The next day, Ethan came to Miles restaurant as usual.

I saw Brock sitting in the corner, reading the newspaper and sipping coffee.

"Good morning, Brock, what's new today?" Ethan sat down opposite him.

Brock put down the newspaper, "A boring newspaper indicates a boring day. The 76ers won last night. Did you read it?"

"No, after dealing with an incident with Emmett last night, it was already too late and I couldn't catch up."

Ethan shook his head as he said, "Fortunately you were not on duty. The neighbor reported the crime. When we rushed to the scene, it was so tragic. The woman smashed the anus of her husband and her boyfriend with a gun."

Brock looked at the brown coffee in the cup, hesitated, and then put the cup down.

"You bastard, I'm leaving first. We're going to the court later to attend Hood's swearing-in ceremony. There's also a welcome party hosted by Kay Proctor in the evening. Don't forget it."

Ethan nodded. The controller of the underground forces held a welcome party for the new police chief, and of course he would not miss it.

After Brock left, he waved and called the waiter.

The waiter came over quickly, holding a plate of cakes in his hand.

"Good morning, officer, this is the strawberry cake I just made. I want you to have a taste."

Ethan glanced at the nameplate on her chest, "Dalia, thank you, you can just call me Ethan. Please bring me another cup of coffee."

"Okay, Ethan, I'll be ready soon."

Dahlia gave Ethan a sweet smile, twisted her waist and left.

Looking away, Ethan picked up a spoon and scooped out a piece of cake and put it into his mouth.

"Well, it tastes really good."

Back at the police station, I saw Hood standing in front of the full-length mirror, awkwardly adjusting his clothes.

Ethan went over to help him adjust the back collar, looked at the person in the mirror and said, "Are you not used to wearing this clothes?"

Hood was tucking his clothes into his pants. When he heard Ethan's words, his hand movements paused.

Ethan pretended not to see it: "It's definitely not easy for you to come to Banshee Town from the west. If you need any help, just ask."

Hood in the mirror looked at Ethan sharply, and Ethan continued to say calmly:

"Martin Star Dry Cleaners has a cooperative relationship with our police station. If you feel it doesn't fit, you can ask them to help change it."

Hood turned around and said, "Thank you, I think it fits you well."

"Okay then, let's go, it's time to go to the court and take the oath." Ethan patted Hood on the shoulder.

Hood looked at Ethan's leaving figure and suddenly smiled, wondering if he was too sensitive.

After the oath-taking ceremony was over and congratulations to Hood, Ethan continued his work.

Time soon came to night. After Ethan went home and cleaned the kitchen utensils, he boiled half a pot of water and threw in the pasta he just bought from the supermarket.

For an inauguration welcome party like the one in the United States, sumptuous food must be prepared.

But few people will eat and drink at the party. It is mainly a social occasion.

After filling his stomach, taking a shower, and changing into a black suit, Ethan drove to Proctor's house.

Not long after, I arrived in front of a private villa, where a temporarily hired waiter was constantly greeting incoming cars.

Under the instructions of the waiter, he found the parking lot and put the car away.

When he walked to the gate, he saw a car parked in front of him. The person in the car opened the door impatiently, and Ethan stopped.

"Good evening, Mr. Hopewell."

"Good evening, Ethan, right? We met in court today." Gordon saw it was Ethan and forced a smile.

With a smile on his face, Ethan shook hands with Gordon Hopewell, the district attorney of Banshee Town, and then looked at the woman in a black evening dress standing next to Gordon.

"This is my wife, Carly."

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mrs. Hopewell."

Ethan nodded to Carly, and then they walked into Proctor's villa together.

Walking across the lawn to the backyard, he instantly felt lively. It was the first time he saw so many people in one place after crossing.

It seems that although Proctor has a bad reputation, he still does a good job in interpersonal relationships.

Of course, there must be people here who are like Gordon and want to show face to the new police chief and come to join in the fun.

But at least the scene was maintained well, everyone was talking and laughing, a small stage was set up next to the swimming pool, and a small band was playing happily.

Ethan saw Brock and Emmett standing in the corner of the swimming pool, apologized to Gordon, then stopped the waiter walking by, took a glass of champagne from the tray, and said to Brock and the others Go.

Clinking glasses with the two of them one by one, Ethan raised the glass and took a sip.

"Good evening, guys, what were you talking about?"

"As for what happened at the lumber mill yesterday, Ethan, you were also there. If Proctor hadn't appeared, looking at the situation, Chief Hood would have destroyed the Moody brothers."

Brock said to Ethan with a puzzled face: "With his skills, aren't you curious about what he has experienced before?"

Ethan shrugged. "You know, everyone has his secrets, and so do we."

"Ethan is right, Brock, aren't you dissatisfied that our Sheriff is a good fighter?" Emmett agreed.

Brock shrugged his shoulders and drank the champagne in the glass in one gulp.

After chatting for a while, Ethan put down the empty cup and looked around. At this time, a low cry came from the crowd, and a familiar figure accidentally knocked over the tray in the waiter's hand, and stained his clothes. some pastries and left in a hurry.

Isn’t this Dahlia, the waitress at Miles’ restaurant? "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to the bathroom." Upon seeing this, Ethan quickly followed.

On the second floor of the villa, next to the bathroom.

Dalia looked in the mirror angrily and kept wiping the cake on her body. Ethan stepped forward and took out a towel from the wooden box next to him.

"Good evening, Dalia, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Ethan, my friends and I came to a party." Dalia looked at him in surprise.

"I'm so rude, I didn't see the waiter coming." Dalia wiped the stains on her clothes awkwardly.

Ethan gestured to the towel in his hand, "It's okay, do you need my help?"

"Okay, if it's not too much trouble."

"Of course not, it's my honor." Ethan said it wouldn't be troublesome at all.

"Ethan, did you wipe the wrong place?"

"No." Ethan grabbed the soft towel in confusion.

"Here, let me show you how to wipe it clean."

Dahlia bit her lip and saw that there was no one around, she quickly opened the bathroom door, grabbed his hand, and pulled Ethan in.

Half an hour later, Ethan walked out of the bathroom. After washing his hands, he carefully found a sign under maintenance and hung it on the door handle.

Dalia was exhausted and asked her to take a breather.

Those people just now were so rude, they kept knocking on the door.

Just as he walked downstairs, there was a "bang" gunshot from the backyard.

This was followed by a roar of "Proctor!"

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