My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 986: Old man can't do

Grow into big buns——

Oh, Brother Su is really a rascal! Tong Miaoke found that when Su Jin was talking, her eyes were still fixed on her upper body, which made her blush and her ears become dry.

"Huh?" Su Jin turned his head and looked in the direction of Gu Shan's house. He heard a loud noise in his ear. He immediately pulled Tong Miaoke and said, "Go back! Fuck! That old man was beaten!"

Tong Miao didn't understand who the old man Su Jin was talking about, but he also knew that the matter was a bit urgent, so he took a step forward, and Su Jin reached the entrance of the village at the fastest speed with Su Jin.

Not far away, there were a large group of angry villagers. These villagers surrounded a green cow and old men, and some even raised hoes and shovels, very excited.

Su Jin was very happy when he saw it.

"Kill him!" the villagers shouted.

"Come on, where did you hide Nizi from Tong's family!"

"Don't say yes, don't say leg discounts!" someone booed.

However, the old man's mood was not much better, his face was bruised, and he was pulled by a few sturdy villagers, and he yelled vigorously: "You are kind to give me away! Why pull my clothes! I was not wrong, you can't I wipe, I wipe!"

"Come to give it away! You should pull your clothes! Hand it over quickly, or you're welcome! Hit him, hit him!" Someone said casually.

The old man was angry, and screamed with sadness in his anger: "Poor come to give someone away! Actually pull my clothes! The old man has nothing to do, but he was bullied by the unfair people! Innocent, wronged!"

"Insidious to give someone away, pull your clothes specially..."


Seeing the stalemate between the two parties, Su Jin knew that this great talented man should be on the stage. Otherwise, this old man shouldn't be bullied to death. The so-called poor mountains and rivers lead to troublesome people, and the so-called law does not blame the public. He deserves to be beaten to death. what……

So, the talented person Su walked over with his hand, and Gu Shan, with sharp eyes, saw that the boss was coming at a glance, and he hurriedly stopped the others to calm down. Fortunately, many of them knew Su Jin. After all, the officials here have played tricks. It was majestic, and his legend was spread very divinely, so he gave way.

Su Jin stopped and looked at the old man who was a few steps away with his hands under his hands. He was still being pulled by a few guys. In the quiet scene, he smiled and said, "Be kind to give someone away. You shouldn't pull his clothes! The old man can't do it. I'm also powerless. It's gone, it's gone!"

After speaking, the talented Su Jin waved his hand.

Gu Shan, who was next to him, found Tong Miaoke walking to the side at the moment, and immediately became happy. No matter what, it’s okay for people to be fine. It seems that the boss really rescued them all and listened to the meaning of Su Jin’s words. This old man was indeed wronged!

"Sister Miao Ke has been saved. Everyone has misunderstood. Let's listen to the older brother. Let's go away!" Gu Shan said while looking at the other villagers who were still hesitating.

When other people saw Tong Miaoke, their hearts became emptied, especially the few wild men who were holding the old man's clothes, also let go.

Su Jin glanced at Tong Miaoke and found that she was crying with her father, Tong Fugui. Obviously, this Nizi was also embarrassed.

The villagers all went home. The old man sorted out his messy clothes. He stared at Su Jin with his watery eyes and said, "Boy, shamelessly, who can't say it? Ah?"

"What about you, can you do it?" Su Jin asked confidently.

"Can't I do it!" The old man's weak waist seemed to have become mighty and majestic, and confronted Su Jin.

"Can you do it?" Su Jin asked again.

"I...I can't..." The old man smiled bitterly, "You stinky boy, why don't you say hello in advance, the old man who caused the victim was insulted."

Su Jin said indifferently: "You have great magical powers, why are you still afraid of these people?"

"You know what a fart, can Dao master be familiar with these people? Besides, being misunderstood is also a way to accumulate yin virtue." The old man explained.

Su Jin nodded and said hesitantly: "Dao Master, can I call you that way?"


"We are walking and chatting, and we have some questions, hoping to solve them." Su Jin arched his hands to the old man.

"Okay!" The old man took eight steps, followed by the green bull, and started to walk.

Tong Miao in front of the door couldn't help but yelled, "Brother Su! Thank you!"

Su Jin looked over and gave her a soothing look before he quickly caught up with the old man and walked side by side with him on the way back to the restaurant.

Gu Shan also wanted to know something about the boss, such as...why did the mountain suddenly level off during the day...Of course he also knew that Su Jin was a little secret, and he didn't necessarily ask the result. Seeing that Su Jin was a little busy at this time, He didn't say anything, that's all.

On the way.

Su Jin said indifferently: "Dao Master, just now my wife and sister Miao Ke were on the altar, the five women were in place, and that woman has already begun offering sacrifices. I have heard of such methods, regardless of success or failure, the sacrifice of life. Sacrifice, will die, why..."

"Did you not hear what that woman said?" Master Qingniu raised his brows. "This sacrifice did not succeed or fail. Rather, the five altars were not activated at all. Use the current firecrackers as a metaphor. The woman used herself as a guide, but due to some accident, the firecrackers did not explode. If the altar is activated, the five women will undoubtedly die."

"What do you think is the accident?" Su Jin became more and more strange.

"If I read it right, the problem is with your wife..."

A word from Master Qingniu plunged Su Jin into deep doubts.

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