My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 893: Huahua World, I am too serious!

Listening to the surging sound of the craze and looking at the visually striking images, Li Xiaohe was already dumbfounded——

After she reacted, Su Jin snapped his fingers and the film was already closed.

It’s not that Su Jin is afraid of things, but that this is a flower at the gate of the school that will affect the future of the motherland. What a bad idea...

"Principal Su, you know so much." Li Xiaohe's expression still changed a little, because at this time, many students were already watching the car around and saw her being tricked by Su Jin. It is estimated that this can be done only

"It's only a little understanding." Su Jin clicked his lips, and said rather dude: "This knowledge is like underwear. Although it is invisible, it is very important."

Li Xiaohe:...

What can she say?

"Principal Su, pay attention to words." Li Xiaohe coughed and bit her silver teeth secretly. If it weren't for a lot of people watching and the occasion was not suitable, she would definitely attack him. She only felt it now. To be shameless, President Su is invincible in the world.

"As the most conscientious guy in the industry, Principal Li, we are on the same level. Don't use the boss's tone to press me down. Huh? Principal, your door is open." Su Jin glanced at him and said in surprise.

"Hahaha." Student laughter came from all around.

Li Xiaohe instinctively lowered his head in a panic, his face flushed immediately, Su Jin could still use this most vulgar prank! But I still believed it! It's really... She was messed up in an instant, and her eyes were a bit violent. She was really helpless with Su Jin, especially when facing Su Jin, I was a rascal. What can you do with my expression? time.

"Su Jin! What is your lung capacity? How can you blow Niubi so big." Li Xiaohe couldn't bear it, and finally he exploded.

"Uh... is this something you should care about?" Su Jin licked his lips with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm telling you, Principal Su! Don't talk to me like that. When my old lady ran across a few streets, you were still an egg!" Li Xiaohe snorted, her expression unkind.

"I can see it, look at what you want." Su Jin pinched the cigarette butt, flicked the soot with his fingers, and put it to the corner of his mouth.

"What did you say?" Li Xiaohe didn't hear clearly.

"Said to give you a big banana! Would you like it?"

"Nimabo, you bitch!" Li Xiaohe's expression was ugly, and tears almost fell from the corners of his wonderful eyes.

Qin Cheng talked about cheapness, and President Li was ultimately defeated——

Li Xiaohe didn't expect that in broad daylight, the heavens and the earth, he has entered society for many years, and was conquered by a man with his mouth for the first time. That heart is instantly fragmented...

Su Jin looked at the white shirt in Li Xiaohe's black coat. Above the wrapped giant peak, the peak seemed to be shaking with the earthquake, and the restraints outside were in danger of being broken! It is really……

So seductive!

Su Jin whistled, that mad figure suddenly straightened his chest, and suddenly his body fell to the ground, and then he pressed a finger on the ground, and then gently pushed, the whole person slowly rose up in rhythm, and his hands were like Like a swan, holding a cigarette butt, the whole posture is extremely arrogant.

"Shake and shake, to Grandma Bridge..." Su Jin's last word fell, and his cigarette **** fell to the ground.

"Huh! You are so proud of yourself!" Li Xiao turned around angrily. She found that she was not familiar with Su Jin. She was so angry that she was seen by others. She might think something was going on between them, so she Simply plan to ignore him, um, just do it!

Her words were put down, and people turned around, feeling that their hands were caught.

Then, fiercely, Su Jin firmly dragged her face to face with irresistible force, and Young Master Su still held her waist tightly with his hands.

How does it feel on her waist? Su Jin seemed to touch a bunch of warm cotton, it was impossible to describe how comfortable he was inside at this moment.

"Huahuaworld, I'm taking it too seriously." Su Jin looked at Li Xiaohe affectionately, "beautiful, accompany my brother in the car and go for a stroll, how about?"

Li Xiaohe looked at Su Jin blankly, his heart tightened suddenly, this guy is crazy, in the crowd, unexpectedly...

"Go! I have a boyfriend!" Li Xiaohe gritted his teeth and twisted, but the more he struggled, the more the peak in front of him squeezed onto Su Jin's chest.

"Is there a boyfriend? You have a goalkeeper to score goals!" Su Jin said dismissively: "I really thought I didn't know, like you who don't like hygiene, no man dares to ask for it, you lied and didn't find the right one. what……"

" don't bully me, okay, brother, I'm serving spicy..." Li Xiaohe's face was sad, the key is not acceptable! Otherwise, when should I hold this?

"Then accompany me in the car and go out for shopping." Su Jin said seriously.

"how long?"

"Ten, no, one hour." Su Jin originally planned to say ten minutes, but ten minutes is too short, maybe people will think that he is not good for Su, as a man, this is the most taboo.

"Okay!" Li Xiaohe couldn't take care of that much, so he solved the current situation first.

Moreover, no matter how Su Jin is playing a rogue, Li Xiaohe still thinks it is due to his character. She has seen him thoroughly from the first time he saw him, and she is very curious about Su Jin's car, the last reason Just...can't let this posture go on!

Sure enough, after Li Xiaohe agreed, Su Jin reluctantly removed the warmth in front of her, naturally letting her go, and then the very intelligent "Reaper" supercar took the initiative to open the door, and the onlookers looked surprised and opened the door. The way of closing the door is completely different from other cars, it's too awkward!

Li Xiaohe was helpless and had to sit in, but became more curious after entering. The space in the car was not small. She felt that it was just right, and it felt very comfortable to sit on it.

At this moment, Su Jin sat in the main driving position.

"Master, where are you going?" a voice came out.

"Walk around, please be careful to drive by yourself. People here are driving very fast... Don't make yourself into a car accident. I will talk to this sister." Su Jin reminded, the car started, and he turned his head to look. Li Xiaohe said: "Super smart sports car, have you seen it?"

Li Xiaohe was actually very shocked, but when he saw Su Jin's face, he was immediately unhappy, and pointed to the school gate and said, "Is that little fat guy looking for you?"


Su Jin looked at the place where her fingers were, and she saw Zhang Xingxing waving his hands and running over.

"Wait and then go." Su Jin's eyes flickered, opened the car window, and then looked at the panting buck teeth, stubbornly tilted his head, resting his chin, his eyes full of endless melancholy, faintly towards Zhang Xingxing Asked: "Recently some people say that I am handsome. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Who on earth is going to miss the wind? Is it you—"

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