My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4060: One knife moved the stars

one move?

So crazy!

At least, Li Yeyang didn't expect Su Jin to be so arrogant!

Before Su Jin fought with the old man Xingchen, he also saw him, feeling that the old lord could not help the Western Region lord.

Even if it is the old man of the Western Regions Lord Star, Li Yeyang can deal with it with all his strength, and he can guarantee that he will not die!

"Li Yeyang didn't dare to make trouble! He also asked the old master to make a move!"

The anger in Li Yeyang's heart came up suddenly, and he directly said loudly.

The Li Family Protoss in the southwest is now trembling--

From the time they appeared, until now... the Patriarch has cut down two swordsmanships, which were completely resolved by the Old Lord. Now, the Patriarch takes a blow from the Old Lord!

"Can the Patriarch do it?" Some Li's family said in shock.

"The old master's attack will be very scary, and the Patriarch needs to deal with it with all his strength. However, the old master should do this because he wants to submit to the Old Lord? Otherwise, our Li Family's weight in the Old God is too light. "

"The Patriarch has the Patriarch's consideration. It is not a child's play to be the enemy of the entire Eternal God Realm. Originally, the differences within our Li Family are very serious. Under this attack, if the old Patriarch cannot defeat the Patriarch, then let's follow the Patriarch's instructions. "

"The Patriarch is on the side of the old god, otherwise he would not be the one who brought us here. I am afraid that the old master will not be able to defeat him and will be embarrassed then."

"Should not be?"


Li Yeyang, before inheriting the entire Li family, was the enchanting Tianjiao in the Eternal God Realm.

Protoss despise him... many! But no one has ever been so confident to the old master, daring to speak wildly, and crush him with one blow——

Now Li Yeyang is very cautious.

Very cautious.

If the old master cannot defeat him, he will instantly change his mind and completely get rid of the old **** identity! If the old master can't even do this kind of ability, how can he be qualified to order the old gods in the world?

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was calm, his whole body, unexpectedly began to have a whirl of gray blades——

"This!" Dianbing Ling covered his mouth, "Why use a method that is not good at it!"

Wanyan Aoyue was also ramming the deer in her heart, she didn't expect it to be like this.

"It's the power of evolution..." Li Shuier replied from the side.

The power of evolution!

How amazing is it?

Even if Bingbing Ling and Wanyan Aoyue understand, it’s not that Su Jin possesses super powerful swordsmanship ability, nor is he good at swordsmanship, but his battle-tested ability, coupled with derivation, is comparable to any one. Surgery!

"It's too exaggerated -" Ding Bing Ling took a deep breath, "It doesn't take the other party seriously."

"Only in this way can the Li family be convinced." Wanyan Aoyue also watched this blow closely. She was already doing both sword and sword repairs. If Su Jin showed the power of swordsmanship, it would be of great benefit to her.

The Li family gods in the southwest were all stunned, stunned on the spot.

They all feel that Su Jin's knife intent circulating around him is very familiar.

"What does the old master mean!" Li Yeyang shouted angrily.

"It's not interesting, be careful."

Su Jin's sword energy around his body slowly revolved, "Your Heavenly Sword Nine Turns, it is extremely flawed, and it is far from flawless. Now I will let you see the perfect "Heavenly Sword Nine Turns"!"

Use Li Yeyang's best sword technique to defeat him?

Is this to punish the heart?

Li Yeyang really felt that Su Jin was too rampant, even... rampant! Never before has the Protoss dared to challenge his swordsmanship like this, for the sword, he has long surpassed all the Protoss swordsmanship—

The previous anger, plus now... more and more intense, more and more uncontrollable.

But after a few breaths, Li Yeyang was stunned.

Su Jin's display is definitely the "Nine Revolving Sword of Heavenly Sword", but... but it is very different from Li Yeyang's display.

In the battlefield space, Li Yeyang couldn't feel the existence of any sword energy, as if those sword energy were only in the circle around Su Jin.

Can this be powerful?

This is a far cry from Li Yeyang's aura when he used it himself!

But Li Yeyang didn't care about it, he was wary of holding a knife.



It doesn't even feel the same!

Li Yeyang stared at Su Jin in fright.


The starry sky seems to appear in the entire battlefield space instantly! The rays of light from every star are so sharp that all the Li Family Protoss cannot look up!

"I look at the starry sky in the battlefield, and I feel like my eyes are going to be blinded! Is the attack of the old master really the ‘Nine Revolutions of Heavenly Sword’?" Li family **** said in shock.

"The old master's perception of the way of heaven, and then blessing the'Nine Turns of Heavenly Swords' seems to have an incredible effect. Although there is no sword aura in the battlefield space, those sword auras have condensed into stars—"

"Before this, the old master would definitely not have the Patriarch's'Nine Revolving Swords of Heaven'! There is such a genius in the world that he can do something just by just looking at it?"

"It's better, it seems that the stars are not so dazzling anymore—"


Hearing that, many Li family gods all looked up--

In the battlefield, the crisis in Li Yeyang's heart became stronger and stronger, and he actually felt the aura of death! Bad premonition!


