My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4033: This fat!

Now, Old Man Xingchen is on the verge of an enemy, his original power, coupled with the spreading star ring, can make his whole body reach a state of unbreakable law, he really does not believe that Su Jin has the ability to kill him——

"This is... an eternal technique!" The old man Xingchen couldn't help but feel cold when he saw Su Jin's "shrinking the ground into an inch".

"Be careful, he's looking for a chance to kill you." Huo Liancheng reminded nervously that there were only two of them now. To be precise, the only ones who believed to be able to compete with Su Jin were him and Old Man Xingchen.

The Lord of the Southern Territories, and the Lord of the Western Regions, Old Man Xingchen, can't do anything to anyone——

Finally, with more than 10,000 other horror king gods, it is difficult to hurt each other under Su Jin's many mysteries.

After all, there was just a ‘No Word Secret of Heaven’, and now, another ‘One Thousand Eternal Art’ came out!


Su Jin almost rubbed the edge of the star ring, as if to rush to kill the old man, but then... his speed suddenly soared!

With lightning speed, Tian Dao's right hand directly slapped Huo Liancheng!


There is fraud!

How can Huo Liancheng give Su Jin a chance?


Huo Liancheng raised his palm and greeted Su Jin fiercely—


Su Jin's figure seemed to be covered by a mysterious space! Huo Liancheng's scalp is numb now, the other party's methods are simply too expensive!

"You are dead." Su Jin shouted at Huo Liancheng.

"Who do you want to kill!" Huo Liancheng didn't believe it at all. Just now, Su Jin screamed, and the old man Xing Chen was very nervous with him and could only fight with all his strength.

"kill you."

As soon as Su Jin's voice fell, his figure seemed to be like a lightning divine rainbow. In an instant, his palm slashed on top of Huo Liancheng's head——

"Hahaha! I have an undead body, as long as I am in a fighting state, I can never die, how do you..." Huo Liancheng's voice stopped abruptly.

There was silence!

After Su Jin succeeded in one blow, he plunged into the space and appeared in the distance, watching this scene!

The old man Xingchen only felt his body chill, and violently walked away from the vicinity of Huolian City!

More than 10,000 horror king gods, stay!

Li Shui'er, stay!

Bingbing Ling, startled!

The old man Xingchen had deep jealousy in his eyes, and even strong unbelief!

Suddenly, Huo Liancheng screamed loudly, he stretched out his hand and started to grab it on top of his head——

"Ah...what the hell! You...what did you do to me!" Huo Liancheng screamed again and again. The power that frightened him was taking away his regular power, and the origin that was deeply planted in the body, also Started to be shaken by that strange power.

"Domain Lord!" There are many Terror King Gods of the Southern Territory, extremely anxious, but they dare not approach Huo Liancheng.

"What happened to the domain owner?"

"On the top of the domain lord's head... there is a finger on top of the head! That finger is drawing away the power of the domain lord! No, even the rules are sucked away by the finger—"

"Don't panic! The domain master is an immortal combat body, this kid can't kill him!" said the King of Terror.

"No! From the very beginning, the goal of the eternal old master is our domain master, not the old man of the stars! His immortal combat body is the biggest threat to the opponent, so he chose to solve our domain master first!"

"The domain master blew himself up! After he blew himself up, he will be reborn and will fight to the end. All the other conspiracy methods will be useless to him!"


Huo Liancheng hates him now. He stares at Su Jin fiercely, and shouts angrily: "You wait for me... the lord of the domain will give up his life and be reborn, and then this king will smash you into pieces!"

The old man Xingchen's face was blue and red--

Will it really come back?

Huo Liancheng seldom used his undead combat body, and for so many years, few can make his undead combat body play a role!

but now.

Under the great pressure of the eternal old Lord, Huo Liancheng is finally going to truly show the power of "not a war body" in the world!

A burst of strange black light instantly expanded from the heart of Huo Liancheng!

Expand again!


Huo Liancheng screamed loudly. Although the ‘immortal body’ can regenerate him, he still needs to endure the pain of real self-destruction. That kind of taste is definitely not the ordinary strong person can bear—


The self-destructive power smashed a void in an instant!

Su Jin squinted, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help Huo Liancheng to get rid of the power of the ‘evil lord’ to pull his fingers.

"Alive! Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territory, is resurrecting in that light!" All the demon gods in the empty ground cheered.

"Is it really alive? The immortal combat body is really amazing—"

"The immortal battle body is one of the strongest physiques in the Eternal Gods Realm, and he can't even find such a wonderful battle body. As long as he maintains sufficient fighting intent, he can withstand all the attacks in the world, rebirth unlimited times, The peak!"

"Then the eternal old lord is planted, but what is that finger? It is obviously quite extraordinary to be able to force the lord of the Southern Territory to explode and rebirth."

"I really don't know where he got these sacred treasures. Previously, the Eastern Emperor Bell and the ancient golden monument. Now... Now there are such weird things again——"

"What are you afraid of? The Lord of the Southern Territory can be reborn, the origin of the stars of the old man can make the eternal old master inaccessible, and the eternal old master has no chance to kill these two great abilities—"



Battlefield space!


Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territory, laughed wildly. The pain of self-destruction seemed to arouse his ferocity. He angrily said: "Unexpectedly, I am back again! Perfectly back to the top!"

"Really?" Su Jin smiled lightly.

"Huh?" The Southern Territory's face suddenly pulled down, as if he had eaten a fly, his face turned green and said: "How is it possible! The impact of the self-detonation didn't wash away the fingers--"

"Grab you, do you still want to escape from Lao Tzu's palm? Master, this fat... hand it over to me." The evil lord made a voice and said to Su Jin.

Talking finger?

This... fat?

The Lord of the Southern Territory screamed again, his ‘rules’ were like being swallowed by a black hole. In a short time, the power of rules in his body was swallowed by half!

The origin, the origin of some rules also began to drift away above the head——

"What kind of weird thing!" The old man Xingchen felt terrified, that finger could seize the origin of the rules, and once it was restrained, it was impossible to get rid of it!

It turns out that this is Su Jin's true support!

This is definitely a big trump card for Su Jin!

Ran Bingling and Li Shui'er hadn't reacted from the stunned expressions, this was really a fight between gods, but Su Jin was doing some tricky tricks!

But... this is too easy to use—

"Huo Liancheng, Lord of the Southern Territory, will he die?" Li Shui'er felt a little more puzzled.

Immortal combat body, known as immortal.

Can you really live?

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