My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4022: Sea King's magical skills, the wolf whale jumps

So fast!

Li Shui'er almost didn't react, the water and moon brilliance all over her body directly caused her to teleport elsewhere at the moment of her death!

The dress was soaked in sweat unconsciously!

How could Li Shui'er think that Su Jin was originally wounded, and that he could have such power under successive fierce battles——

"Come again!" Li Shui'er was not convinced at all. Under the sweat of her fragrance, her profound water thorns shook out a wave of futility and swept directly towards Su Jin.


With the big waves rolling, Su Jin held the golden giant axe and stood still in the air! Not affected at all!

"I hope you can get rid of the king's seal and return to the old master!" Bingbing Ling quickly ran in the direction of Su Jin. She was still being chased and killed, and the horror king gods who had escaped suddenly stopped moving forward.

Li Shuier's face is ugly, she is a little at a loss! The power of just a hundred warships has consumed more than half of her power, plus she has just fought Su Jin, and if she goes down, she might have to escape.

Su Jin stared at Li Shuier——

Li Shui'er had just taken the position of the new king, naturally a bit ugly, she bit her silver teeth, and said, "This blow will kill you!"

Bingbing Ling immediately grew cold, even breathing quickly, "No! She wants to use Wang Yin's power!"

Li Shuier's fingertips lightly touched the center of her eyebrows, and the strands of Wang Yinuo began to appear, the origin of which was being mobilized by her——


Not far from the Ice Spirit Sea, the monstrous waves began to roll!

Now that she has become the new Ice Spirit Sea King, she can naturally mobilize the power of Ice Spirit Sea!

This kind of power, even if standing at such a high altitude, the power is visible, the big wave rolled by the ice spirit sea has caused many protoss who can't react enough to be drawn in——

Li Shui'er seemed like a transcendent goddess, able to mobilize the power of the world and the sea. She flew into the wind, her eyes closed lightly, and her hands were like white cranes spreading their wings.

When she opened her eyes, the sea swept to the battlefield!

"Aquaman's magical skills!"

Bang bang bang bang!

The void seemed to be caught in a world of catastrophe, and the four characters of Sea King's magical skills seemed to shatter the void!

"Aquaman's magical skills! Water Moon Fantasy World!"


The huge sea water, like a long blue dragon, began to surround Su Jin and the ice dyed spirit, while the ten ancient saint relics were instantly involved in the huge sea waves, and it was hard to see them again.

"She has just achieved the Sea King, so she can use the Sea King's magical skills?!" Dianbing Ling's tone is strong and unbelievable, she can hardly believe it, because she has achieved the Sea King until now, even if she can perform this trick, it is not as powerful One-tenth of Li Shuier's power--

"She is the twin rule." Su Jin said calmly.

"You..." Dye Bingling heard a familiar voice, suddenly turned his head in surprise, looked at Su Jin, and said: "You looked terrible just now, are you awake now?"


Su Jin now retreats from his golden armor. After he just cast his incarnation and blew himself up, it is difficult for him to use the power of the golden ancient stele anymore.

Bingbing looked at Su Jin, and when he saw that he had changed back to his original appearance, he was both frustrated and a little delighted. What's disturbing is that I don't know how much his combat power is.

I am delighted that... you don't have to face the indifferent and ruthless him...

The sea water is like a dragon, quickly raising a huge sea eye in the center! Then, the sea in the battlefield seemed to have turned into an aqua moon! Roundly sealed Su Jin and Bingbing Ling in it!

"What do you do now? Sea King's magical skills are not trivial. With your current strength, can you rush out?" As the former Sea King, Dianbing Ling understands the terrible nature of this trick. If Su Jin is prosperous, he is naturally not afraid. The state is very bad now——

Moreover, Bing Linghai is right in front of him, he...definitely will not give up.

"It's just a little trick."

Su Jin said indifferently: "I will help you remove the curse. You can tell me the exact location. If it doesn't work, you can run away by yourself——"

Little bugs?


How did she escape!

Dian Bingling's face was pulled down, she and Su Jin were in the eyes of the sea, surrounded by sea water everywhere, all around were spinning——

"Can't escape! I am already the rebellious **** in their eyes!" Dran Bing Ling said.

"You are really brave." Su Jin's face was obviously a little surprised, "However, you are still welcome to join!"

"Can you help me lift the curse of God now, right?" Ran Bingling smiled bitterly.

"Naturally! You pass your foot over—"


Ding Bing Ling tried his best, stabilized his figure with divine power, and tremblingly stretched his little foot to Su Jin's left waist.

Su Jin Yingying gripped!

Dian Bingling trembled, blushing, and turned his face to one side.

A wisp of gray air was quickly put away by Su Jin.

Bingbing Ling peeked through the body with divine power rules... She was relieved when she found that it was unimpeded.

"Release." Ran Bingling said suddenly.