Li Yeyang's eyes were almost red, and he stared at Su Jin, and he also reacted immediately, "The Great Dao Gang!"


Bang bang!

Li Yeyang’s whole body of swords, as if directly let him break away from the six realms, from heaven and earth, from the three thousand worlds, his whole body of swords are like a transcendent divine wall that cannot be broken, just a glance can make him People feel desperate--

"This Li Yeyang is terrible!" Ran Bingling said in surprise.

"He is extraordinary." Wanyan Aoyue nodded.

"But his light is completely suppressed by my lord. Obviously, my lord's power is stronger. Only in this way can he explain why he has to use such a powerful defense method!" Wanyan Aoyue said.

Many Protoss of the Wanyan tribe were very curious and looked up at the battlefield by the lake.

The old master of the ‘Nine Revolutions of the Heavenly Sword’ has not been cut down yet, so I don’t know if he can break that piece of knife gang--


Li Yeyang was very nervous. He looked at Su Jin and saw the circle of knives swirling around. Suddenly, he seemed to see an incredible picture!

The sword energy surrounding Su Jin's body was layer after layer, and the layers became distinct!

Nine Yin and Nine Yang, Nine Shun and Nine Nine, quickly began to move along different paths!

The Jiu Yin seemed to be a crime of murder in the world. The coldness made Li Yeyang feel cold! The nine suns are scorching, and the stars in the sky seem to be turned into thousands of streams of light, quickly gathering in the sky, and... they merge into an extremely terrifying sun!

The warmth of Nine Suns and the cold of Nine Yins seem to have formed an unimaginable effect in the entire battlefield space!

Layer after layer of Heavenly Sword Nine Turns, as if reversing the entire battlefield space!

The first floor is like the Nine Nether Cold Hell, so terrible that creatures dare not fall into it!

The first floor is like a warm ocean. Although it is warm, it seems more murderous.


The environment of the battlefield space has begun to change!


A space boundary wall collapsed in an instant, and when it collapsed, the sword gas burst out like a spring!

One after another collapsed boundary walls, the sword is awe-inspiring!

Li Yeyang's face is not ugly, he is... now even a little excited! Is this the real "Nine Revolving Heavenly Swords"? He learned it!


In each vortex of sword energy, it seemed as if a scorching sky sword rose up!

Su Jin raised the right arm of the Heavenly Sword and gently grabbed it with his claw, and the infinite sword energy began to gather from all directions! The light at that moment seemed to illuminate the world!

A heavenly sword appeared!

The terrifying sky sword condensed by the sword aura is so terrible that all the Li family gods dare not look directly at the blade!

Su Jin’s temperament is so impressive, the world-famous coercion of the peerless powerhouse seems to be completely expressed with the condensing of the terrifying sword——

"Will the Patriarch die by this knife?" Li family **** said in a panic.

"One sword moved the wind and cloud, moved the space, moved the stars. I did not expect the old master to use the Patriarch's'Nine Turns of Heavenly Swords' to instantly climb to the point where the sword skills surpassed the Patriarch... It's too exaggerated. Lord, I absolutely don’t believe that there is such a terrifying strong man in the world—"

"Everything seems to be as light as water, but with the knife, the world seems to fall over. This kind of power can actually make my heart tremble, and there is no resistance at all." There is the horror of the Li family. Wang Shen flushed and said.

During this period, there was only one woman in an orange dress who did not speak, and cold sweat came out on her forehead.

She has a pair of curved willow eyebrows, attractive water-cut autumn eyes, and white complexion, making her more like other women in the Li family.

"Big brother..." The woman couldn't imagine how the old master would cut this knife.

Li Yeyang is frantically thinking of a way!

He thought of countless possibilities! How can we break the game, how can we not die under this knife! How can I escape from birth!

But among these countless possibilities, none can solve the current situation!


"Swordsmanship'Nine Revolving Swords of Heavenly Swords' is not just a series of nine swords. If the strength can do it, it will be infinite." Su Jin held a knife behind him with one hand and looked at Li Yeyang.

"Impossible! Nine turns, there are only nine knives... Nine knives are the ultimate." Li Yeyang doesn't believe that his sword technique has completely reached the end, and he can only possess nine knives after performing the nine turns of the sky sword. The majesty, a knife is more than a knife——

But the old master said this, making Li Yeyang doubt himself! Soon he was sure, because he always trusted himself and thought he was absolutely right!

"You think so, what can I say?" Su Jin laughed.

"The old master, please!" Li Yeyang shouted.

"This is... the first cut."

Su Jin gently waved the "Nine Revolving Sword of Heaven"! Endless sword energy radiated from the stars of Zhisheng Sword Art. The sword energy swirling around him seemed to be an introduction, quickly gathering in front of the sword in his hand——

A faint but strong shadow of a huge knife hung over Li Yeyang's head!

"I can't move!" Li Yeyang knew it would be like this, but he didn't expect to let him struggle, but he could only stand still in the powerful sword.

His feet seemed to be nailed to the void!

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