My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 880: Jealous

Su Jin watched obsessively--

No more action!

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zhiyu didn't mention ‘you can only see’, and Su Jin has done a lot more now.

In Chen Zhihui's nervous and strange complex thoughts, Su Jin's fingers swept lightly across her cheek until it stirred up a tiny strand of blue silk between her ears.

"I have to attracted me." Su Jin said softly, as if caught in a self-talking, slowly said: "It's just that I am a very bad person, and I am the kind of out-and-out emotional badass. I can’t bear any more feelings. I’m very fortunate to meet you. In your eyes, I am a madman, with a masterful martial arts, a very magical man, but my destiny is always so ridiculous. Light, but there are many disasters, I am destined to die. Death, I am not afraid. What is afraid is that you can't let go, what is afraid is that you will look for my figure every time and you will never see it. So, stop here. I hope you can find a better man in the future, and I will not abuse you."

Chen Zhimao opened her big eyes, tears rushing in them, she swallowed her saliva, her lips trembled, and said in a questioning tone: "Why do you think it's that simple? You chased me on purpose and kissed me , Didn’t you just want me to like you? Now you succeeded, I like you, and I want to find an excuse to abandon me! You are still not a man!"

Su Jin immediately became happy, and stood up to face Chen Zhiyu, who was handsome and handsome, and said, "Zhiyu, can I think that this is your confession to me?"

"Confess your sister, are you deliberately pretending to be pitiful with me?" Chen Zhiyu raised her eyebrows lightly, staring at Su Jin and asked.

"Perhaps it is." Su Jin then simply covered his eyes with one hand, and said in an unbearable tone: "Miss Chen! What are you doing? Pull your clothes quickly, I am dizzy!"

"Did you dizzy?"

Chen Zhiyu was about to die of anger. The clothes were untied by Young Master Su. On the contrary, she said so. She quickly closed her shirt and sat up, with an angry expression on her face, but her current situation is indeed a little special, with all hair It was a little messy, all to blame for Su Jin.

"Oh, sometimes, being liked by beautiful women is also an annoyance." Su Jin fiddled with his bangs, shook his head a second time, spread his hands, and said: "A handsome guy has been hard to survive since ancient times. People all over the world are targeting me. God is jealous of my handsome, God is jealous of talent."

"Can you not always use the word'handsome' on your lips every day? It will make people feel that you are very shameless!" Chen Zhiyu sorted out her clothes, and since she just said her inner thoughts, she On the contrary, it was a lot easier, so at this time spraying Su Jin also became a matter of course.

"Shan Wuling, heaven and earth are in harmony, so I dare not be handsome." Su Jin said solemnly.

"You..." Chen Zhiyu's brain was a little hypoxic and dizzy.

"The girls all need me to be handsome, can I not be handsome? I must be handsome... Do you know why I often go out to urinate in the open air at the risk of being confiscated?"

"Don't say, anymore! I don't want to listen!" Chen Zhiyu rubbed her forehead, crazy, she was going crazy.

"Because I am very afraid of going to the bathroom. When I saw this handsome face in the bathroom mirror, I was worried that human beings would be extinct because of me. Now, I don’t know how many beautiful women in the world worship me and never look down upon me. Other men, this is a catastrophe for the process of human reproduction, alas! Every time I think about this...heartbroken!" Su Jin's tone was very heartbroken, with his hands covering his heart, showing his own Alexander.

"Go on, go on, you." Chen Zhiyu now has an extraordinary impulse, wanting to slap his face.

"I knew you didn't believe it." Su Jin nodded, feeling Chen Zhiyu's danger, retreated two steps, stared at her and said: "According to what I heard, when I was born, my father saw me for the first time. He cried hoarsely for more than a month. He killed him and didn’t believe that I was a child inherited from his chromosomes. Several times he rushed to my mother’s bed with a kitchen knife, waving and saying that he was going to cut me into flesh, my mother. I was able to survive by protecting myself with death. Later, to prove her innocence, my mother took her father to the hospital for a paternity test. The doctor opened the quilt and cried after just one glance, and wiped her nose and said you go back. This is not Your son, no one, human beings can't give birth to such a handsome child..."

"I killed you!" Chen Zhiyu was completely mad, turned his head and frantically looked for everything that could hit people in front of him.

I rub--


Su Jin didn't say anything, holding his pocket in his pocket, rushing out of the door quickly, and then he left and said: "You are a beautiful woman, you are a cow, and I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Chen Zhiyu saw Su Jin leave and stood there for a long time... Finally she couldn't help but laugh, but she thought about how she would let her go so easily based on her understanding of Young Master Su, just Just watched it for a while? In this, is it true that he will die...will not live long?

After he came out, Su Jin naturally had something to do. The "God of Reaper" was still parked in the hotel parking lot. Since he would return home early in the morning tomorrow, he had to send the car to the car show, and by the way, he explained that they should get the car as soon as possible. After being transported to Qincheng, apart from the trouble of the goddess Luo Weier this time, the most satisfying thing is to get this car. It is estimated that Qin Cheng will never find a car that is more handsome and cool than the "Reaper"!

After a while, Su Jin drove to the auto show site. At this time, there were already many lights in the auto show hall. He didn't care about these. He drove directly from the original road to the place where the car was stored on the highest floor of the building. He knew , The movement of my own car is still not small, Winnie and the others should know that they are coming.

Sure enough, after waiting for a few minutes outside the room where the car was kept, Miss Winnie showed up.

"Bad man, how do you feel?" Winnie asked as she opened the door.

"It's cool." Su Jin said with a smile, "The car is still very satisfied."

After that, Su Jin drove the car in, got out of the car, and came out again.

"Within a few days, we will arrange for the car to be transported to Qincheng by air. I will inform you at that time and leave me your mobile phone number." Winnie said.

"Okay." Su Jin then reported the phone number, watched Winnie write it down, grabbed two hands on her hips, and said: "Trouble, come to Qincheng when I have time, I will ask you to eat... delicious."


Winnie didn't know if she was wrong, her face blushed as she watched Su Jin's back, who had already moved away...

Going downstairs through the elevator on the top floor, Su Jin took a pocket and came to a quiet exhibition hall.

"Huh?" Su Jin frowned, stopped, turned his head and glanced at the dark place twenty meters away, then slowly shook his head and stepped out of the exhibition hall.

After a few breaths, a mysterious person with a black robe appeared in the dark corner that Su Jin had once looked back at. This black robe dress covered him, not even showing his hands.

And what was exposed was only a cold breath.

And... those two scarlet evil eyes.

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