My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 451: Plan countdown

Chapter 451, Countdown to the plan

"Hey, things are there for you, how can you not find them!" Long Ying said confidently. The object is more than a meter long, and he does not believe that this poor reporter can hide in his pocket.

"This is not the case." Qin Chao smoked a cigar, his hands in his pocket, and said coldly, "When are you, Yamazaki Kato, who wants to search for it? If you can't find it, you are going to Pay the price."

"If you can't find it, we will compensate you for your mental loss." In the end, the dragon hero is rich in money, and he waved his hand and said directly.

"Well, Mr. Long Ying said so, can." Qin Chao nodded. "Then I don't want much, just count it."

Said, Qin Chao raised a finger.

"100,000 pieces only, in the end is a poor reporter who has never seen the market." Long Ying a martyrdom.

"Oh, Long Yingda has misunderstood. How could it be such a disappointing number of 100,000 pieces? It is 10 million."

"What!" Long Ying took a breath and sighed. "Are you crazy? You have to open your mouth for 10 million!"

"No money, then don't search." Qin Chao laughed.

"Okay, ten million." The dragon hero mouth stopped his son who was going to run away. "My dragon hero is the richest man in the island. You will be scared by this method."

He said, he took out the checkbook and opened a check of 10 million yen. He was caught in his index finger and **** and shook in front of the Qin Dynasty. "This is 10 million. If you can't find it. It’s yours. But then it’s back.”

The dragon hero squinted and the moustache on his lips trembled and asked.

"If something is found? What should I say?"

"Simple." Keiko finally couldn't help but say, "If you find it, my 青冈 family will apologize to you and compensate you for 10 million."

"Good!" Dragon hero mouth clap, "Sure enough, the owner of the Qinggang family, enough to be refreshed. Ju men, bring people to search!"

Keiko also waved the bodyguards apart, and the security guards finally walked into the VIP room No. 1, and began to search very carefully in the house.

Qin Chao took advantage of Keiko's small waist and looked very funny at these people.

The mammoth ivory, the length is very long, but unfortunately it was taken into the ring of the Sumi. It seems that this time, the dragon hero mouth is going to have some blood.

Sure enough, these security guards had been busy for a long time, and even the leather sofas in the room were opened with a knife, but they did not even see the shadow of an ivory.

"Report, mammoth ivory is not here!"

These security guards finally gave up and said to the dragon hero.

When I heard this, the face of the dragon hero mouth changed a little. No? Doesn't that mean that I have to pay for this million? Money for him, there is nothing, just a slap in the face.

But for a person who is about to become a god, this kind of dignity blow makes him somewhat unacceptable.

"Oh, it seems that Mr. Long Ying is going to have some blood." Qin Chao smiled at the dragon hero mouth, that look, in the eyes of the other side, how it seems like a kind of irony.

"Bashang Road! It must have been hidden by you!" Long Ying said angrily. "It must have been stolen by your kid. Don't admit it! The monitors inside are broken by you, 2 The situation in the VIP room is exactly the same as here, it must be made!"

"Since you have to pay the bill, then we will calculate it." Qin Chao heard this, his face suddenly sinks, and said coldly, "The VIP room is such a door, even if the monitor in my house is broken, The corridor should always be good. You should adjust the surveillance video to see if I have a step in the door of Yamazaki Kato."

The only thing that has gone through is Xiao Bai, but this woman used to be the top killer. She never missed her figure under the camera.

Sure enough, the surveillance video was quickly transferred. This Qin Chao and Keiko, since entering the gate of the No. 1 VIP room, never came out again.

Moreover, in the VIP room No. 2, only Long Ying took a beautiful woman and walked in until he ran out of anger, and no one else had ever entered.

In front of the video, everyone can't say anything.

"Well, you are not always asking for evidence. The evidence is here." Qin Chao said lazily to Longying, "You should count the words that Long Yingjia said."

"Hey, natural counts." The dragon hero sullenly sullenly put the check on the table. "This money, you spend it slowly. Miss Keiko, sorry to bother, I still have something, I am missing."

After that, the dragon hero pulled his unwilling son and turned away from the VIP lounge 1.

The moment I turned around, the eyes of the dragon hero mouth suddenly burst into a thick murder.

"Father Dad!" After the distance, the dragon hero finally released his son, and the young master Long Ying shouted immediately. "You also saw that the kid is so arrogant, something must be taken by him, why not? Grab him and give him money!"

