My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4007: Come! Come all!

Night Princess:...

Ye Qingying:...

Han Dieyi:...

No words!

Soon, the night princess was not convinced: "As long as he wants to teach, why can't he learn!"

The Queen Shark shook her head, "You will never learn, haven't you seen it yet? The sword he taught you, "The Moon on the Sea", I am afraid it was only displayed casually, when you met him , I am afraid that he will not even display the'Born Moon at Sea'!"


Ye Qingying gasped.

The night princess was stunned on the spot, "Impossible!"

"Most likely."

The Queen Shark shook her head and continued: "If you think about it more, you will know that the sword surrounds his mind and the Tao surrounds him. This kind of strong man is just a shocking technique. He casts the supreme kendo. I am afraid it is not It’s a wonderful state of walking on the road, but... before driving on top of all kendos, this kind of perception can be seen every time the incarnation of the billions of daos casts a sword."


Simply dissatisfied!

Ye Qingying and Han Dieyi have the same views as Queen Shark——

The'blue sky crane' transformed by the emperor's ancestor is becoming more and more nervous now, how could she have expected it to be like this!

"Turn into the ancient palace, please countless Buddhas, slay all evil!" Among the ten emperor's ancestors, one of the ancestors held high his stone gods.

For an instant.

The golden light shines, the Buddha light shines! As if to purify the evils in that world of war!

The blood-stained shattered rivers and mountains can even be purified into nothingness by that kind of super-achieving Buddha light! This ancestor holy emperor turned out to be a **** and Buddha in ancient times!

"Almost!" Dizu dispersed the body of the sky white crane. When she appeared, she was already covered with white hair and her skin was nearly dry. She knew that she hadn't had much time, at most... she could barely support two hours, which was still absent. Time to keep in battle.

but now.

The ancestors of the gods and Buddhas, the unparalleled power of purification, let the emperor see hope! She saw the golden light of the whole world, it was gorgeous, peaceful, sacred, soothing, and all kinds of holy light aura was spreading out.

"What a powerful **** and Buddha! The emperor's family used to have such a **** and Buddha ancestor!" The world was in an uproar!

In the Dark Night God City, I don’t know how many Protoss was surprised!

"The Lord of the Old God, who is full of sins, just used the gods and Buddhas to purify his sins. The emperor's ancestor's trick is so wonderful!"

"Just now, the two ancestors and holy emperors were all cut through by the sword. The old gods did not know that the sword was evil and the sword needed to drink blood. The gods and Buddha happened to restrain him!"

"I really didn't expect the background of the emperor's family to be so terrible! They established the secret realm near the dragon and phoenix nest, which has been passed down from the ancient years and has developed to such a point—"

"God and Buddha, it is so sacred that I want to worship! This kind of existence is nowhere in the world, and no one is stronger than him, and all killing intent, evil thoughts, and killing intent are as if they have to be restricted by the power of God and Buddha! "

"The Buddha's light shines, and my heart is peaceful, and the realm of King God, which has been unwilling to loosen for a long time, unexpectedly began to shake!"

"The ancestors of the emperor's gods and Buddhas can fight invincible hands all over the world!"



But all the gods who saw that scene of Buddha's light shine at this moment are all amazed, as if there is no stronger than that **** and Buddha——



This kind of performance, only the sisters of Di Linglong and the four daughters of the Queen of Shark can feel this way!


The ancestor of the Emperor God Buddha, Shimu suddenly opened!

"What force is suppressing me!" The ancestor of the Emperor Family God and Buddha seemed to be taken aback, staring at Su Jin, who had integrated the incarnation of hundreds of millions of people!


One circle, another circle of golden Buddha light slowly emerged from Su Jin's feet! The golden color crawled all over his robe and appeared on his skin. When he raised his head, his three eyes were golden light! Among them, the vertical eyes are the pupils of the Great Wisdom Buddha!


A more sacred atmosphere appeared on Su Jin!

Throughout the battlefield, the golden Buddha rain fell one after another, and each rain of Buddha before it landed, it turned into a blossoming golden Buddha lotus!

Huh huh!

Su Jin's golden body soared, bigger than every ancestor holy emperor present! Even bigger than the ancestor **** and Buddha of the Emperor's family!


He folded his hands and sat cross-legged in the void, with six arms stretched out directly behind his back!

Eight arms to Buddha! Sit cross-legged with a sword, fight everything!

