My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 539: This is the big demon

Chapter 539 This is the great demon god

Not only her, Qin Chao is also surprised.

How is the other party's palm, how do you feel pain!

At that moment, the Diamond Sutra seems to remind himself that he has reached the limit of defense. If the opponent's sharpness is stronger, it may collapse.


These two words, Qin Chao seems to have not seen it for a long time.

Of course, the last time the body’s internal forces ran away, the half-death that was directly bombed by nuclear weapons was not counted.

At that time, I was not a bit angry.

Now, his strength is very abundant, and it is still the power of God!

"Impossible, come again, come again!"

Jing Chuqi is very reluctant, because the emperor is really a lot of energy. If you don't get it, it will cause permanent damage to your body.

It can be said that in order to get rid of the Qin Dynasty, she also put a **** book.

Qin Chao, you are not very crazy, now I let you know that there is terrible in the real world!

"The emperor returns to heaven!"

Jing Chuqi’s body swayed and his arm swept suddenly.

She was so embarrassed, suddenly sweeping out a golden mang, like a crescent moon, ejected on the body of Qin Chao.

"Hey!" This golden crescent moon with a huge force directly hit the body of Qin Chao. At the same time, the Qin Dynasty can feel that its own Diamond Sutra has produced an unstoppable shock.

This kind of vibration continues, and King Kong is not bad, it will be affected, and even collapse...

"Oh!" This time, the body of the Qin Dynasty was broken into the wall.

"Has the limit?" Jing Chuqi smiled coldly.

"Qin Chao, I know that you are a newcomer who has just entered the realm of comprehension." She stood proudly in the air, staring at the Qin Dynasty who was smashed to the wall and said, "Your growth, let everyone in the realm of cultivation Envy, and embarrassed. But you are growing too fast, the foundation is not stable, and you don’t know anything at all. The territorial world is a terrible place."

She said, the palm of her hand raised.

"I will give you a lesson today, letting you know how terrifying the truth is!"

In the air, a golden phoenix emerged, and then screamed and slammed toward the body of the Qin Dynasty.

The current golden phoenix, sharpness and strength and the previous can not be said.

These phoenixes hit the Qin Dynasty and directly defeated his King Kong. Soon, Qin Chao’s body was full of small scars.


The body of the thousand generations suddenly appeared in the side of the Qin Dynasty. At the same time, her body, black armor, condensed a little.

"Thousand generations, go back!"

In the mouth of Qin Chao, a spurt of blood, he shouted, "Your mission is to protect the dew!"

"But, master..." Qiandai looked at the Qin Dynasty, and his eyes hesitated.

"Nothing, this is the order!"

Qin Chao eyes smashed, and there were red bloodshots inside.

Thousands of generations bite their lips, and the body turns into a black smoke, disappearing again.

"It’s all this time, is it still a hero?" Jing Chuqi sneered again and again, "But you did it right, because if the woman dares to come up, I will split her in half."

"Oh..." Qin Chao did not answer her, just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. A golden phoenix came over and was slamming Qin Chao’s arm into the wall.

"I didn't think of it, Qin Chao." Jing Chuqi continued, "I didn't expect that you have already been repairing the golden body. It would be so embarrassing for me to be a middle-aged man. And, I am always at all. Can kill you."

"Know why, it's because you haven't let us know the real self-cultivators. And, you may be a Rakshamen, and you haven't put my royal door in your eyes. Oh, now, you have to be your own It’s the price of life, just like Rhodes.”



A young man, an old man, and his body at the same time.

That memory, both people have shared.

Rhodes was betrayed by his own men, and even included the konjac he had worked hard to refine.

In the end, it was a dead end.

"Boy, you step back, let this seat give a good lesson to this so-called gimmick!"

Rhodes snarled, it seems that the old man is moving.

"No, I come by myself." Qin Chao also snorted. "Mom got a bait, and dared to look down on Lao Tzu."

"Mom, give me back!"

"Fuck, you give me honestly!"

Two people quarreled in their own consciousness.

At this time, Jing Chuqi knows that Qin Chaozheng and her mouth Rhodes are too noisy, seeing the Qin Dynasty silence, thought he was desperate and waiting to die.

So, hehe smiled and continued.

"Forget to tell you, in fact, our royal gate is a member of the ancient royal family. On us, there is the blood of the emperor, the pride of the emperor! Qin Chao, die, can die in the hands of our royal gate, also you Glory!"

Said, Jing Chuqi extended his arm.

The golden crystal awn on her body suddenly began to condense, and her eyes formed a golden gun.

