After Carly got out of the car, Ethan and Hood immediately got into the van.

Inside the empty car body were several packages with numbers spray-painted in graffiti cans.

Ethan opened his package according to the pre-numbered number. He was surprised to find that in addition to a set of black clothes, a headgear and gloves, even a pair of brand new boots were prepared according to his personal size.

These people are indeed veterans and have prepared everything properly.

Hood was the first to take off his shirt. On his lower back, a long scar was clearly visible, stretching from his waist to his waist.

Noticing Ethan's gaze, Hood smiled and then said:

"Rabbit asked the people in prison to leave this for me."

"I think that person's fate must be worse than yours." Ethan reached out and took off his police badge and threw it into his bag.

Hood's movements paused for a moment, as if he was caught in memories, and then he said slowly:

"If you do the math, that person is also 15 years old this year."

The conversation ended quickly, and Ethan changed into the clothes prepared in the package, and then randomly stuffed his uniform inside.

Ethan put on his hood, adjusted his gloves, then patted Hood on the shoulder and got out of the car first.

After waiting for a while, Hood also got out of the car.

"Are you ready?" Candy rubbed his hands and his dull voice sounded.

Hood raised his finger and touched his ear. "You're ready. There's still some time. Have you put on your headphones?"

Candy tapped her ears and nodded.

"Okay, then you go to the place we agreed on and wait. Pay attention to answer the phone and be ready to respond at any time. There will be no police here at this time."

Noticing Ethan's gaze, Hood quickly changed his words, "Okay, no other police will show up."

"Even if there are special circumstances, you don't have to be afraid. Call me as soon as possible and I will transfer the person. Do you understand?"

Seeing Candy nodding repeatedly, Hood continued:

"This is your first time for both you and Ethan, but don't worry, this job will be easy."

"In addition to Jiabo, the driver who drove today is also our internal agent. Just for the safety of all of us, he cannot be exposed. He can only attract the attention of another escort person so that we can get closer to the escort vehicle."

"Do you have any other questions?"

After seeing them all shaking their heads, Hood rolled up his sleeves and glanced at his watch.

"It's almost time. Jabo is already here. Let's go."

After seeing Candy driving away, Ethan and Hood quickly climbed onto the F150. After they fixed their positions, they lay flat in the rear bucket.

After a while, Ethan felt the car body vibrate, and the leaves above his sight quickly receded.

"Can she do it?"

Ethan turned to Hood and asked loudly.

Hood responded loudly: "No problem, her driving skills are the best among us, don't worry."

"Really? Why didn't I know."

The rear glass of the cab had been removed. Carly clearly heard what they said and responded loudly. Then she reached out and slapped the car above their heads, and then swung the steering wheel.

The tire ran over the rocks and there was a sudden jolt. Carly laughed amidst the curses of Hood and Ethan, hit the accelerator, and drove away quickly.

After a while, Carly's voice sounded, "I see the target, Jabber, can you hear it?"

Carly patted the car body. Ethan and Hood quickly turned over and squatted down. The F150 was driving quickly along Highway 80. The wind and waves caused by the high-speed driving of the car slapped their faces. Not far in front was a car with a wide body. The deposit car appeared in front of me.

"Of course I can hear that. Say, we just narrowly escaped a federal investigation, and the first thing we do is rob a deposit car?"

Jiabo's voice sounded from the earphones.

"Otherwise, do we still have to wait for the FBI to get off work? You are all a bunch of lunatics anyway." Candy's voice also came out.

"Fuck Fuck, you old bastard."

"You two, don't talk nonsense. Jiabo, please open the car door quickly and let's make a quick decision."

Carly's voice stopped the quarrel between the two, and the next moment, the back door of the fast-moving mortgage car in front was kicked open by Jabber.

Jabo was wearing the uniform of Chino Moon's security personnel, standing in the escort vehicle, the wind howling in the vehicle.

After pressing his peaked cap with his hand, he grabbed the top of the car door with one hand, waved at them quickly and commanded:

"Turn the car around, turn the car around."

Ethan and Hood looked at each other and squatted down quickly.

Carly ignored them and quickly turned the steering wheel, making skillful cooperation between her hands and feet. The tires made a screeching sound, and the Ford F150 quickly lost direction under her operation.

As the car body swung rapidly, Ethan firmly grabbed the side of the car with his arms. Hood couldn't squat down and stumbled, but he was holding him back.

The car body quickly stabilized, and at this time the rear of the F150 was facing the deposit car.

Carly adjusted the angle and stepped on the accelerator. The F150 quickly retreated and approached Jabber.

As the tires rotated crazily, the two cars gradually moved closer together.

When Carly was driving the car and was still more than one meter away from the deposit car, she kept her distance and could not get any closer. A little carelessness at this time would result in a car crash and death.

As soon as Ethan stood up, a large yellow package flew towards him, and he quickly stretched out his hands to grab it firmly.

The heavy feeling made Ethan's blood suddenly surge. He threw the package to Hood, then judged the distance, flashed, and jumped into the deposit car first.

Hood had no choice but to stay on the F150 and watch them excitedly.

Inside the deposit vehicle, there were a dozen yellow cloth packages piled up.

Jabo was picking up a heavy package and throwing it to the rear bucket of the F150 behind him.

Seeing Ethan jumping over, Jabo quickly shouted: "Hurry up, time is limited."

After Ethan stood firm, he quickly ran over and grabbed the two packages. Then he returned to the car door and raised his arms vigorously. The two yellow packages flew up in an arc, and Hood quickly caught them.

At this time, the security guard sitting in the passenger seat noticed the movement behind him in the rearview mirror. He quickly pulled the steering wheel, leaned out of the car window and fired.

The deposit car shook violently. Jabo lost his balance and fell out of the car. He looked at the fast-moving ground in horror.

As soon as Jiabo closed his eyes, instead of the expected severe pain, a huge force pulled him back into the car.

"Fake." Jia Bo fell back into the escort car in a cold sweat and gratefully turned to Ethan.

Hood, who was on the back of the pickup truck, also took out his pistol at this time, turning sideways and firing back at the passenger seat of the deposit vehicle. Carly quickly adjusted the angle and stepped on the accelerator, and the distance between the two parties became closer.

"Okay, you go there first."

Ethan pulled Jabber up and yelled at him.

Jiabo wiped his sweat and nodded quickly. Looking at the approaching F150, he jumped out from behind the deposit vehicle and fell onto the back of the pickup truck.

Ethan seized the moment and ran back to where the packages were stacked. He swung his arms repeatedly and three yellow packages rose into the air and fell backwards.

Then he also made a save and landed on the rear bucket of the F150.

With a "bang", sparks flew from the side of the car, and Hood was almost hit. He angrily put the gun back into his waist.

"Carly, keep up."

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