My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 858: Madman from China

The more Su Jin thought about it, it was as if billowing water was boiling in his body. He guessed that the little red dress that she bought for Chen Zhiyi yesterday might have been put on by her!

I am very excited to think about it-

Su Jin calmed down and made a decision. He must find an opportunity to verify his conjecture.

But where are the two girls now?

Su Jin took out his cell phone and dialed Lin Bingfan's number.

"Young Master!" Lin Bingfan's voice came over the phone.

"Where are you and Aji?" Su Jin asked.

There was silence there for a while before Lin Bingfan spoke, "At the FBI—"

Su Jin frowned tightly, "What are you doing there? Where is my wife?"

"Also." Lin Bingfan seemed to be a little guilty, and then said: "They came shortly after you left yesterday!"

"What are they investigating!"

"They accused that the flight accident the day before yesterday was caused by your party." Lin Bingfan had to say truthfully.

"Haha, it's useless for you to ride horses!" Su Jin sneered, and the worrying thing still happened. No one would understand this kind of thing. Why did the three of them escape on the first flight? The background affected Xia Yuyan and the two of them. However, the accident was man-made after investigation, but it was not them. In the world of police, other people's sites, do you want to be rectified by others?

"The old guy said... Let's wait, he is sending someone to communicate, so let us not act rashly." Lin Bingfan responded with a guilty conscience.

"Go to him, old guy, he told you not to act rashly, you are controlled by Nima's stupidity?" Su Jin was now angrily trying to throw the phone away, and then he asked: "Give me the address Send it over!"

"It's assisting in the investigation. It's just suspicion of allegations. I and Aji are outside."

"Don't be bullshit! The current situation is that I ask you to protect my wife, eh? You call it protection? You can't figure this little thing, go home and eat history! Fuck a horse!" Su Jin Hung up the phone severely.

Su Jin has never been so angry. This is so old-fashioned. His wife has such a delicate body and has never suffered. Being controlled by the FBI, he must be very aggrieved and helpless. The key to his anger is Is there him? Two big masters protect them, they are useless!

Soon, Lin Bingfan sent a message and told the detailed address, but it was sent in English, probably because he was afraid that Su Jin could not find a place.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Jin immediately left, went downstairs, found a taxi, gave the information on the phone to the bearded male driver with a high nose, and then... disappeared in front of the Manhattan Hotel.

In about twenty minutes, the destination had arrived. Su Jin swiped his card and got off the bus and told Lin Bingfan directly that I was here!

At the door of the FBI in New York, Su Jin installed his cell phone, looked at a tall building, walked up several steps, and saw someone come out from it.

It is Lin Bingfan with a cool appearance.

Su Jin looked cold, looked at Lin Bingfan and asked, "Miss, there is nothing wrong."

"Emotions are very stable." Lin Bingfan said, knowing that he was wrong.

"Why do you want to listen to the old guy? Lao Tzu's words, you are all deaf?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"My fault." Lin Bingfan suddenly smiled bitterly. It is indeed a bit special. This is the government department of other people. If the trouble is big, it is the international news. Otherwise, how could they bear it until now, plus the instructions of the old guy Waiting for the above communication.

"How do you speak English?" Su Jin was relieved to hear that Xia Yuyan was pretty good in all aspects, and asked Lin Bingfan.

Lin Bingfan nodded, "No problem."

"OK." Su Jin didn't want to blame Lin Bingfan too much, just because of his personality and a different style, he continued: "Come in with me."

"Young Master, do you think..." Lin Bingfan's face was slightly ugly, and maybe the result of the communication would come out in a while. With the Young Master's character he knew, it would probably make trouble! Wouldn’t it be a bit bad?

Su Jin ignored him lazily and walked in first.

The hall is quite spacious. There are many staff on both sides, including men and women. Many people of color are very conspicuous here. There are also many people from all continents who have immigrated. You can see here. Very diverse.

Su Jin glanced around, and at this moment, he saw a sturdy black man wearing a police uniform and walking out of it with a dozen policemen.

The black police officer walked up to him and said, "Sir, you have been arrested!"

Lin Bingfan translated it to Su Jin.

"Haha." Su Jin smiled, dumbfounding his nostrils, motioned to Lin Bingfan and said, "Tell him, he is an evil pen."

Su Jin knew that he would be in a hotel and would be monitored. It was normal for the other party to have such a reaction.

Hearing Su Jin's words, Lin Bingfan was speechless for a while:...

Bite the bullet, Lin Bingfan still translated the original words to the black police officer. The other party suddenly furiously put their hands on the guns around their waists, and the dozens of people who followed were also staring at Su Jin. They had never seen him from The madman of China would say so directly and ruthlessly!

"Raise your hand!" The black police officer took out his pistol and shouted at Su Jin.

After understanding, they knew that Su Jin was a very dangerous person, and they would not take it lightly in the face of such a person, even though this is their place with a lot of manpower! They believed that Su Jin would surrender. After all, his wife still had a subordinate controlled by him, and it would be hard for him to raise his hand unbehavedly.

"Hehe, foreign police, how come they are the same as our Qincheng." Su Jin smiled faintly, then he shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "Bing Fan, why are they so angry?"

Lin Bingfan had no choice but to say, "You scolded them."

"Should they scold?"


"Well, where's Aji?" Su Jin was not moved by the opponent's posture, and asked about Mad Dog Ji's movements.

"It's at the door of the room between the two of you, protecting it," Lin Bingfan said.

"Well, I did a good job." Su Jin was even more relieved. Maybe Lin Bingfan and the others are also background people in China. Putting it another way, they are walking with these people, so it is normal to have this protection measure.

"I said you translate."

"Okay." Lin Bingfan answered.

Seeing Lin Bingfan nodded, Su Jin stretched out his hand and pushed the black police officer. He slowly turned around, raised his hand, pointed at everyone around him, and said with a slight smile to the black police officer: "So angry, but don't Angry, I'm not only targeting you, I mean... everyone here is rubbish!"

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