My biological black technology

Chapter 459 Determination (please subscribe)


Horrifying picture...

War is never fought more passionately and more aggressively.

Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. The destruction at the fingertips now made Mu Jiangfei feel horrified from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, Mu Jiangfei didn't care about anything else and immediately looked at the Moore escape ship on the side. When he saw it, he was shocked again.


"When did you do it?"

The Moore escape ship had fallen into the same fate at this time, silently following in the footsteps of the main battleship.

This picture is a bit scary.

Although Mu Jiangfei didn't pay much attention to the Moorish civilization's escape ship earlier, the main battleship captured by the behemoth in front of him was a battleship of that size. Even he and Zhang Xuebin combined , nor an opponent.

Even if they are not afraid of the opponent, the opponent's armor is definitely not something they can break through in a short time, and the opponent can choose to retreat calmly. Once outside the vast planetary system, the quality disadvantage of the mecha will inevitably be revealed.

Without material supplements, it is difficult for mechas to perform combat missions in the huge space outside the planetary system.

But now, even if the opponent is captured, Mu Jiangfei feels that he will have to waste a lot of energy to destroy such a main battleship. However, the unknown existence in front of him gives a different explanation, that is, in an instant .

"Unknown civilization..."

"Unknown technology... such a hugely destructive attack..."

"And the information just received seems that they still belong to the Third Spiral Arm Human Alliance. It seems that their status in this alliance is not low."

Mu Jiangfei was deeply worried about his own safety, and now he was even more concerned about it.

"The escape ship that can quietly destroy the Moorish civilization can destroy me silently." Mu Jiangfei once again glanced at the pool of escape ships that quickly disintegrated under the influence of gravity. At this time, Its original appearance can no longer be distinguished.

Mu Jiangfei had no intention of retreating. As a soldier, his duty was to defend the territory in front of the enemy.

There was no retreat before, and now, without the third party of Moorish civilization, it is naturally impossible to retreat.

If the earthen pot is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

Having been in the army for generations, he was already prepared to sacrifice on the first day he joined the army.

In a daze, it seemed like I was back to the day when I put on the military uniform and went to the military camp. On that day, my grandfather's hair was gray. He had given away his son with his own hands, and now he was giving away his grandson, but the old man did not regret it at all.

"Your father passed away early. He had regrets. He regretted that he could not grow up with you, regretted that he could not fulfill his filial piety before his bedside, and regretted that he could not witness a more prosperous China. However, he has never regretted it."

"This country always needs someone to protect it. This land always needs someone to defend it."

"Go, kid..."

That scene will never be forgotten. Now, the old man has passed away. When the ashes were collected after the cremation, there were still two warheads inside that could not be removed.

One was buried with the old man, and Mu Jiangfei always carried the other with him.

Along the way, I experienced life and death several times.

The smell of death has never been as strong as it is today.

Mu Jiangfei has made final preparations.

In this way, Mu Jiangfei quietly maintained a close confrontation with the opponent. At the same time, silently transmitted the information back again, including the previously received communication from the other party.

Mu Jiangfei didn't move, and neither did Zhang Xuebin, in the vast interstellar space.

From a distance, it looks like two tiny ants facing off against a vast beast.

Is it overestimating one's capabilities? Is it a mantis trying to act like a chariot?

No, this is the fearlessness of Chinese soldiers!

There is no fierce confrontation, and the mecha does not change its warp speed violently. However, it is precisely this extremely quiet confrontation, the absolute gap in strength, the threat of death at any time, and the invisible confrontation, which is enough to make the weaker party's mentality collapse.

However, they blocked it. They stood motionless in front of this behemoth that was at the pinnacle of technology from a different civilization.

I do not know how long it has been.

One minute, or several minutes.

The communication system sounded again.

"Hello, human warriors of the solar system, we are from the Human Alliance of the Third Spiral Arm. We are the great Keredi civilization (transliteration)."

"The Human Alliance of the Third Spiral Arm aims to unite the power of all human beings, help each other, and seek more space for survival and development for all human beings in this cruel universe."

"The Moorish civilization was once a member of our organization, and with our help, it developed and grew rapidly."

"However, the development of civilization takes a long time, and the development process is also full of twists and turns. When civilization enters the interstellar world, it does not mean that it will be done once and for all. Due to various reasons, there are many examples of talent shortages, interruptions, and civilization regression."

"Faced with such a dilemma, the Moorish civilization made the wrong choice."

"We are here to put an end to this mistake."

"Humans in the solar system, your development has broken through the limitations of the planetary system and represents the hope of mankind."

"Now, on behalf of the Human Alliance, I extend an invitation to your civilization."

"You are invited to join the Third Spiral Arm Human Alliance..."

"Tell me, your choice..."

Mu Jiangfei looked at the communication content on the consciousness screen, and his heart shook violently. Even though he was operating consciously at this time, he still felt that his breathing was a little tight.

"The Third Spiral Arm Human Alliance..."

This is not the first time Mu Jiangfei has heard this word. This word has been a hot topic in interstellar sociology since the battle three years ago.

The content obtained from Isaac's memory, his permission to know is that he has the permission to know this part of it.

"The Moorish civilization was invited to join this organization hundreds of years ago. Over the past hundreds of years, it has committed horrific incidents one after another, but it has never stopped."

"The lack of information in the universe may be a reason."

"However, it is not impossible that this alliance is inactive or even deliberately condoning it."

"And now, the entire main battleship of the Moorish civilization has been exterminated like this." Mu Jiangfei felt a deep chill. The crimes of the Moorish civilization were too numerous to list, but without their indulgence, it would not have been possible. If, as he imagined, they were all insiders behind the Moorish civilization, then the current cleanup behavior would really make people feel deeply chilling.

I once looked at the stream and thought the water would only come up to my knees.

Then I saw the river and thought the water would only reach the top of my head.

It wasn't until one day that I saw the sea, so deep and bottomless, that I truly understood the world...

As for their purpose, Mu Jiangfei forcibly stopped himself from imagining it. He could not bring information interference to the latter.

"This invitation... these words that cannot be refused..." Mu Jiangfei just glanced at it and felt the difficulty in it. Such a powerful battleship must be cautious when given such an important question.

And he obviously couldn't make the decision on this question, but he also had to give an answer.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Jiangfei quickly edited the reply.

"First of all, thank you for your assistance and your invitation. Please forgive me for my difficulty in giving an accurate reply directly. I am just an ordinary member of the human warriors in the solar system. This matter is of great importance and needs to be taken seriously and discussed by the rear center. I can only give you a reply. Before that, please stay here for a while. My comrades and I will accompany you throughout the process."

The words were neither humble nor arrogant. They not only mentioned the solemnity and importance of this invitation, but also implicitly suggested that the other party should stay where they are and not move forward.

But the cost of doing so is most likely to anger the other party and turn his little soldier into ashes immediately. However, this is the mission and responsibility. Mu Jiangfei confirmed it carefully, and then immediately sent the record of the incident to Base camp, finally, send the content you just edited!

Thanks to Seeker Xiaobai for the 1500 reward, and thank you for your support.


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