My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4036: Buddhism in the dust

The world is quiet.

Become quiet with that scream--

Buddhism’s ‘swastika’ scriptures, with a tyrannical and invincible force, abruptly took the attack of Old Man Xing Chen, and both sides were a bit discolored!

Su Jin did not expect that the opponent's hammer would be far better than any previous blow! He inspired the Buddha to open up hundreds of millions of Buddhist gates in the state of Buddhism's ‘empty gate’, but he barely managed to hold it—

The old man star is even more incredible!

He also didn't expect Su Jin to be able to carry his hammer!

But no matter what, both were attracted by that scream from Huo Liancheng...

At this moment.

The eyes of the world are all staring at Huo Liancheng——

Ran Bingling and Li Shuier are like this.

The same is true for Su Jin and the old man Xingchen, as are the more than ten thousand Terror King Gods!

Hundred cities.

Breaking through the air, all eyes, almost all of them are on the position of Huoliancheng!


A burst of blue faint black light seemed to cover Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territory. He was like a pool of blue jelly in the void, constantly struggling in the void.

This is what he looked like after he blew himself up!

"I want to live...I am the lord of the Southern Territory, and I can't die! I enjoy the glory of eternity, and I must never fall here!" Huo Liancheng's roar appeared in the faint blue black light——

"You live a shit, you have been eaten by this king." The evil lord's voice.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lord! I'm not reconciled—"

Old man Xingchen's face was a little pale.

More than 10,000 horror king gods watched this scene, and they all fell silent. The entire battlefield space seemed to be completely filled with the howls of Huo Liancheng!


No matter how reconciled, the'immortal combat body' has become a thing of the past, and Huo Liancheng... is completely defeated! He was not able to recover to his peak shape directly after blew up as before, and he probably didn't exist for much time.

Su Jin heard a loud and sacred voice, and said to the old man Xingchen: "His fate is also your immediate death. Just like him, the dust will return to the dust, the dirt will return to the earth, and you will no longer be able to enjoy the glory of the domain master."

"Dreaming!" The old man Xingchen spouted back.

"Star Domain Master, kill him for me, take revenge for me! For me..." Huo Liancheng's position was absorbed by a finger. In an instant, Huo Liancheng couldn't even hold the jelly state, and instantly'pop 'With a sound, it turned into dust.


The fingers turned by the evil lord turned into an arc, floating towards Su Jin...

No one can describe the horror of this scene.

The lord of the Southern Territory, such a powerful existence, the transcendent terrifying powerhouse who dominates a region, fell at this moment! This kind of existence can be a powerful horror king with a thousand enemies, but even if it does, it has fallen--

Old man Xingchen stared at the disappearing finger, with fear in his eyes. He didn't understand why the **** captured by that finger, or the **** of terror, couldn't move?

This is exaggerated!

It is equivalent to saying that Su Jin has a trump card that can threaten all the gods!

"Dead, the Lord of the Southern Territory is dead." On the battlefield, a million miles away, there are more than 10,000 Terror King Gods, not without trembling. Among them are the strong of the Southern Territory and the strong of the Western Region, but now... …They all seem to be afraid of Su Jin!

"One finger can destroy a domain master! What kind of finger is that? That is the domain master Huo Liancheng who has an'immortal body', so he was taken away?"

"If you take it away, let's not say, the lord of the key southern region does not even have the power to fight back! The finger seems to have suppressed his spirit, battle body, rules, and everything by the finger..."

"It's so cruel, there is such a strange thing in the world? Could that finger be the thing of the eternal old master?"

"I don't know, anyway... we have to think of a way now, we can't rely on the support of the star domain master... the other party's current injury has completely recovered, it shouldn't be that difficult to deal with our star domain master--"



The Lord of the Southern Territory is dead.

This is definitely a terrifying event for the entire Eternal God Realm!

Enough to cause a sensation in the entire eternal realm-


Ran Bingling smiled triumphantly at Li Shui'er, "It looks like you are about to lose."

"Not necessarily!" Li Shui'er snorted softly, "In addition to the old man Xingchen, there are more than ten thousand horror king gods who are unscathed. Look at it... The eternal old lord you surrender may not have paid the price."

"It seems that you are still obsessed with understanding." The ice-dyeing spirit is in hand, and now it is naturally very relaxed.

The old man Xingchen was very alert.

The finger that pulled just now has absorbed the rules of the Horror King God of Huo Liancheng and the origin of the rules. There should be no way to deal with him in a short time, right?

Such a divine treasure, if it can devour the gods of the world...

The old man Xingchen dare not even think about it now!

"Domain Lord! What can we do!" There are many Western Territory Terror King Gods who transmit their voices to the old man Xingchen. They are eager to contribute some strength to the gods of the world.

"Yeah, domain master, think about a way--"

"There is a way." The old man Xingchen hesitated for a moment, and transmitted the sound: "Among you, the strong with the rules of the demon god, use endless demon light to cover the Buddha light! And some have space, stars, heaven, and other origins. The strong, can bless the power on me!"

"it is good!"

"good idea!"

"Just listen to the domain lord, everyone quickly use your strength to force the Buddha light back! I have the moon spirit rules, and can bless the domain lord—"


There are more than 10,000 horror king gods, of which at least hundreds of horror king gods have the power to bless the old man of the stars, and there are even horror powerhouses in the state of blessing.

The old man Xingchen suddenly felt a monstrous power, emerging from him! His rules and even those powers are perfectly blended, he now...power is constantly improving!

It would be nice long ago! Old man Xingchen was annoyed.

Su Jin was shocked--

Hundreds of millions of Buddhas, together with the light of his Buddhism "empty door", are being enveloped by a **** horror, and his Buddhism power is weakening! Weakened quickly!

And hundreds of millions of Buddhas, even if they read the scriptures, it seems to be of no avail!


In Su Jin's eyes, the old man Xingchen seemed to rise in strength again and again! However, within a few breaths, the opponent's strength increased more than 50%!


Su Jin cried secretly.

"Old master, this place is pretty good as your bone burial ground! Brother Huo wants me to avenge him before he dies! You... or go to die!" The old man star robe swelled, and gusts of wind engulfed those demons. For a moment, he seemed to be a fairy who was flying, walking directly towards Su Jin——

Su Jin disdainfully said: "You die if you die!"

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