My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 814: Awakening, burning blood!

With a vision, the old **** stick also fixed his eyes on Su Jin's body.

Not only him, but even An Qianyi and Hong Yuji who stopped and stared at Su Jin in a daze didn't know what happened to Su Jin, and they were helpless and unable to deal with the evil!

An Qianyi bit her lip, and her tears fell one by one, and she waved into white mist, disappearing, and she couldn't land at all.

And the Hong Yuji beside her reacted with a sneer on her face. If anyone saw it, she would be absolutely shocked, because she and An Qianyi looked like they were carved out of a mold, they were exactly the same!

Su Jin's blood flowed from the wound more and more, and the old **** stick's face changed slightly, because since Su Jin's body was not moving just now, there have been faint heartbeats-


The heartbeat is like a drum, and the strong sound makes anyone who hears it unavoidable to have evil thoughts, and a heroic state of mind is not afraid of death!

Boom boom boom boom, his heartbeat sounded more and more surging, and the blood flowing under him, with everyone's eyes wide open, began to roll like a living thing, like a snake, and surging like a wave!

"Junior brother!" The old **** stick turned pale, gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother... he's not dead!" Master Yi got excited and really didn't want Su Jin to die, because there was Xiaomei and the entire Maoshan Taoist sect who needed his care, and they were already bad guys and couldn't interfere. The matter of dunya!

"Retreat!" The old **** stick shouted.

Master Yi was taken aback at once, and hurried to the old **** stick, apparently he also discovered the situation. He closely watched the blood flow like a snake and asked, "Brother, what's the situation!"

"Do you remember what the master taught us before," the old **** stick asked.

"Forget about it, when did it happen." Master Yi shook his head.

"He said that if a peerless evil creature is a human, it would be okay for an ordinary life. If it is'awakened', it will be very bad." The old **** stick looked hard.

"Brother, you mean..."

"Yes, you and I have checked Su Jin's past and present life, and there is no trace, but he is such a person without any trace, but he possesses the unique technique of'Tao Heart Seed Demon'."

"Brother, look at Su Jin's current situation, is it good or bad?"

"I don't know." The old **** stick shook his head, pointed around Su Jin, and said: "Look carefully and find something."

Master Yi took a closer look.

Suddenly shocked.

The snake-like blood streams criss-crossed and formed a circle within twenty meters. Those wild horses whose blood flow was running like a dead horse were getting more and more urgent. At the end, there was a slap, and the monstrous scarlet flames soared into the sky. Rise.

"It seems that it is a kind of formation." Master Yi said to the senior.

"'Dao Xin Seed Demon' is indeed the first magic way in the ages. From what I see, between life and death, Su Jin seems to have undergone some other changes. If you look carefully, it looks like we were in the door before. The dojo during the inner practice?" The old **** stick took a breath.

Master Yi looked again.

Sure enough, more and more like! I saw a round shape appeared, the blood stream rolled around, and gradually divided into two parts, becoming a Yin Yang fish! The original normal dojo was divided into two fishes, black and white, and the middle of the gossip array was a very standard pattern, but now it is soaked in demon blood, the fierce flame has gradually turned into a series of hideous demon heads, the whole formation is also It's completely scarlet, regardless of Yin and Yang!

Seeing the more and more changes, the old **** stick became anxious, "Such a rebellious exercise has begun to swallow the Dao Heart, and the awakening of the Devil Heart has begun to take the initiative. This is what the Dao Heart Seed Demon meant! It's over, if the technique is successful, this The kid is going to endanger the world!"

"Brother, how can I stop it? Hurry up and find a way, otherwise it will be late!" Master Yi said anxiously.

"You can try!" The old **** stick looked at the seven people trapped in the formation and was still putting out the resistance, and couldn't help but curse secretly. These people feel good now, I don't know what will happen later. kind!

"You say, I do!" Master Yi said.

"Hunting the soul ruler!" A wooden ruler with a special pattern appeared in the hands of the old **** stick, and then Master Yi also took out the same, and the two walked towards Su Jin together.

Two earthy yellow rays flashed, just when they were about to touch Su Jin.

The ruler burned, and finally turned into two ashes and fell to the ground!

"What kind of fire is this!" Master Yi cried out strangely, and the two of them immediately withdrew, not wanting to get closer! Just now, they really felt the terrible feeling of annihilation of their souls!

"I can't stop it." The old **** stick widened his eyes. "Even if we sacrifice more treasures, we will all be burned!"

"What to do?" Master Yi didn't know what to do.

The old **** stick looked at the seven people who were still in the formation, all with surprised faces, and suddenly with special skills that humans can hear, they shouted at the seven bounty hunters: "What are you waiting for, want to die? Nothing?"

After the words, there was something in the hands of the old **** stick, it was really the crow grandmother who had been captured before!

"You go too! If it can be stopped, I will let you survive!" The old **** stick threw Grandma Crow into the blood formation. During this time, he heard Grandma Crow screams of fear from his heart, "Two dogs said Bad, I said your grandma—"

After Grandma Crow was thrown in, there were several **** demon heads with squalid expressions, constantly biting on him, every bite made him let out a piercing cry of pain, no one could feel that feeling. It's as if the whole soul has been eaten in one bite! And there is that unknown flame wrapped around him, making him feel that life is better than death!

"Dao Huo, this is the supreme Dao Huo!" Grandma Crow screamed and kept rolling.

And the seven bounty hunters in the blood formation were hesitant when they heard the words of the old **** stick. At least they have a strong cultivation base. Although the unknown flames around them look scary, they are Said, it can resist with ease.

"I'm coming." Xiao Yong said coldly, "His head is mine!"

Leaving this sentence aside, Xiao Yong stopped hesitating and walked towards Su Jin step by step with a long knife. During the period, several demon attacks were scattered by him. In his opinion, this bluffing thing , But so!

"Stupid!" Seeing that there was only one person, the old **** stomped his feet in anger and gritted his teeth.

Master Yi fixed his eyes on Xiao Yong. From his point of view, this young man's strength is also a super level, and he is also a genius. He just doesn't know who the teacher will do. Judging from the current situation, Su Jin has not yet woken up. Come, Xiao Yong has a chance to succeed.

Xiao Yong was watching everyone, especially An Qianyi was covering her small mouth with anxiety in her eyes...

I saw Xiao Yong walking step by step in front of Su Jin. Su Jin still had no movement or even any threat. Gradually, Xiao Yong showed a cruel smile on his face and raised the long clasped hands. Knife--

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