My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4028: The war begins!

A bunch of horror king gods, instantly stunned on the spot——

The blood dragon lingering in Su Jin's body was not killing intent, not power, but actually fighting intent! Almost substantive fighting spirit!

Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen seemed to have encountered an enemy in this life, and now they dare not blink their eyes and are fully guarded.

"When you fought against the Destroyer God, it was quite hearty. Now that the Lord of your two domains has arrived, you don't know if you have the courage of the Destroyer God." Su Jin said calmly.

The old man Xingchen squinted his small eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes——

They all understand--

Su Jin wants to stand up!

Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen were naturally not afraid, but there were more than 10,000 Terror King Gods behind him, and every strong man had great fear and even fear in his eyes.

Although the East Gods Territory Lord Great Destruction God and Su Jin took place outside the Eternal Gods Realm, the impact of that battle on the entire Eternal Gods Realm is self-evident!

During that battle, the Great Destruction God of the Eastern God Territory died at the peak!

More than 5,000 horror kings in the Eastern Divine Region were slaughtered by Su Jin with his own power——

How can you not be afraid if you think about it this way?

"The God of Destruction missed, although we were also very surprised when we learned the news, but your walk along the way did not let us see that you have the power to slaughter the domain master-level powerhouse!" Huo Liancheng sneered.

"Yes, it's not at the domain master level, even if your ability to slaughter the gods hasn't been shown yet, does the fall of the gods of the Eastern Divine Region have other hidden secrets?" The old man Xingchen also said coldly.

After hearing the words of the two domain masters...many horror king gods also stabilized their military spirit, and their fighting spirit began to rise!


Su Jin is not too strong, they have the support of two domain masters, they still have a chance! In addition to the previous means of ‘time crystallization’, they felt that Su Jin was really exaggerated--

As for the "time crystallization", in such a vast battlefield space, it is difficult for the opponent to fill the battlefield with "time crystallization" in a short time. This is almost a difficult thing to do!

Su Jin smiled.

The smile made the gods' eyes fuzz.


The Eternal Sea, Queen's Palace.

Ye Qingying, Queen Yu, Han Dieyi, Dark Night Princess, all looked at Emperor Linglong. If there is any comment on that battle, this woman must be an authority——

Because no one saw that battle.

Only Di Linglong, who was still the leader of law enforcement, had seen it.

"How did the Lord of the Eastern Divine Region die?" The night princess looked at Emperor Linglong with curious eyes.

"Beheaded." Di Linglong said calmly.

Di Linglong vaguely felt that Princess Dark Night was hostile, and naturally it was not too polite.

"The more than 5,000 terrifying kings of the Eastern Divine Region are still led by the domain master himself, and can't kill him?" The Night Princess wondered.

The Queen Shark laughed: "It seems that he still has a lot of hidden strengths that he hasn't used before he is injured. At least in this series of battles, he can't compete with him and the God of Destruction, right?"

"Naturally." Di Linglong sighed: "That battle was terrible, and you might never dare to watch that battle."

"Now that we have two domain masters, more than 10,000 horror kings, can we beat him, who is now full and unharmed?" The Night Princess couldn't help asking.

Di Linglong hesitated for a moment--

I found that the women were very nervous and looked at her nervously.

"I can only say that there is a chance." Di Linglong said.

Queen Shark, Ye Qingying, Han Dieyi and Dark Night Princess all showed amazement!

Can only say there is a chance?

This is already a super super high evaluation! If it weren’t for Su Jin’s reputation for slaughtering more than 1,000 horror king gods in the law enforcement league, plus the territories that wiped out the Eastern Divine Region, more than 5,000 horror king gods, I’m afraid everyone would only take what the current emperor Linglong said as a joke. !

"In that battle, were more than five thousand Terror King Gods fought together?" Ye Qingying said in fear.

"The God of Destruction can use his full power?"

"It's all on." Di Linglong said slowly.


Ye Qingying's expression was dull.

She didn't realize how stupid she was until now.

At that time, with his subordinates, went to the Dark Night God City to lead Su Jin out... Now in retrospect, Ye Qingying had a shuddering feeling!

It's too awesome--

Princess Dark Night didn't believe it in her heart, but she didn't say much, just silently thinking in her heart, she wanted to see how Su Jin faced the attacks of two domain masters and more than ten thousand terror kings!

"Brother Ye is amazing." Han Dieyi smiled.

"Shut up." The Night Princess angrily said.

"Your Royal Highness, you can ask Her Majesty to send someone to the coast and inform your City Lord Father to pick you up." Han Dieyi said.

"I..." The Night Princess suddenly fell.

She cannot leave.

She and Su Jin had been together before, and her identity would definitely be met with suspicion. If she went back to the Dark Night God City, I’m afraid she would really encounter accidents——

"Stay at ease. If he loses, even if he perishes, our eternal sea can protect you, without worrying about your lives," said Queen Shark.

The night princess nodded.

