The piercing air raid siren was sounded, and the sound echoed in the city like a ghost.

"Go go go, run quickly, we have to get to the building Daniel built."

Blake was the first to react and made a choice in a split second. It was the tall building closest to them and the only hope for survival.

Ignoring the pain, Ben Taylor jumped forward and ran forward. Ethan resisted him, and everyone ran desperately towards the tall building that was mostly built in front of them.

Before entering the building, everyone turned around and saw a white line on the sea in the distance sweeping towards the city.

A huge cargo ship was carried by the tsunami and hit the red Golden Gate Bridge. They could hear the huge sound clearly, and the cars on the bridge flew up like building blocks.

After the huge waves destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge, they headed toward the city along the bay, venting the power of heaven and earth along the way.

Arriving at the fire stairs, Ethan put Ben Taylor down with a blushing face.

He put his hands on his knees and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

No matter how good his physical fitness was, carrying a man weighing more than 100 kilograms and running rapidly for several minutes while avoiding obstacles on the road almost left him breathless.

"Go quickly, don't stop, I'll follow you right away."

Now was not the time for politeness. Ben Taylor knew that he was now the one holding him back. He gritted his teeth and took Ollie's hand and walked up the stairs.

Blake looked at him worriedly, and Ethan waved to indicate that he was fine. After breathing easier, he and Blake quickly ran up the fire stairs together.

Soon they caught up with Ben Taylor and Ollie. Ethan really didn't have the strength to resist him and run up the stairs. He could only support him and the group kept running upwards.

He didn't know how many floors he had climbed when Ethan suddenly stopped.

Blake didn't have time to react and bumped into his back. Ethan quickly stretched out his foot and pushed forward to stop the attack.

Looking at the sharp steel bars in front of him, cold sweat broke out on his back.

The earthquake had collapsed the stairs going up, and the corridors were sealed tightly with reinforced concrete blocks.

Everyone had no choice but to open the fire door and go inside the building. They had an unobstructed view of the empty hall, with several thick cement pillars stuck in the middle.

Ben Taylor frowned and slumped on the ground. The violent exercise caused his wound to burst and stain his pants red.

"What's that sound?" Ollie listened to the roar and looked outside the building with wide eyes.

Blake approached the glass curtain wall, and the seawater rushed towards them like thousands of horses galloping, flooding the streets and knocking down buildings.

Blake bit his lip, estimated the height, and hurriedly took a few steps back. His eyes were full of panic. "We are not high enough, so quickly find cover."

Ethan grabbed her hand and hid behind a concrete pillar with Blake.

Ben Taylor also hugged Ollie and clasped his hands tightly on the pillar. Several people looked at each other, waiting for the judgment of fate.

The sound of the rushing water became louder and louder, and the whole building was shaking violently.

Ethan felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat, and his hand pulling on the pillar could not help but become a little harder.

With a loud noise, the glass curtain wall was broken by the sea water.

The force of the water flow became stronger and stronger, and Ben Taylor next to him screamed and was washed away by the sea water.

After supporting it for a while, Ethan reluctantly let go of his hand.

The moment he let go, he and Blake were swept into the water. After rolling twice in a daze, Blake disappeared. Ethan opened his eyes wide. A car rushed past him along the current, and the rearview mirror hung heavily on the on his legs.

Under the heavy impact, Ethan was brought into the water.

He held his breath and kept pulling his hands, swimming upwards with all his strength.

"Ethan, paddle this way."

Fortunately, due to the obstruction of the wall, after the first wave of sea water passed by, the water flow slowed down and he finally surfaced. Ethan took a big breath of oxygen and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Blake and the others were lucky enough not to be hit by the debris carried by the sea water, and had already swam to the entrance of the fire escape on the other side.

The water in the hall was still rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Ethan reluctantly swam toward them.

Ben Taylor and Blake worked together to pull Ethan out of the water. Along the still intact fire elevator, several people climbed up to two floors before stopping.

When the fire door was opened, several people collapsed on the cement floor like broken soldiers.

There was a stinging pain in his thigh. Ethan quickly sat up, took off his jacket and threw it aside. Not caring that Blake was still beside him, he pulled down one side of his pants and saw a bruise on his thigh.

Blake came over nonchalantly and helped him stand up. Ethan took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and suddenly felt a stinging pain.

I don't know how bad the injury is, but there is no better way now, I can only endure it for now.

With Blake's support, he slowly walked towards the glass curtain wall.

As far as the eye can see, there is vast ocean.

Tall buildings stand in the sea like isolated islands, and the water is filled with all kinds of debris.

Ben Taylor hugged Ollie in fear. If they followed the crowd and walked out, this tsunami could kill them in San Francisco.

This floor has been mostly renovated, and there are office supplies piled everywhere. They searched for them, but found that they didn't have any usable supplies. They didn't know when they would be able to wait for rescue, so they had to rest where they were to regain their strength.

Not far away, Ollie was sleeping soundly in Ben Taylor's arms.

Ethan took the wet cigarette and the radio out of his pocket.

He grabbed the cigarette hard and squeezed out a stream of water.

I shook the intercom and turned the switch, but nothing happened, and there was still water seeping out of the gap.

He threw the walkie-talkie aside helplessly, leaning against the pillar and looking outside the curtain wall, hoping that rescue would arrive soon.

There were footsteps and he raised his head. Blake combed her hair with her hands and walked next to him. The wet tank top fit the curves of her body perfectly.

He stepped aside to make room, and Blake sat down next to him.

He could feel that Blake's arms were cold and his body was still shaking slightly. Ethan reached into his pocket and took out a piece of chocolate from the space.

This was the last time I patrolled with Siobhan. He couldn't eat what was thrown to him, but he didn't like sweets, so he just put it in the space.

Small items are easy to explain, so he took out the chocolate.

Under Blake's surprised eyes, Ethan tore open the package and handed it to her.

Blake took the chocolate, broke it in half without hesitation, whistled, threw it to Ben Taylor, stretched out his hand and nodded at Ollie.

She broke the remaining half of the chocolate into two pieces again, picked up one piece and brought it to Ethan's mouth.

"I don't like sweets, you can eat it yourself."

Ethan shook his head and refused, but Blake thought he was trying to avoid it and looked at him firmly, without moving the chocolate between his fingers.

He had no choice but to open his mouth, and Blake quickly put his fingers into his mouth, then withdrew his hand, licked his fingers, and smiled at him, with big blue crystal eyes that looked like a husky.

Ethan stretched out his hand and took Blake into his arms, chewing it carefully. It tasted pretty good.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ollie shouted in surprise:

"Wake up quickly, I saw someone driving a boat outside."

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