Su Jin smiled helplessly, "Tell me, where is the place that can heal my injuries—"

"At the most central location of the Ice Spirit Sea, you only need to reach the center of the Ice Spirit Sea. That's right. Under the deep sea, there is a deep ice core. Because of the ancient wars, the great power sealed it, and it has been formed under the sea. I have arrived at a sea cliff, as long as I get there, I can use the power there to **** away the cold and ever-freezing power in your body at any time--" said Ding Bing Ling.

"Say early." Su Jin said slowly.

"How do I know that they will force me! You threaten me with a curse, you die and I will die, they use the identity of the sea king to force me... I... I am too difficult." Dye Bing Ling said, almost crying.

"Not afraid."

Su Jin put his hands on the shoulders of the dyed ice spirit, "How about we plunge into it?"

Bingbing's face flushed red. At this time, life-saving is important. Why would she care about Su Jin pressing her shoulders face to face like this?

"Your injury—"

"It's very heavy, but you have treated me before and it's a lot better."

"Why go in? And we are in the sea king's magical skills, we can't escape at all!" Dianbing Ling doesn't believe in Su Jin's nonsense at all. Although she is not so desperate now, if she wants to leave here, it is simply difficult. day!

"There will be too much movement for a while, you need to hug me to plunge into the Ice Spirit Sea." Su Jin smiled.

"Holding you? Dreaming!" Dianbing Ling shook his head quickly, not willing at all.

"Then I have to leave you here, I will go by myself—"

"do not!"

Bingbing Ling was afraid that Su Jin would abandon her here, so even if he didn't say anything, he hugged Su Jin directly!


Su Jin's icy voice made Bingbing Ling extremely awake! Immediately afterwards, the field of vision in her eyes seemed to change, she could see the sea-eye vortex outside, and she could see the water and moon condensed from the sea king's magical skills——

I can even see a huge phantom, touching the water in the sea king's magic skills!


Dianbing Ling's eyes widened!

An ancient "wolf whale", directly at the bottom of the water moon, angrily began to rush upward!

Li Shuier's eyes widened, and he didn't believe it! In her eyes, the guy who was blocked by her in the sea king's magical skills seemed to have turned into an unimaginable behemoth!

Strange shape!


Ancient creatures!


Until the wolf whale exerted its force from below, it appeared directly above the moon-shaped water moon within almost two breaths!

In the huge waves... a wolf whale jumped out with an extremely incredible shocking sight——

"Oh my God!"

Countless Protoss was shocked!

Li Shuier stayed.

The Ice Spirit Sea Race also stayed.

The remaining large number of Protoss also grew their mouths...Looking at that wolf whale, from the direction of Shuiyue, jumped directly, and began to fall towards the Ice Spirit Sea——

The eternal sea.

Queen's Palace!

Ye Qingying:...

Han Dieyi:...

They are all dumbfounded, but the Queen Shark is helpless, there is no big surprise! Because when she saw Li Shuier displaying the "Sea King Magic Skill", she knew she had lost!

Moreover, it also helped Su Jin a lot!

"What the hell?" The night princess was pale, frightened by the huge figure.

"Sister Queen, why... why are you not surprised? Are you not afraid?" Han Dieyi said now, it was not much better than Night Princess.

Ye Qingying, Di Linglong also all looked at Queen Shark——

Queen Shark sighed: "Do you know why I lost?"


The women were once again taken aback.

Even though Ye Qingying's eyes were hot, they were walking along the Eternal Coast, Su Jin and Queen Shark fighting, not knowing the process... But after coming up, Queen Shark had already surrendered——

Could it be that she was defeated by Su Jin's trick?

"Ancient wolf whale, no ocean rules or water system rules can stop it, so Li Shuier's sea king's magical skill is like breaking through the air, and even with the power of that sea king's magical skill, it can make a leap. , Rushed into the ice spirit sea." Queen Shark said.

"Monster...Is Brother Ye Yi a demon god?" Han Dieyi said.

The night princess said depressed: "What demon god, he is clearly a liar...The people who stay by his side are all beauties, the kind of terribly beautiful--"

Heaven and earth, suffocation.

Surrounded by hundreds of cities, at this moment, it seems to have reached the point where the needle can be heard.

And Bingbing Ling also stayed...

She hugged Su Jin tightly and saw the outside from the inside of the wolf whale...The horrified faces of the gods made her speechless for a while.

Countless Protoss of the Eternal Gods Realm watched a huge wolf whale in the air, turning into an arc in the air. Compared with that huge size, they were as small as ants!

The corner of Li Shuier's mouth is slightly bitter.

She knew that she had helped Su Jin accidentally... but she also didn't know that this guy had hidden this hand!

She knows how powerful her Neptune's magical skills are, and the swirling water current will give the wolf whale a huge and unmatched thrust, enough for Su Jin to perform that strenuous leap!


In the icy spirit sea, the terrifying wolf whale, in free fall, plunged into it! In this body shape, the separated waves are all set off!

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