My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 148: Rhodes Recovery

Chapter 148, Rhodes Recovery

Qin Chao's lower abdomen was hot, and Liao Shasha, who was invincible, ate and died.

Unexpectedly, I can’t think of it. This Liao Shasha is invincible, and it’s such a life. However, this hand where the girl is learning is too powerful.

"Coughing cough..." Li Xiaoai's eyes were on one hand, one hand on his mouth, and he coughed twice. "Do I have to avoid it?"

“No!” Qin Chao waved his hand. “This little girl must have been fed the spring medicine by the fat man. It’s good to wait for her medicine.”

"Qin Dynasty, you are going to die!" Liao Shasha finally couldn't hold it anymore, jumped up and stepped on the mahjong table and said, "You are fed spring - medicine!"

"Look!" Qin Chao suddenly said, "The drug has passed!"

"I, I am fighting with you!" Liao Shasha suddenly jumped to Qin Chao's body, his legs around his waist, a small mouth biting his neck.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of vibration from the outside.

Then a deafening roar spread into the ears of everyone.

"Who is the one who dares to kill the king! I want him to die!"

"Well! It is the heartless Rakshasa!" The face immediately changed, and quickly yelled at the Qin Dynasty. "Fang Mo just died, he will know, this guy is getting higher and higher! Qin Chao, fast with me. run!"

"No, there are two chicks!" Qin Chao holding Liao Shasha, "It is not convenient to run."

"Give it to me!" He reached out and took out two little wooden men. Mouth whispered a spell in his mouth, and slammed a few slams, then screamed.


The souls of Liao Shasha and Li Xiao'ai suddenly trembled, then they were stretched and then earned into the little wooden man.

"Get it!" Set off two small wooden people and put them in your arms.

"I am going to go, you don't take me in, so it's not more convenient to run alone."

"Not so much to survive, there are two left." Shrugging his shoulders.

What Qin Chao just wanted to say, the ground suddenly trembled again. The face is more ugly, even the channel.

"Go fast and go, unintentional Rakshasa is coming!"

After that, I took the Qin Dynasty and jumped out from the window behind the villa.

With a bang, two people broke the glass and landed on the ground.

Then Qin Chao stayed, and saw the sky behind the house, standing with a huge figure. The figure is at least ten meters high, the body is huge, and there is a pair of long horns on the head.

It was not until two people ran away that they could see the whole body of the figure. This is a bull-headed monster with black hair on it and a red armor on the outside.

He stared at the sun-like eyes and forgot to the villa. At the same time, as he breathed, a green flame was ejected from his nostrils, which was the smoldering fire he cultivated. All souls that are touched by smoldering fires will be burned cleanly.

"It's you!" The unintentional Rakshasa saw the Qin Chao in the distance, sucked his nose, and suddenly smelled the silence from him.

The actual controller of this bliss city suddenly stumbled. The ground shook and the cracks opened. The air is also filled with horrible pressure, gathering toward the Qin Dynasty and coming from here.

The green Wanjia lights, coupled with the horrible figure of the unintentional Rakshasa King, appear to be a strange monster, facing the Qin Dynasty and opening his **** mouth.

"Run!" When I saw that the Qin Dynasty was a bit stunned, I quickly took this shackle and fled.

"I am rubbing, running!" Qin Chao felt the momentum of the unintentional Rakshasa King, immediately stunned, the eyes suddenly shine, powerful warfare came to life, "Let me play with him!" ”

"No!" From the vomiting blood of this guy, "Have your head been sucked by the funeral stick! Want to fight with the unintentional Rakshasa, at least you have to repair the golden body!"

After that, regardless of the opposition of Qin Chao, he picked up his arm and ran.

"Where to run!" Unintentional Rakshasa screamed and stepped on the foot.

This foot stepped on the villa, and the luxurious villa was immediately ruined.

The ground was strongly shaken, and it was running away from the Qin Dynasty.

"No one can escape from the king's hand! Leave your life behind!" Saying, the unintentional Rakshasa extended a large exaggerated arm and grabbed the Qin Chao and the two.

With the gap in size, it is estimated that this is the case, you can kill two people!

Don't look at the unintentional Rakshasa's body is so large, but the action is quite flexible, like lightning.

Qin Chao looked at the huge palm that had been pressed, and suddenly he pushed away and stood there like an iron tower.

Unintentional Rakshasa thought that this man was desperate and stood there waiting to die. Suddenly, I laughed and squeezed my hand.

"Let the king swallow you and become a part of the king!"

"Hey!" The next second, the unintentional Rakshasa was shocked there. I saw the golden light from the body of Qin Chao. This golden light is very strong, illuminating the entire eclipse of the blissful city.

For a time, all the souls that were found by this ray screamed in pain.

And the palm of the unintentional Rakshasa is like a needle, and he hurts and shrinks back.