The Queen of Shark is still thoughtful--

And within a hundred cities, the tension seems to be no less than the battlefield!

In the Dark Night God City, the atmosphere in the city is so hot!

Although Su Jin is regarded by them as the eternal old master, standing opposite the two domain masters and more than 10,000 horror king gods in his own body is not something that can be done with courage alone.

That is the power they look up to! The height you want to stand up to!

"If he is not the old master, if he can do this step, I am afraid he can go hand in hand with him back then? Status, identity, goddess, everything can be obtained -" said the **** race with the dark night city.

"For me, I'm afraid I don't deserve to appear in that space. If I take a step forward, I'm afraid I can be torn apart by the fighting intent in the air. This is no longer a battle that I can wait for!"

"The two domain masters and more than 10,000 horror king gods, standing opposite by himself, the blood dragon of fighting spirit surrounded by him, can be calm!"

"One's own fighting spirit can make more than ten thousand horror king gods tremble. This is simply unheard of! It may be because he slaughtered the horror king gods of the Eastern Divine Region."

"If there is no group attack magic, he can't do it so easily..."

"Anyway, I still choose to support the two domain owners!"


Surging fighting spirit.

Let countless protoss marvel.

Su Jin approached the two domain masters step by step-

"Do it!" Huo Liancheng roared wildly.


Thousands of clouds, containing the vast and unparalleled power, began to emerge from more than 10,000 Terror King Gods!

Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen looked at each other, and were already ready to take action at any time!

Now on the other side, Li Shuier became more and more frightened as she fought, her dress, shoulders, back, and some places had been cut by snowflakes. She is now constantly retreating——

"Submission is the way out, the future of the eternal realm, Shui'er, don't be obsessed with it! If you take off the Seal of the Sea King, I may still be merciful. Then I can be merciful in front of him and forgive the sins you committed! "Danbing Ling came.

Li Shui'er looked at the gray and snowy world...

Knowing that in this "Ice Spirit World", she and the dyed ice spirit have only one to live!

"Submit? Impossible! Ice Spirit Sea Clan, even if they are slaughtered, it is impossible to bow their heads to him!" Li Shuier raised his slender hand, wiped off the warm blood from the corner of his mouth, and the gods of the body ruled and bloomed.

She does not retreat but advances!

The phantom flashed, and directly slammed the ice dyed spirit with a palm——


Bingbing Ling gave a palm at the same time!

But Li Shuier fell into the distance like a broken kite!

"Your strength has increased a lot..." Li Shui'er laughed miserably, and tremblingly climbed up from the void. The origin of the rules in her body was shaken by the blow just now. Although the injury was not fatal, the combat power against her was already Great influence!

"This is the advantage of following the old master. If you listen to him obediently, believe in him, serve him, and surrender him, once he stands on the top of this eternal God's realm, you can also come with him!" Ran Bing Ling advised.

"Eternal Divine Realm, even if it is a god, a clan, living beings are charcoal, the gods are burned, and the corpses are everywhere, it is impossible to let him live!" Li Shui'er said angrily.


Ran Bingling scolded, "Then I have to catch you alive——"

After confronting Li Shui'er several times, she has almost figured out the depth of the opponent, she can crush the opponent!

At this time.

Su Jin wandered away.

Many horror kings and gods are retreating, the sky is full of gods, and the horror tricks, like the robbery of sentient beings, directly hit Su Jin overwhelmingly——

Boom boom boom!

Weakness, burning, anger, sorrow, control, virulent poison, and other infinite negative powers fall from the mist!


Jingle bells!

Such a huge power magic technique, performed by more than 10,000 horror king gods, can't get close to the hundreds of miles around Su Jin!

The flames flew, the weakness was resolved, all the negative forces, as if a layer of crystal red flashing out, were all swept to pieces——


Ten ancient sacred relics were summoned by Su Jin into the battlefield. The rainbow from a high altitude, like ten colliding meteors, directly across the sky and fell towards more than 10,000 horror kings and gods!

"Looking for death!" The old man Xingchen shouted angrily before waving his sleeves fiercely!

Bang bang!

Of the ten ancient sacred relics, six of them were swept away directly!

"Undead war body, open!" Huo Liancheng's figure soared. After the wonderful black light spread, he seemed to stand among the clouds. Behind him manifested the sharp divine wheel. His lips were deep purple and his nails were black. Each finger is shaped like a great mountain.


Huo Liancheng raised his five fingers, and the shining black energy began to leave, and began to cut the space inside the battlefield!

This scene directly stunned countless Protoss!

This scene is so spectacular! How terrible!

Huo Liancheng is like the top of the gods, in control of everything, his ‘undead battle body’ is known as truly immortal, but it can only be used in a combat state to volatilize magic!

"I will tear you to pieces ruthlessly!" Huo Liancheng's huge and incomparable battle body lowered his head and stared at the small ant-like youth... Immediately, he slapped his five fingers at Su Jin!

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