My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4042: The catastrophe has come!

He doesn't hide?

The old man Xingchen looked terrifying, and under the state of other horror king gods blessing him, the power of the ancient gods would only be stronger than before——

Seeing this scene, almost all the Protoss, their eyes widened.

The sky-covering hands were covered...shadow, compared to the hands of the ancient gods, Su Jin seemed to be completely insignificant even if he was covered in golden armor now.

Li Shuier was very nervous.

Because after this blow, it is likely to be the time when the bet will tell the winner!

"Hide, why don't you hide--" Ran Bingling panicked, and watched the big hand covering the sky, shrouding Su Jin.

"Because he can't hide." Li Shuier sneered.

Can't you avoid it?

Then he froze for a while.


Within the scope of the entire ‘God of Heaven’s Punishment’, space shattered, and countless space fragments swept the audience along with the turbulent flow of space. Even the most terrifying power could not survive, right?


Su Jin's whole body, golden light shines everywhere! Now he is like a **** of war, rising to the sky! Where he was, there seemed to be ninety-nine layers of stars!

Based on the power of Su Jin and the ancient emperor of the starry sky, he blessed the ‘zhiyou stars’!

Ninety-nine layers of starry sky, plus the power of the old master, not the power of the world-sovereign...For a time, at the location of Su Jin, it was difficult for that terrifying ancient **** hand to fall!

"Xingkong ancient emperor!" The old man Xingchen almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood again, his eyes popping out, his face was full of disbelief.

"Domain Lord! Can you use the rules of stars to transform the ninety-nine layers of stars into your own power?" asked the King of Terror.

"Yes, domain master, that ancient emperor of stars is just a Taoist shadow, the power you display is definitely stronger than them! Even, it can transform the ninety-nine layers of starry sky——"

"Domain owner! Try it!"

The King of Terror kept talking.

The old man Xingchen is now depressed to die-

Why doesn't he want to try?

But how easy is it?

Although the ancient emperor Xingkong was only a Taoist shadow, ‘Zhiyou Xingchentian’ was a divine art of the ancient emperor of Xingkong, and the starry sky would not be used by him at all.

Moreover, who said that he can be compared to the ancient emperor of the starry sky!

He was too late!

This... does this all work? There is a strong hope in the eyes of Dianbing Ling——

But after Li Shuier was shocked, her face changed slightly... She could hardly imagine that Su Jin's resistance was so strong at this time!



Layers to the quiet stars and sky, smashed by the hands of the ancient gods! However, the speed of the ancient gods' big hands covering the sky is getting slower and slower and slower!

The vast and magnificent scene seemed to be completely occupied by that piece of ‘solitary stars’, until, the hand of the ancient **** could hardly be lowered—

Fry the pan.

Within a hundred cities, there is no Protoss who is not shocked!

"How is it possible, how is it possible..." Some Protoss didn't want to believe this scene.

"There are more than 10,000 horror kings and gods, and the blessed old man can't kill the old master? And who is the mysterious existence that displays the ninety-nine layers of stars?"

"The ancient emperor of stars used to think that the powerful existence of the masters of the heavens... It's just that he can't be alive, he should have passed away long ago."

"Dao Ying, the Tao Ying of the ancient emperor of the stars may be the same as the Sui Ancestor above... But even so, its star sky can contain the power of all the old people of the stars! After all, the ancient gods are condensed by his magic, Naturally, his star power has also weakened a lot—"

"It's incredible. At the critical moment, the eternal old master actually condensed a Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor in the starry sky. He... how many unexpected methods does he have?"

"It's not good, he absolutely can't get out of the'God of Heaven's Punishment', otherwise...otherwise the more than 10,000 Terror King Gods will be in danger, and the old man of the stars, I am afraid that he will also follow the footsteps of the Lord of the Southern Region! "

"What can I do?"


At this moment.

There was finally a touch of movement and tension on the face of Old Man Xingchen——

He presided over the "God of Talking Punishment", condensing the ancient gods, in order to kill the old master, but now... the killing is blocked, and Su Jin has really shattered a hundred'soul calming platforms' just now. !

The consequences of smashing the ‘Soul Resurrection Station’ are very serious... He felt that his blessing of the power of the ‘God of Heaven’s Punishment’ was also affected by his eyes.

Without the "Soul Resurrection Station", the old man Xingchen is equivalent to lack of many methods that can be used in the "God of Heaven Punishment"——


Su Jin seemed to lift up dozens of layers of starry sky, but on the contrary, it faintly meant to suppress the ancient gods!

The situation has fallen into heat!

"Old man Xingchen, how much did I let you go!" Su Jin roared wildly, "Now you all go and die for Laozi!"


Where did it come from?

Old man Xingchen's face changed drastically-

They overlooked a very serious problem, even this problem, even Ran Bingling and Li Shuier have forgotten!

"It's just a desperate struggle, the domain master, he is trapped in the'God of Heaven's Punishment,' and he dares to speak wildly!" A Terror King said with disdain.

"Shut up!" The old man Xingchen was nervous now.

The catastrophe, definitely a catastrophe, has appeared!

Some horror king gods stopped their smiles abruptly, a danger seemed to invade their hearts, they... they looked at the battlefield space and finally understood what was going on!

This battlefield space was set up by Su Jin from the beginning...

"Peerless fierce formation!" There was a terrifying king screaming.

Li Shui'er was pale and sweaty, and naturally felt bad. On the contrary, Bingbing Ling laughed. Really, she was forced to follow the eternal old master, and the old master did not let her down!

"Give up, I may save your life." Ran Bingling said lightly.

"It's impossible to admit defeat! Even if you die!" Li Shuier looked at the sky above the sky.

Above the sky, there are faint patches of clouds, glowing with a wonderful light——

A "Bagua Dao Tu" that can block the world is vast and profound, and every grain of Dao Xia seems to contain the ultimate meaning of the world!

Around the Dao map, the eight ancient characters, Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, and Dui, are running, and the whole Bagua Dao map is activated!


There was the King of Terror, and he instantly received a thunder! He didn't even scream! It turned into a plume of smoke!

"This kind of thunder can kill the King of Terror instantly! Be careful, everyone!" The King of Terror was almost crying, and the entire battlefield space was shining with the light of Daotu——


Once again, the King of Terror was struck by Dao Lei!

"The catastrophe has come!" More than 10,000 horror kings and gods, exuding different rules and powers, propped up enchantments, but the pervasive thunder and lightning seemed to be unaffected at all.

Li Shui'er was panicked now, she vaguely saw a figure standing on the yin and yang fish in the Taoist map!

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