Then, the golden light began to converge, like a golden dress, draped in the body of the Qin Dynasty. The state of the Qin Dynasty also changed. His upper body was bare-naked, his lower body was wearing a black trousers, and his body was tattooed with strange tattoos.

At the same time, his hair is long and hangs over his waist.

The most strange thing is the hands of the Qin Dynasty. There is a golden light shining in one hand, but a black smoke is rising in one hand.

"Magic Luohan!" Unconscious Luosha Wang exclaimed, the body with a shock. The devil's name is resounding in the Three Realms. Who does not know the horror of this magical arhat, especially the magic arhat of the flying fairy, that is the existence of a nightmare. Among the three realms, within the five elements, no one is an opponent.

Thinking of this, the unintentional Rakshasa could not help but raise his eyes. How can there be a magical arhat in this bliss city? Is it the person who came down?

But then he carefully observed that although the magical Luohan gave him a lot of pressure, but the realm seems to have not reached the Feixian period. Even the building base has not yet. Because standing here, just a little ghost!

"Ha ha ha!" Unintentional Rakshasa madly laughed again. "A little ghost also dares to be so arrogant! Well, let the king swallow you, and enjoy your supreme Buddha!"

After that, the unintentional Rakshasa king reached out and spit out a green flame in his nose and rolled it into his palm. He is facing the Qin Dynasty and will shoot the flame.

"Boom!" This huge palm is like a collapsed sky, pressed against the body of the Qin Dynasty.

Despite the golden light flashing on the Qin Dynasty, the unintentional Rakshasa was screaming and screaming, forcing the pain of the palm of his hand, and shooting the green flame on the body of the Qin Dynasty.

"Ah!" This flame directly acts on the top of the soul. The Qin Dynasty felt pain in the bone marrow, and the whole body could not help but convulsion. The green flame was like a ghostly goblin, wrapped around him, swallowing his body.

The consciousness of Qin Chao’s pain began to blur, and he could not support the giant palm on his head and was suddenly pressed on the ground.

"Qin Chao!" The coldness of the body was cold, standing in the distance, and being forced by the burning green fire could not come forward.

"Ha ha ha!" Unintentional Rakshasa smirked, "What magic Luohan, but that!"

At this time, within the Xiaoqian world of the Qin Dynasty.

"Hey!" Rhodes showed his body shape from the black clouds. Opposite him, a Luohanjin body also exuded Buddha light.

"This idiot, even to challenge the city owner of the city of bliss!" Rhodes yelled, "Fucking me to have nothing to say!"

But then, his tone turned, but he was quite pleased.

"However, it is not my magic man! Yes, no matter how strong the enemy, in front of you, are paper tigers! Qin Chao, inherit my will, become a demon, this world is only your strongest!"

After all, he laughed and turned into a black smoke, suddenly disappearing into this small world.

On the opposite side, the Luohan also sang a Buddha number and then slowly disappeared.

At the same time, in the body of Qin Chao, the magic pattern suddenly lit up. At the same time, he opened his eyes, two eyes flashing with golden light, one flashing black light, very different.

"Hey!" A roar, in the eyes of the unintentional Rakshasa, the palm of his hand was slowly pushed up, and then a huge force came, the giant hand that was pressed down was immediately pushed down. .

"What?" Unintentional Rakshasa was shocked, and someone would be able to shake his strength?

The Qin dynasty has stood up.

I saw the black tattoo on his body as a living dragon, swimming back and forth on his skin. At the same time, a black cloud of smoke lingered around his body, and he kept spinning around his arms were completely turned into black claws, and the palms flashed two kinds of light. Just like his eyes.

At the same time, the golden light of Qin Chao was also more powerful, like a golden armor, draped over him.

A small black bell floats on the top of the Qin Dynasty and constantly emits crisp ring tones.

At this moment, the soul of the Qin Dynasty was controlled by Rhodes. His eyes flashed with fierce light, and his body was as strong as a sharp sword.

"But the little ghost king, dare to be so crazy in front of the deity!"

"Qin Chao" snorted, his body is small, but the momentum is surprisingly huge, so that the giants like the unintentional Rakshasa actually produced a kind of fear.

How is it possible, just a small ghost, why give the king such terrible pressure!

Unintentional Rakshasa’s cold sweat on his forehead, he suddenly blinked and forced himself to calm down and say fiercely.

"Pretend! Let the king swallow you!"

He said, he squirted a green flame, pinched it in his hand and took it toward Qin Chao.

"Ordinary smoldering, how can I compete with my flames!" Qin Chao did not agree, he reached out, suddenly there is a white flame, faintly jumped out and burned in his palm.

"This is a sinister yin, the most devastating flame!" Qin Chao said, the white flame of Nassen suddenly flourished, and with his laughter, began to excite and began to dance in a demon dance.

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