becomes, the stronger its emergency response capabilities will be. No matter what social form, under normal circumstances, the possibility and risk of a full-scale civil strife will increase. Come lower and lower.”

"This is very abnormal!"

"If there is any unexpected excitement." Li Yishou pointed out.

"Old Li, do you mean that they already knew that they were going to implement the Tinder Plan? So, the civil strife broke out in advance?" Fan Yinghua thought of this possibility.

"Lao Fan, you are right." Li Yishou nodded, "Besides, this possibility is very high."

"But how did they know?"

"Level 3 civilization does not have the ability to jump through space. Various signals on the battlefield, even if the factors of propagation attenuation are excluded, are still far from reaching this area."

"There must be a new space broadcast!" Li Yishou made his own speculation. "Three-level top civilizations are not yet capable of space jumps, but they still have the ability to analyze the space broadcasts of high-level human alliances."

"If they really received the corresponding space broadcast, then it is indeed very possible that there will be full-scale civil strife after the leak." Fan Yinghua understood Li Yishou's thoughts.

"Order the investigation department to search for the Steen civilization deep space probe and scan the information network."

"They are already in such civil unrest, and the reason will be found out soon."

"Compared with the civil strife of Steen civilization, I want to know what happened on the front line more." Li Yishou gave an order, and the corresponding departments of the entire battleship quickly began to divide work and cooperate.

Ships of small detection equipment quickly shuttled through space.

Time passed slowly, and Li Yishou had no intention of letting the battleship get closer to the Steen galaxy or revealing his own signal.

They are waiting for a result.

The command center is a bit dull.

Everyone is busy.

At this moment, communication information suddenly lit up on the big screen.

The source of the information is very clear. It is the result of the investigation back from the front line.

"Is there a situation?" Li Yishou quickly opened the communication message.

After opening it, the people at the command center basically saw the content of the communication. The content recorded a text message, and the text message displayed the alliance's lingua franca.

retreat! retreat!

We are the fourth level civilization of Rico, and the time and space coordinates are... We have been attacked, we have been attacked!

Please nearby human allies who have received the space broadcast to evacuate immediately!

Please nearby human allies who have received the space broadcast to evacuate immediately!

Rico Civilization is not only a fourth-level civilization, but also one of the fourth-level civilizations in other areas of the Fire Plan. And this space broadcast is the space broadcast that will be released in all directions if the fourth-level civilization encounters an unexpected event when executing the Fire Plan.

This can quickly notify other nearby warships that are performing missions to evacuate quickly.

"The area that Rico civilization is responsible for is still separated from the area that we are responsible for by Warren Level 4 civilization. According to the time and space coordinates of the signal, as well as the speed of this space broadcast transmission. There is also the Steen civilization that received the space broadcast. time calculation."

"In other words, they had already encountered enemies from the galactic center about fifteen Earth days ago."

Fifteen Earth days, that is, half a month ago in the Earth calendar, the Fire Project execution fleet in the star sector responsible for the fourth-level civilization was separated from them by an unexpected event.

What's even more serious is that it was fifteen days ago.

It goes without saying that Li Yishou and Fan Yinghua have seen the seriousness of the problem.

For an enemy with the ability to jump in space, the distance of a star sector is nothing at all. The enemy is already close at hand.



"So fast!……"

"There's no time to delay."

"There is no time." The two looked at each other and understood each other's intentions.

Soon, the cause of the civil strife in Steen's civilization was found out, just because of the relationship between the front and rear legs.

"It's exactly what we expected."

"The civil strife in the Steen civilization was indeed caused by this sudden space broadcast."

"The space broadcast uses the alliance's common language and is transmitted in clear text."

"There are many people in the third-level top civilization who have good information, so it is not difficult to parse the alliance's common language, so the information was leaked."

"So, before we even arrived, they started fighting over this spot..."

"At the beginning, they just tried to use force to get a spot. Everyone was full of confidence. No one thought that the situation would get out of control to this extent."

"What they didn't expect was that this seemingly life-and-death situation was, for some speculators, the best moment for interests and power to be reshuffled. After tens of thousands of years of development, the development of Steen's civilization has become increasingly weak, and social classes have become increasingly weak. As it becomes more stable, the upward channel gradually closes.”

"Under such a staggered situation, everyone who entered the game felt that they would be the winners. As a result, the only result was that the war broke out violently in a short period of time."

"The capital star was directly bombed, and tens of billions of people were killed... and the war has reached this level, and it can no longer be stopped..."

"As for what it was for in the first place, it no longer matters..." As he spoke, Fan Yinghua's face was filled with sadness. The level of internal fighting was full of surprises, but considering the background, it was also expected.

In the history of civilization evolution, countless civilizations were destroyed not by other places, but by themselves.

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