My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 864: So handsome, I can't die

How could Chen Zhiyu not worry, if Su Jin played a rogue, he would dare to do anything!

"Sister paper, have you ever heard of hey, hey, hey!" Su Jin smiled softly and deliberately lowered his tone, "I just want to be to you, hey, hey, hey!"

"What? What do you mean by hey, hey, hey?" Chen Zhiyu didn't understand Su Jin's meaning, but felt that Su Jin's tone was very cheap.

"It means... Let's fight in bed together." Su Jin said calmly.

"You, you." Chen Zhiyu gritted her teeth and said anxiously: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I fight on the bed with you, we even--"

"That's not a description. Ciao." Su Jin leaned on the chair, dangling his legs, and explained lightly.

Chen Zhiyu looked at Su Jin angrily for a while, and then she realized a proposal that Su Jin had just given her, and immediately said: "If you dare to mess around at night, the president's sister will kill you."

It turned out that Su Jin was so bold that he wanted to do that with her. Such toothless words could be said by him like chewing cabbage, regardless of other people's feelings?

"Oh, life is too short, you should indulge yourself as a man, don't be wronged." Su Jin continued: "Maybe I will die one day, Zhiyu, do you believe in fortune-telling people?"

"I don't believe it!" Chen Zhihui said slowly: "And in this world, I only believe in two people, one is me, the, yes, you."

"Then believe it or not, I will die by a woman?" Su Jin asked again.

"I believe this!" Chen Zhiyu tilted her mouth and glanced back at Su Jin.

Su Jin scratched his temples with his hands, shook his head and sighed, "Oh, I'm so handsome, I can't die—"

"So, be more restrained!" Chen Zhiyu knew that Su Jin had such a beautiful president sister as a wife, so she would definitely think about that.

"Damn! What are you talking about? Oh scumbag, it's not me. Don't be too strong in my skills. Don't persuade me. If I become great, I will be out of control." Su Jin as a man , I'm completely angry, this sister paper is so persuaded, can I still play like that?

"Don't you think that you are sometimes a rogue!" Chen Zhiyu lowered his face and sprayed Su Jin.

"You don't understand this. The so-called hero doesn't ask for the way out, and the rogue doesn't look at the age. I've been a rogue since I was a child, okay?" Su Jin said.

Chen Zhichan was choked and swallowed. She was cold and arrogant as her, she didn't want to take care of this guy very much. Although she and Su Jin were already very familiar with each other, they started to quarrel with each other. There was no difference. Comparability, she immediately questioned: "President Husband! What else can you do besides a sharp tongue?"

"I am a poet, I can compose poetry." Su Jin said with a beaming smile.


"Just know you don't believe it."

"Okay, you have one."

"Well, let me think about it..." Su Jin looked up and thought about it, and then began to say: "Hoe He said that at thirty-nine in the afternoon, thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, fifty sitting on the ground can **** the soil. Sucking soil—"

"Sister Xi, suck!" Seeing that Su Jin was getting more and more distracted, Chen Zhiyu started to chuckle, and immediately she blushed. Such words were simply unbearable.

"Sister Zhiyu, what are you talking about?"

Chen Zhihui:...

Her head was dizzy, and she kept raising her hand and rubbing her forehead.

"Zhiyi, what's wrong with you?" Su Jin asked.

"You, you... don't talk to me, I have a headache." Chen Zhiyu was really angry with Su Jin, but fortunately, she didn't plan to talk to Su Jin anymore, otherwise she might die here today. Jin is dead!

"If you have a headache, you should take a good rest." Su Jin said with concern.

Soon afterwards, Su Jin heard a sound of applause. He turned his head and saw a perfect temperament Xia Yuyan holding the speech and walking onto the podium. His eyes could no longer be separated.

With a charming, confident smile on Xia Yuyan’s face, she showed her professional female outfit to the fullest, and then the applause weakened, and she began to speak in fluent English: "Leidisen, simple and thorough..."

Now for Young Master Su, it is just a cup.

Su Jin probably understands the words'ladies and gentlemen', but he is also proud of having such a beautiful wife. Look at what this English says, even a husband who is super invincible and knows everything. If you don’t understand, what is the level of fluency?

But Su Jinjue’s is nothing more than the opening remarks, ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to be away from everyone in the beautiful... Yunyun——

Although I don’t understand, I can see from the enthusiastic applause on the scene how popular his wife’s speech is. This young entrepreneur from the East can take a speech to the extreme without hesitation. Su Jin also saw a different Xia Yuyan.

"Do you know how good your wife is?" Chen Zhiyi snorted softly.

"I think this is not the tone of your assistant who should ask your boss." Su Jinjian has frivolous eyebrows. He has forgotten so much. If this sister Zhi has been so cold all the way for so long, she should be pressed by her identity. With.

"Oh, it's a lot of pressure." Chen Zhiyu said deliberately. It is undeniable that if she were a man, she would definitely be jealous of Su Jin, but she didn't know that this guy still wanted to make his own mind. I don't know what he thinks. of.

Su Jin then pointed to a place below him... Chen Zhiyu's face immediately became cold, pointing to what he was doing.

"It's called stress." Su Jin pretended to be embarrassed, tightening his legs, and said: "You ask, I don't know how to answer you. At night, I think we can discuss it in depth at night. With this pressure, the hole strength must be very full."

"The bastard." Chen Zhiyu finally got a little aggrieved look on her face and cursed in a low voice.


Su Jin looked at it, and Chen Zhiyu's tears began to swirl in his eyes, and almost fell. This...Is it too much?

"Don't cry." Su Jin felt his heart. This is how deep his love is to touch this.

"You apologize..."

"Okay, I apologize."

"You promise me that at night, let me go... I'm scared."

"I haven't talked about my boyfriend?" Su Jin was startled, which was indeed unexpected.

"I talked about it in college, but after only three days of talking, that person revealed his nature and wanted to live together, so he was completely desperate for your men." Chen Zhiyu wiped away her tears, she just broke down a bit, and after recovering, she said coldly "I'm ready, if you dare to treat me like that tonight, I will—"

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