"Is this firepower enough?" Candy asked anxiously.

Jiabo sighed, "We are not going to have a fight. There are only three people in the escort vehicle, including me and an internal agent."

Looking at the three dark Beretta M9s placed on the table, Ethan smiled and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

They have prepared everything so well and have considered all aspects carefully, except for taking action. The reason why they brought themselves in at this time is to make a fortune with them, so there is no reason not to participate.

After hearing that Jia Bo had explained everything, Hood paused his wine glass, cleared his throat and said:

"The specific plan is this. We still need vehicles. Carly, you are responsible for stealing cars. This is your specialty. Don't have too many cars, otherwise the target will be too big. Just two. The first one is responsible for carrying out the operation, and the second one is responsible for carrying out the operation. Leave the car for Candy, and he will be responsible for supporting it.”

"Me, Ethan, and Carly, the three of us are responsible for taking action."

"Jia Bo, just take care of things in the deposit car."

"I made the patrol list. When the time comes, I will arrange for Ethan to be on duty in this area. You don't have to worry about other people from the police station suddenly appearing."

"We will take action within the next two days. I will confirm the specific time and will notify everyone via mobile phone then."

After Hood finished speaking, Jiabo took out several mobile phones from his handbag and said:

"We will not meet each other again after tonight. We will contact you through this mobile phone. I have saved the number on it. After the operation is over, I will destroy the mobile phone."

"I have processed these mobile phones and they are very clean."

After Jiabo finished speaking, everyone reached out and grabbed it on the table.

Ethan unceremoniously grabbed the Beretta M9 pistol and a mobile phone. He put the mobile phone into his trouser pocket and took out the magazine of the pistol to check. It was already loaded with bullets, but he still asked Jabber:

"Do you have any spare magazines?"

"I knew you would ask." Jia Bo smiled and took out three spare magazines from his handbag.

There was no problem now. The remaining two guns were taken away by Hood and Candy. Carly was mainly responsible for stealing the car and driving. When the time came, Jiabo followed the car directly and had a gun. The others took all their belongings. After placing it, Hood raised his glass.

“A pleasure to work with.”

After talking about the business, Hood put down the cup and asked Carly:

"How are things going with you?"

Speaking of this, Carly's face darkened and she said helplessly:

"Racine asked me to reveal the whereabouts of the rabbit, otherwise the District Attorney's Office would prosecute me for illegal possession of firearms and obstruction of justice."

Candy took the wine bottle from Jabber's hand and poured herself some wine, then looked at Carly

"The District Attorney's Office, wouldn't it be better if you asked Gordon to let you go?"

Carly shook her head and sighed.

"I just called Gordon, but it didn't work. He said that this case was being watched by too many people, and that I deserved it."

"Shet" Candy cursed secretly.

Ethan knocked on the table, "You can't blame Gordon for this. Because of your identity, Special Agent Racine will definitely take this case to his heart. Even if he wants to do something for you, there is nothing he can do."

"Don't worry, I will find a good lawyer for you." Hood said to Carly with a solemn expression.

At this time, Candy coughed, and he hesitated for a while before asking:

"Has this Racine special agent mentioned anything? For example, two enthusiastic citizens who were temporarily recruited by the police department. With their great help, the police chief was successfully rescued. These two enthusiastic people should not suffer anything. Accusation?"

"If the enthusiastic citizens you are talking about refer to you and Jabo, don't worry, you are not on his radar. Whether you will be charged depends on the local police."

Ethan took out a cigarette and threw it into his mouth, lit it with a lighter, then stood up and continued:

"The Sheriff of Banshee Town is right across from you. Ask him if he will charge you. I'm leaving. Call me if you have any questions."

The next day, in the evening.

Ethan was on duty alone at the police station. He walked to the coffee machine and poured a cup of coffee, then returned to his seat and sat down.

He and Siobhan used some of the funds they had previously intercepted to pay bonuses to everyone in the police station. At Brock's strong suggestion, they also purchased a brand new coffee machine.

All the facilities that were damaged when Hood was attacked by Rabbit's men have also been replaced.

At the same time, at Hood's request, in addition to the back door, the police station also installed an emergency security system.

After all, the current office space of the Banshee Town Police Department was requisitioned from a bankrupt Cadillac car sales store. There are large expanses of glass everywhere, including the front door.

It is very good in terms of lighting and landscape, but the safety is too poor.

Therefore, according to Hood's suggestion, rolling shutters were installed in places where it is easy to break in.

If there is an emergency, just press the button inside the glass cover next to the door, and the rolling shutters will be quickly lowered at all windows and front doors to protect the safety of people inside.

No one was around, so Ethan reached under the table.

The next moment, a lunch box appeared in his hand. He put the lunch box on the table and opened it. Steam suddenly came out, and two oily roasted goose legs appeared in front of him.

Ethan wiped his hands with a tissue with satisfaction, moved the mouse to open the YouTube channel on the new computer, found America's Next Top Model and clicked play, then grabbed the roasted goose leg and ate it deliciously.

That's how it is to work in an ordinary rural town. Sometimes the work is very leisurely. When you are on duty at night, it will be very boring if you don't find something to do.

After eating midnight snack, Ethan glanced at the time on the computer, then closed the computer and prepared to go home.

At this time, the phone next to him rang.

He sighed, pushed his foot on the ground, the chair's pulley moved, and Ethan reached out and grabbed the microphone.

"Good evening, Banshee Town Police Department, is there anything urgent?"

"Is it Ethan?"

"Who am I?"

"I'm Jenny, there seems to be someone outside my house, can you come over and take a look?"

"Okay, no problem, I'll be there right now."

Ethan hung up the phone, grabbed his duty belt and buckled it on his body, turned off the lights and left the police station.

According to the address provided by Jenny, Ethan drove to the Maplewood community. It was now dark and the streets outside were deserted, with only the faint sound of TV coming from the houses nearby.

Ethan parked the police car outside Jenny's house, turned off the lights, crossed the lawn and knocked on the door.

Soon the door was opened. Jenny was wearing a black silk nightgown and opened the door. When Ethan's nose moved, he could still smell alcohol on her body.

"You're here?" Jenny said in surprise.

Ethan was a little confused and had to ask: "Jenny, where did you see the stranger?"

Jenny was a little flustered and stammered:

"Just now, a man in a black coat passed by outside."

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