"Try the ultimate killing trick of our martial art. This time, it completely broke your pain."

She lifted the golden gun and pointed it at the Qin Chao below. "Give me death, Emperor Emperor Gun!"

After that, she bounced a large piece of golden brilliance behind her, and then the whole person caught a golden gun and flew to the Qin Dynasty.

The air seemed to be cut open, with the roaring wind, Jing Chuqi appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.

At the same time, the golden big gun, one pierced into the lower abdomen of the Qin Dynasty.



This was the twenty-five layers that were close to the body of the Qin Dynasty. The first half was good, and the second half was directly pulled by a big gun.

From a distance, the twenty-five floors of this building are missing a part, leaving only some reinforced concrete, which is supporting.

Fortunately, the twenty-five floor is the computer room, no one is there. Otherwise, I don’t know how many people are going to die.

And this is just a broken building.

Look at the Qin Dynasty, in the lower abdomen, directly through the golden big gun.

The end of the gun was caught in the hands of Jing Chuqi. Her mouth has a twisted smile, because she killed the Qin Dynasty!

In the future, her name will shine in the realm of comprehension! They can also rise again!

Qin Chao looked down and looked at the blood that kept flowing out of his lower abdomen. It’s been too long, and it’s been so long since it’s not so bloody. It hurts, it hurts...

Consciousness has been blurred by half. Old man of Rodna, it is estimated that he will take advantage of this opportunity to encroach on his own consciousness...

His eyes are also green.

The other, but it burned a golden light.

Is this really sharp?

Even if you are the body of King Kong, you can break it!

Therefore, there is no completely solid existence in this world. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can be broken.

I have indeed been comfortable for too long, and I have always regarded the Diamond Sutra as an invincible plug-in. The dependence on the Diamond Sutra has made Qin Chao more and more slack.

Therefore, the Diamond Sutra has therefore stopped because he does not know what further strength is.

However, now, with the fact that his body is not broken, the lower abdomen is pierced by the big gun, Qin Chao realized.

Let yourself be a weapon!

Unbreakable, unbreakable! This is the power of true defense!

King Kong is axe!

"Boom!" Qin Chao's body suddenly flew out of two breaths, hovering in the sky.

One gold, one black.

Jing Chuqi could not help but block his face, and some looked at him with a horrified look at the man who had been pierced by a gun.

Even the building was blasted a part, how is he still alive?

And, seems to be more energetic?

"Shantou, you are looking for a dead end!"

In the mouth of the Qin Dynasty, I spoke a very old word.

"Rod, roll me back!"

I haven't waited for Jing Chuqi to react, and said something in the mouth.

"Kid, then see who can be the master!"

"Mom, then the body of the old man is on the battlefield!"

I quarreled with myself, and Jing Chuqi was the first to see it.

But she couldn't smile because of an amazing power that broke out.

Like a whirlwind, he was directly thrown out by this force.

And that Qin Chao, a golden rifle that spurred the lower abdomen, then slowly pulled out.

He didn't seem to know the pain. He looked at the blood from the lower abdomen, but he smiled slyly.

The suit on his upper body was also broken in a moment, revealing the muscular muscles inside.

However, the **** hole in the lower abdomen is very scary. Even the intestines were brought out.

But very quickly, there was a layer of black scales on it, covering the hole. Even the intestines were covered together.

The half body of the Qin Dynasty began to change.

Black scales spread everywhere.

One of his arms turned directly into a black claw, horrible and embarrassing. The half of the eyes also turned into thick green.

The other half is a Sanskrit with gold.

The eyes are also golden, and there is pure Buddha power in it, which is completely different from the golden pupil of Jing Chuqi's gold power.

"This, what is this..."


The Qin Dynasty became very strange, suddenly raised his arms and roared.

The air is shaking.

Gold and black gas entangled him, and his figure changed again.

The black scales are no longer crawling on one side, but the beginning of the division is very uniform.

Both hands returned to their normal state, but some black scales were wrapped around them.

The eye is still a color on one side, representing two opposite forces.

The hair is black gold mixed together, it looks a little strange.

And his skin became very white and tender as a baby.

The most dazzling thing is that on his forehead, there is a mark of a golden sword.


He slowly spoke up, no longer the kind of quarrel, but it was very leisurely. "Old man, you are old. Only me, is the real devil, the real god!"

After that, Qin Chao looked up and stared at Jing Chuqi.

As discovered by a horrible existence, Jing Chuqi’s heart suddenly felt as if he was facing the end of the disaster.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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