"One." The dragon hero suddenly smiled, and the smile was a little distorted. "You can rest assured that no one dares to bully my son. The poor reporter, and the Keiko, they will cry for you tonight." At that time, you want to know how the Green House owner likes you."

"Really? Father and grandfather?" Hearing that his old man said this, under the dragon and the young, he couldn’t help but be a bit high.

"When did I fool you?" Long hero sneered in his mouth. "Because, this island country is about to change. Chrysanthemus, you let the security guards keep the door, not let Keiko and the poor reporter leave." What do we want to get from the Longying family, how can we let her run?"


"Old, husband..." In the VIP room No. 1, Keiko looked at Qin Chao somewhat unhappy. "Those people are too much, so they bully you. Let's go, Keiko doesn't want to be here for a minute." shocked."

"Oh, don't worry." Qin Chao patted Keiko's shoulder and said to her, "Wait a minute, there are good plays to watch. Keiko, there may be some danger tonight, I let Xiaobai protect You, you just follow her safely, no one can hurt you."

"Well, Keiko listens to her husband..."

This Kezi is so clever, relying on the Qin Dynasty, like a gentle rabbit.

Two people sat on a leather sofa that had been smashed with several big mouths. This Qin Chao couldn't help feeling. Oh, it’s a bad guy, a good sofa, just make it look like this.

When a cigar is about to be exhausted, the beauty auctioneer finally took out the highlight of today's auction, Buddha relic!

In the glass booth, a golden granular object was placed. This object looks normal, but no one can take a nap.

Moreover, everyone looked at it and showed a kind of greed.

Because of the legend, those who get this Buddha relic can get the secret of longevity.

Those who are present are not rich and expensive, who do not want to live longer, enjoy a little longer!

This Buddha relic, even if they let them do their home production, they have to shoot it back.

The eyes of the Qin Dynasty also fell tightly on it. Sure enough, in the relic, he noticed a touch of Buddha's breath.

It seems that Buddha relics do have the energy of a Buddhist family, that is, they do not know how the Black Dragon Club intends to use it.

Things have already appeared, but Qin Chao is not in a hurry to get it back. He is like a patient hunter, waiting for the prey to slowly enter the net.

The atmosphere of the audience was somewhat ignited. The beauty auctioneer, just announced that the reserve price of Buddha relics was 10 million yen, the auction immediately went up.

The treasures in front, although they are all good, but for these rich people, it is nothing, you can buy it with money.

What really attracted them today is this Buddha relic!

The auction was in full swing, and soon the price soared to 150 million yen.

This price is not the highest, still in the midst of crazy growth.

The hero of the dragon, sitting in his VIP room, watching the crazy people below, his eyes flashing with glory.

Crazy, for this relic crazy. Dr. Naida is also stupid. In order to save a huge sum of money to save his terminally-born granddaughter, he is willing to take this relic out of the auction.

He did not know that his granddaughter had a terminal illness, which was dyed by a drug developed in his own laboratory.

And the hero of his dragon, he took out the Buddha relic, as a bait, and led those famous people to hook.

This evening is the moment when you worship the true God! Hahahaha!

However, just as the auction went to the high-rise, there was a sudden smashing outside the door.

Then, the fierce gunshot rang and scared several rich people to kneel on the ground.

Several men with hoods and armed men killed several security guards with guns and rushed into the auction, it’s robbery! ”

"This, how did these people come in!"

"The **** of the sky is on, I still don't want to die!"

A group of super rich men, one by one, was suddenly scared and bloodless, panicked and wanted to escape.

"Give me to the ground!"

A man in a yellow jacket, who looks like a gangster, took an AK-47 and opened several shots against the ceiling, shaking the panicked guests.

"All of them are good for me. I just came to steal money today. Whoever wants to let Laozi be unhappy, I don't mind sending him to hell!"

Said, this guy shot directly, the opposite of the head of the chrysanthemum man.

The head that blasts like a watermelon can scare those guests.

Poor Chrysanthemum, although he is a S-level security guard and has a gun on his body. However, he has only one person and a gun.

Dragon Heroes sat in the VIP room and his face was a little uncomfortable. How to do it, how was it rushed in by a bunch of robbers. Oh, but since it’s here, don’t go today.

Thinking of this, he pressed a communicator and opened the way.

"Notice below, the plan can begin."

"I will listen to Laozi!" The man said to all the guests. "I know that people who are here today are rich people. If you have money, then you can take it out and buy your own life. White flowers."

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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