"The gods and Buddhas higher than my Buddha realm!" The ancestors of the emperor family couldn't imagine the gods and Buddhas, with a look of horror, a rumbling voice, shaking the clouds!


The Buddha Realm is naturally taller than him, and it's not even a star!

Especially, when the golden Buddha wheel slowly reflects in the space of hundreds of billions of miles, the whole world is sad! A Buddha wheel, the ‘卍’ Buddha seal slowly expanded from the top of Su Jin’s head, spiraling around to cover the sky!

The ancestor of the emperor's family, the **** and Buddha, felt a little in his heart...His Buddha's light was being swept in by the slowly rotating'swastika' Buddha seal!

"Dare to ask, where are you!"

The ancestors of the Emperor's family were shocked by the words of the gods and Buddhas. He could not bear the kind of Buddha's prestige. His stone body was kneeling and his hands were closing. All this was not what he wanted to see, nor was he able to control!


The Buddha kneeled down and knelt down! A piece of rock splashed!

Su Jin did not answer.

The ancestors of the emperor's family, the gods and Buddhas, are actually rising from the sky, being sucked away by the incomparably sacred "swastika" Buddha seal above!

"Tell me... where are you...!" The ancestors of the emperor family seemed to see the end, the shattered end, the super powerful Buddha power, as if there were countless Buddhas' voices in his ears to advise, he Very complicated, just want an answer.

"Empty door." Su Jin said coldly, his voice filled with endless coldness.

"Kongmen...Kongmen..." the huge emperor family's ancestors and gods muttered, "Under Samadhi?"



There are records in the Buddha realm under Samadhi!

"Above." Su Jin responded coldly.

Escape into the empty door, escape into the empty door.

The ancestor of the emperor's family, God Buddha, meditated, and after a moment of silence, he replied: "No regrets. The supreme empty door turns out to be the end of the Buddhist path."


The ‘卍’ Buddha seal that covers the sky and the sun has twisted his huge stone body of the Buddha into the ‘卍’ seal. The stones fell one after another. No one can describe the shock of that scene.

Buddha, Buddhism to the top!

Queen Yu was dumbfounded. She had heard of ‘Samadhi’, the realm of Buddhist legends, but she did not expect that Su Jin’s understanding of Buddhism had reached a point above the legend, beyond the reach of practitioners in the heavens!

"Eight Buddha arms, how powerful are they." The girl Han Dieyi burst into her heart, "Really handsome, so handsome--"


The world is quiet! Only a bang!

For the remaining nine ancestors, Su Jin raised one of the closed right hands, and gently lifted... the palm of the Buddha immediately imitated the ocean of Buddha, and directly grabbed one!



An ancestor of an emperor, the holy emperor, was directly crushed into powder by his life——

"Looking for death!" The remaining eight ancestors, saint emperors, are all furious, and their methods are all revealed!


Three punches!

As if blasted in the sea of ​​Buddhism and Taoism!

One of the ancestors of the emperor's family, the Holy Emperor, punched Su Jin's huge Buddha body with a fist, his fist pierced through his back, and his fist pierced from the front of the huge golden body——

As if unconscious!

"Kongmen, what realm is Kongmen on earth!" I don't know how many emperors and horror king gods were frightened.

Su Jin can't be killed like this! Moreover, to them, the opponent seemed to be unconscious. When those arms slammed in, the attack seemed to have been transferred to another space——

"It's terrible." Di Qingyu was frightened and hid in his sister's arms.

"The emperor family, I'm afraid he will be destroyed." Di Linglong patted the emperor Qingyu on the back, "When the emperor family is destroyed, you can go with me."

"No, it's impossible." Di Qingyu couldn't help crying.


A sky-splitting sword mark directly split an emperor's ancestor Saint Emperor in half!

Su Jin stood up from sitting cross-legged, with a huge eight-armed Buddha statue, stepping again and again!

Kill with eight arms, fight all directions!

A total of ten ancestor holy emperors were all killed! The stones are all over the space of the battlefield!

As if Di Zu couldn't stand the blow, she staggered back a few steps, she almost... couldn't stand firm!

"Come! Come!" Su Jin roared, with six arms and six swords behind him, the sword pointed to the sky, and then he pointed to the one hundred ancestors of the emperor's family who had not yet left!

"Don't kill anymore..." Di Qingyu shook a headache and cried. Her current fear surpassed the fear she had suffered in this life at all times. Together, they were not as much as they are now!

The sword refers to the ancestors of the hundreds of emperors.

Who is out, who is beheaded!

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