My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4054: Slaughter

A sword arc directly smashed the prison!

The Great Onmyoji's face was extremely ugly, he almost didn't even want to give up killing Yan Aoyue, and then raised his hand, a yin and yang gossip, fiercely blasted towards the incarnation of Su Jin who was full of sword body aura——


The vast sea of ​​swords seemed to fall suddenly, and the yin and yang gossip on the eyebrows of the Great Onmyoji suddenly brightened!

"Master Onmyoji, the same old master incarnation just got on!" The gods behind them looked tense. They knew that even if it was an incarnation, Su Jin's power should not be underestimated.

After all, they have already seen Su Jin's kendo——

Whoops whoops!

The sword mountains seemed to have separated hundreds of millions of sword rainbows. Su Jin's sword body incarnation raised his arm and pointed fiercely. The horrible sword rainbow began to slash towards the Great Onmyoji!

With the violent sound, the world seems to be the only swordsman!

The bright and splendid scene has made countless Protoss feel terrified!

Clang clang!

A light curtain was propped up around the Great Onmyoji, and the majestic gossip trails circulated everywhere on the light curtain, and began to take the blow!

Wanyan Aoyue almost gave up just now. She knew the gap and couldn't compete with the super power of Onmyoji, but... but she never expected that the incarnation of the sword body that the old master split would be directly Come to the rescue!

Kendo, all under control——

Wanyan Aoyue showed gratitude, and the respect in her eyes surpassed that at any time, under a long ponytail that she had tied up, a blue sword was also trembling violently, as if to be called upon at any time, and could break through the air at any time. go with.

"Old Lord! Today is not your world! The Mind Era is about to be opened, and it is even more unlikely to belong to your era!" The Great Onmyoji resisted fairly easily, after all, it was just an incarnation of the Old Lord, but even so, that terrible sword Physical strength still made him tremble.

The Great Onmyoji is not as powerful as this incarnation of the sword body-

It's that figure, standing there, it seems like a vault of sky that is about to collapse, as if to overwhelm all the gods...

The momentum is terrible.

The sword body Su Jin looked at the Great Onmyoji with cold eyes, and said nothing.



The screams came!

Many protoss in the battlefield, the magical skills were madly littered, but now... they saw a huge guillotine reuniting, and together with the life and death platform, they were harvesting life-

This is not the scariest.

Many protoss saw a bright red figure and turned into a bright red candle dragon. The incarnation of the candle dragon seemed to be the scariest existence in the field...

But as for the Protoss, no one dared to approach its hundreds of miles!

"The number one candle dragon poison in the heavens! This is still the candle dragon transformed into a mature candle dragon magic medicine. Why... why can it be transformed into the incarnation of the old master?"

"Refining the **** poison into one of your own! Only in this way can you turn into his incarnation, and display the fierce power of the candle dragon!"

"Oh my God, as long as the gods swept by the candle dragon are directly turned into meat slurry, even those gods that are contaminated by the bright red poisonous gas are constantly emitting white smoke all over, and no one can live!"

"Look! There...what is there an old **** incarnate doing? Ah, he is preaching, but he is preaching—"

Many protoss are confused.

Staring blankly at the gorgeous golden light in the sky.

Su Jin's incarnation of Buddhism, sitting in the sky, majestic Buddha light, summoned hundreds of millions of Buddhas, and opened the Buddhist gates. Those Buddhas, like him, seem to be extremely sacred.

Every Buddha, sitting cross-legged in the Buddhist gate, the appalling scriptures spread quickly when visible to the naked eye, the Buddha's songs are bursts, and the Sanskrit sounds seem to be able to influence all creatures, sacred and extraordinary!

Hundreds of gods, unable to resist the influence of influence, as if deeply felt their own mistakes, their own sins, facing the billions of Buddhas, they knelt down directly!

The Great Onmyoji was trembling all over--

"Why is it like this!" The Great Onmyoji could not accept it at all. Although the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism, with the influence of hundreds of millions of Buddhas, were few or even deliberately ignored, the Great Onmyoji felt a kind of difficulty in his heart. The sense of crisis described-

The sword body Su Jin appeared in front of Wanyan Aoyue...

The cold, unrestrained, and powerful pressure is making Wanyan Aoyue tremble all over.

"Qiangwu God Clan, see..." Wanyan Aoyue just wanted to take the clan **** to kneel...

Directly, Su Jin's powerful arms grabbed Wanyan Aoyue's arms directly.

"I'll give you a task." Sword Body Su Jin said to Wanyan Aoyue.

"My lord...please order!" Wanyan Aoyue flushed and nodded.

The sword body Su Jin suddenly turned around and made a soft move——


The terrifying scarlet candle dragon, exuding a vigorous **** poisonous mist, is in front of the'Qiangwu tribe'!

"Arrow at the candle dragon blood mist, slaughter the Protoss!" The sword body Su Jindang sat cross-legged, sitting on the side of the old god.

