My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 836: Silver Moon Wolf Queen

Subsequently, Su Jin checked into this hotel with the two women.

The room is room 0355. This hotel is still quite big. Su Jin just wants to wait for Lin Bingfan and the others to arrive, and by the way, let’s take a look at the partner in this collaboration. What is the situation with that ace female master? There is a mad dog, so he can Don't worry about the safety of wives and their safety, how to say "Dragon Tooth" is also a super power!

Although the price of staying in is expensive, but it’s really good here. It looks more special than the style at home. Everywhere can be done to show the feeling of noble status, it is too luxurious, the average rich person is really true Can't afford to live, Su Jin does not recommend this kind of place, the price is too low.

"I want to take a bath!" Xia Yuyan's expression was unusually cute. She has been tossed by an accident since yesterday, so she didn't really relax until she lived here. Of course, if Su Jin does not leave, it is naturally the best, but she feels unlikely!

"Go, I'm waiting for someone." Su Jin sat on the sofa and said calmly.

"Sister President, I'm with you." Chen Zhiyu didn't dare to stay in the room with Su Jin, and offered this suggestion.

"I refuse." Su Jin raised his hand and said with a smile: "Now between women and women, my husband has to guard against it."

"You--" Chen Zhiyu's eyes suddenly turned black, and she was almost dead by Su Jin's anger.

Xia Yuyan smiled, prepared the clothes she just bought, and hurriedly walked into the bathroom!

If it is a bathroom, it is better to say that an indoor swimming pool is similar. The luxury here is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Su Jin in the room looked at Chen Zhiwei with a smile, and said, "Hey, don't you think I'm so handsome? The handsome makes the beauty want to hide, she can't bear to see me, for fear that she can't control herself."

"Bah! You bastard!"

Without the president's sister nearby, Chen Zhihui said to Su Jin coldly.

"Now you scold me because you don't know me enough. When you get to know me later, you will definitely hit me." Su Jin said sternly.

"Don't you think you are a little too romantic?" Chen Zhiyi responded with a sneer.

"Sage Kong said that men can be romantic but not indecent, and women can be romantic but not crowded. You don't understand this?" Su Jin smiled very happily, "It seems that you still haven't got out of the category of a girl——"

Su Jin sighed with emotion, and went on to say: "But girls are also good for girls. The so-called girls are very precious, and the price of a wife is higher. If there is a rich wife, you can throw both, so I think you are still in the middle of nowhere. At the age of thirty, a woman is like a wolf, and a woman of forty is like a tiger...You are almost close."

What kind of poem?

It can be so annoying!

"Have Saint Kong said this?" Chen Zhiyu's face blushed.

"I'm Kong Shengren." Su Jin nodded thickly.

"Ha ha-as long as you approach in every possible way, I will not be affected by you! You die of that heart!" Chen Zhimao said with a cold face.

Su Jin clicked his mouth, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and then got up and walked to Chen Zhiyu's face and asked: "Zhiyu, tell me honestly, do you hate me in your heart?"

"Hate!" Chen Zhiyi replied without thinking.

"You're lying!" Su Jin sat next to her, approached gently, breathed out smoke in front of her, and whispered: "You can't escape."

Chen Zhihui is so annoying now, this guy is too courageous, really worried...

Is she lying?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

Even she is questioning herself now, in her heart now, there seems to be the shadow of a man, even though this man doesn't know how many times he uses words and actions to tease her!

Just as Su Jin was getting closer, the phone rang.

"It's a pity, before leaving, what else do you want to tell me?" Su Jin asked when he got up and looked at Chen Zhiyi.

"I have nothing to say to you!" Chen Zhiyi suffocated.

"This action is very dangerous, maybe I have to lose my life, oh... no woman has ever cared about me." Su Jin was a little disappointed, holding a cigarette **** in his trouser pocket, turning around and walking towards the door. Before going out, he paused, "I won't say hello to Yuyan, you just need to tell her."

" be careful..."

Behind, Chen Zhihui's weak voice appeared, and the corners of Su Jin's mouth rose, and the figure disappeared from Chen Zhihui's vision.

Young Master Su was very proud, and took his cell phone and said to Lin Bingfan on the other end: "See you at the door."

After a while, the door of the hotel.

Su Jin looked at the three people walking down an off-road vehicle, his eyes shining brightly.

In his pupils, he locked a woman firmly. What did this woman say, it felt strange, giving a faintly charming feeling. At the same time, as his eyes met, Su Jin saw what was revealed in the corner of her eye. Sharp, but it was quickly hidden.

This woman has a very good figure, and she is over 1.75 meters tall. An ordinary man can never stand in front of her confidently. Her face is also very good. The temperament of a strong woman that appears all over her body has increased for no reason. Kind of mysterious beauty. Especially for the most important parts of a woman, Su Jin's heart trembled when she looked at it. The peak in front of him was even more exploding than Gu Shuzhai's ball Wang Lan. If you say that the peak is like a coconut. , Then this strong woman with a strong physique can be described as a watermelon. It's horrible! This is the first time for Su Jin to see a model that can really suffocate a man if his face is stuffed in—

Even in the United States of America, which is famous for its many ball girls, there are not many such scary playthings.

The key point is that the beauty of this beauty is also very special. She is covered in combat clothing made of black leather, and she has a lot of wildness out of thin air!

Su Jin suddenly felt a burst of pressure...

Lin Bingfan came to Su Jin first, and said to Su Jin who was in a daze: "Young Master."

"What's her name?" Seeing that the other party was also looking at him, Su Jin asked Lin Bingfan when he recovered.

Lin Bingfan lowered his voice and said, "I don't know her specific name. I've only heard her legend before, and she was called the "Silver Moon Wolf Queen"."

After the Silver Moon Wolf!

Su Jin was shocked, nodded, walked to her, smiled and said, "Senior, thank you for helping me out this time!"

The Silvermoon Wolf Queen looked at him with great interest. When Su Jin walked over, she seemed to have discovered something, her face became dignified, and she said a problem that even Su Jin didn't notice--

And this question also made Su Jin inexplicably worried.

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