My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 979: This is a kung fu cow

Su Jin was caught by Hua Qing...

Although he was more enthusiastic about her proposal, he felt that there was a wife upstairs, so he avoided it. It was not that he did not believe what Sister Hua said.

"You guys, Sister Fuhua go up and rest." Su Jin greeted the waitresses and said lightly.

After that, Hua Qing was still a little unwilling, but Su Jin didn't care about this drunk crazy state. Looking at the sister Hua who was lifted upstairs, Young Master Su had no choice but to turn around and watch. Seeing the time, it was almost nine o'clock unconsciously.

Su Jin walked out of the restaurant's gate. In such a mountainous town, especially at a slightly higher altitude, he was condescending and looked towards the town's road leading to Ningjiang City.

Gaze, Gaze in the dark!

Out of thin air, Su Jin's heart was filled with melancholy.

This trip was very dangerous. He didn't expect Xia Yuyan to come here. Well, he must find a way to coax her back, but he knows the wife’s character very well, and under normal circumstances it is very difficult to convince him. .

Did she know something?

Su Jin is not sure.

"Huh—" A heavy pant spouted from the green cow's mouth by the door.

Su Jin just glanced at the cow when he walked out, only to find that it was leaning against the root of the wall, lying on its side and taking a nap, but at this moment it was standing with four hoofs, a pair of big bull eyes staring at one direction.

This made Su Jin put aside his troubles for a while, and suddenly felt interesting.

"You bull is a bit interesting." Su Jin turned his head and turned to smile at the green bull: "I haven't seen a color like this before. Is it a scalper and a buffalo?"

After Su Jingang finished speaking, he felt that he was mad. What is the difference between talking to it and playing the piano to a cow?

Who knows that the performance of the green bull in the next moment is also different from that of the ordinary bull, the bull-eyed thief is big, and he directly slammed his hoof and ran into Su Jinding.

Su Jin only felt a blue shadow appeared in front of him in an instant.

Su Jin had only one thought at this time!

Damn it! This is a kung fu cow!

Fortunately, Young Master Su is extremely fast, and he strayed directly aside, otherwise I am afraid he will really be hit by this blue bull...

After all, seeing this posture is going to kill him, Su Jin can't help it...I don't understand the animal world!

"Are you really sure you want to fight me?" Su Jin half raised his arm, and on his clenched fist, a black sharp umbrella bone swallowed bursts of black light, and saw a black dragon with a thin wrist coiling around the arm, Long Xiao In bursts, just with this huge momentum, it has already overwhelmed a green bull!

With shock in the big eyes of Qing Niu, he roared a few times, and stepped back to the spot again, lying in the corner again, his eyes fixed on Su Jin's arm.

Su Jin's face is disdainful, so it is considered interesting, otherwise there will be a whole cattle banquet tomorrow. Although this green bull does not dare to fight with himself, what is the origin of it and the thin old man? One of the doubts in the young master's heart, one thing is certain is that they are definitely not simple.


Su Jin shook his head and stopped paying attention to the green cow. After coming out and breathing out, he walked into the restaurant again and asked the manager to pick up four bottles of good red wine before he carried the bamboo basket with red wine and went on it. Upstairs belonged to him and Xia Yuyan's room.

Can it be tough, how about soft?

If you are infatuated with wine, let's fill two bottles of Xia Yuyan first!

After closing the door again, Su Jin saw Xia Yuyan lying on the bed with a thin blanket covering her lower abdomen, and a trace of panic appeared on his face. Then he asked curiously: "What's the matter... of?"

"No, I was about to fall asleep. I was noisy by the sound of your door opening." Xia Yuyan gave him a white look, and gently moved the braid on the right with his fingers.

"No, you must be hiding some secret." Su Jin didn't believe it, because Xia Yuyan didn't seem to be falling asleep just now.

"Can you not care about these little details? What about wine?" Xia Yuyan asked.

Su Jin laughed, lifted the bamboo basket in his hand, grabbed two slender goblets, opened a bottle of red wine, and poured half of each.

Xia Yuyan took it and asked, "When are you going to go home?"

"It's quite busy here, I'm sure it's going to be several days, you go back tomorrow." Su Jin touched the cup with her and said without a trace.

"It's just right. I just called and arranged the work. The local customs are very good. I like it very much. Let's go back together when you are done." Xia Yuyan said with joy on her face.


Su Jin said solemnly: "How can the Xia Group do without you? Obedient, go back tomorrow morning."

"I have recovered from a serious illness, and my dad wants me to come out for a walk. Don't persuade me." Xia Yuyan shook her head, and pulled the thin blanket on her abdomen up, and said lightly.

Su Jin:...


How can you get rid of her?

After being silent for a while, Su Jin nodded, "Fine, take care of things here, we will go back together! Well, wife, what do you see outside the window?"

Xia Yuyan instinctively followed Su Jin's eyes, but immediately...


Su Jin just gestured a look in her eyes and said something on her mouth, and she believed it!

As a result...who knows that the cunning Su Jin quickly reached out in an instant, lifted the blanket on her lower abdomen, and stretched her head in front of her, towards the end of the two beautiful thighs...and the most beautiful beauty. The important and wonderful part looked over...


Su Jin's complexion flushed red, and blood boiled all over!

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