Wanyan Aoyue's eyes lit up, and a long pony tail that reached her knees lightly flicked, and said to the Qiangwu gods: "Fall arrows!"

Let go!


In a volley of fire, the body of the arrow was contaminated with the poison of the candle dragon, and it quickly radiated toward the crowds of protoss in the distance!

"Dreaming!" The Great Onmyoji continued to strengthen the light curtain, trying to stop the blow.


The next second, Master Onmyoji stayed.

He thought his rules could be useful, but when the yin and yang gossip disappeared, he was dumbfounded.

"Get up!" The Great Onmyoji burst out again.

Can't get up!

Why can't I get up!

The Great Onmyoji was very anxious and anxious, he didn't know, compared with Su Jin's attainments of Taoism, he simply didn't know how big the disparity was!




The deadly arrows, when they hit the Protoss, they all turn into a pool of pus and blood!


Shocking sights everywhere!

An ancient sacred relic, when facing a group of kings and gods, it seems to be destroyed. There are only ten ancient sacred relics, and there is no limit to all living beings!

Some horror king gods also wanted to deal with these ten ancient sacred relics, but the pressure on them from the incarnations of the other eight old gods was also not small, not to mention, with the battle ahead, a golden ancient monument turned into a mountain to suppress...

The scene is more chaotic!


As soon as the golden ancient stele was killed in the battlefield, endless golden ‘God’ characters immediately flew out. Those **** words did not kill the gods, but floated out part of them.

"Don't resist." Su Jin, the sword body, sitting behind, said to the Qiangwu Protoss.


Every golden word of God immersed in the eyebrows of every Qiangwu God Race!

Wanyan Aoyue also got a "God" character! That wonderful word of God, as if it had received the blessing of the old master, she felt a little warm in her body at first, as if she had been blessed, her strength was also instantly improved a lot—

A burst of golden brilliance bloomed from Wanyan Aoyue's body.

Wanyan Aoyue looked at the back of Su Jin with the sword body. She stood behind him, as if she felt like a mastermind. The sword body Su Jin seemed to be a mountain in front of her, giving her an unparalleled sense of security.

"Thank my lord for the reward!" The super power of the old gods, the blood ancestors turned into endless blood and blood, with the gods under his seat, and invincible in the gods army!


The old gods still inevitably suffered some casualties!

At this moment, in the dark night **** city.

Countless protoss all saw this earth-shattering scene.

This kind of amazing battle is hard to see once in millions of years!

"There is still a huge gap between the number of old gods and our gods. Although their single strength is stronger than ours, we also have nearly 20,000 horror king gods! This kind of strength is crushing, and they cannot win this god. war!"

"That's right, the old gods brought by the blood ancestors of the old heavens were nearly half dead and injured! Many horror king gods attacked him cruelly--"

"It is impossible for them to win. If there is not an incarnation of the old lord in the rear, the Qiangwu will be slaughtered by our gods."

"That Wanyan Aoyue really deserves to be one of a billion beauty. Even with the strength of the Qiangwu tribe, it can pose a threat to our Protoss army."

"It's all the power of the old master, the incarnation of the old master, two of them are standing behind!"

"Ah! Look...then...what's the situation?"


With the exclamation of the world, all the Protoss within the distance of tens of billions of miles from the empty earth, the hundreds of cities, all opened their eyes, as if they did not believe that scene at all--

The blood ancestors of the Old Heaven Realm had suffered heavy casualties, but as golden halos appeared on the dead old Gods, terrible things happened!

The blood ancestor was a little desperate at first, he knew how great the disparity in the strength of this battle was, but they had to fight hard!

but now……

As one of the super powerful blood ancestors, I felt shocked! The old gods of the old heaven realm who died under his command had a golden halo on his body! The old **** of the old heaven that had completely disappeared... the body began to heal.

The rules began to recover.

Vitality begins to recover!


Why can it be resurrected!

The blood ancestor is also shocked now--

The Great Onmyoji, the old man Xingchen, is now frightened, and the powers in the field are looking at the incarnation of Su Jin who is already in the "empty door" realm of the Buddha's Tao at almost the same time——

The power of Buddhism and Taoism against the sky has resurrected the dead old gods!

One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces.

With the chanting of ordinary Sanskrit songs, every old **** who came back to life rekindled his fighting spirit.

"The old lord can give us eternal life! We...will not die!" The old gods of the old heaven realm, all of their fighting spirits climbed up, and once again fought forever.

Even if it is a life change, it is worth it!

Wanyan Aoyue stared blankly at the scene in the field. She thought that this battle would bring the Qiangwu tribe to extinction, but even if she knew it, she was almost not afraid... But now, with such a huge disparity in strength ...

The old god... can not die!

Can be brought back to life!

This is horrible--

"Destroy his incarnation of Buddhism!" The old man Xingchen was almost caught by the hand of Su Jin's deity, and hurriedly shouted at the chaotic scene of melee!

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