My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4001: Those who deceive me, kill without mercy!

Between green hills and green waters.

A paradise.

A cyan lake is as clean as a mirror. There is a stone mountain in the center of the lake. On the stone platform on the mountain, there is half a pile of firewood. On the stone platform on the mountain, Di Linglong is already in a trance.

After she came, she was tied to it--

Those old woods for firewood were prepared for the fire. She miscalculated. She originally thought that after returning, she would die in the emperor's house, but she was helpless to be destroyed by the emperor, which led to such an end.

Save the emperor's house?

Di Qingyu was full of tears, she was outside the stone platform, shaking constantly, as if she had been frightened, in short, she couldn't hide her fear.

"What's wrong--" Di Linglong had already been punished, her lips were a little pale, and she stared at her sister Di Qingyu and asked.

"Kill...Kill here." Di Qingyu collapsed and said: "The eternal old master, in charge of a golden ancient monument, is slaughtering the gods of our imperial family...Sister, only you can save the emperor family now!"

Emperor Linglong was dumbfounded.

There was a roar in my mind.

In order to prevent Su Jin from chasing, she erased all traces, but... but the other party found a way and chased it?

The eternal old master, revealing his identity in the Eternal God Realm, this...this...Di Linglong's eyes widened, her heart was moved and a little anxious, this was definitely not a joke.

"Our emperor family has already suffered heavy losses. If you are later, all the clan gods will be killed by him!" Di Qingyu was extremely anxious.

Almost without asking for Di Linglong’s consent, Di Qingyu directly untied her sister Di Linglong’s restrictions, and finally supported her——

"I know his temper. He must have demanded me to no avail before he wanted to kill him." Di Linglong looked at her sister. She was tied here and suffered several sentences. She didn't blame this sister.

Because of the emperor, in the emperor's family, it is like a heavenly one can be against.

"Dizu refuses to hand you over... and... also... give me a sound transmission, let me pretend to be you... with the ancient cold dagger... will..." Di Qingyu hesitated, she felt that she shouldn't Talk about it at this time.

"What happened to him?" Di Linglong's breathing was a little short, and she looked at Di Qingyu and asked.

"It's stabbed." Di Qingyu's face flushed, and his voice became lower and weaker, as if he had done something wrong.

he is injured!

Still hurt by the ancient cold dagger!

Di Linglong was startled.

Indeed, from the outside, she and her sister are twins, and both the rules and appearance are exactly the same!

"Hurry up." Di Linglong and Di Qingyu directly stepped onto the cloud hoof unicorn and hurried to the outside battlefield!

The lava from the earth rolled to an infinite distance--

When Di Linglong and Di Qingyu appeared, she was already shocked by everything in front of her, and the vast golden light in the distance was actually a golden giant standing under the sky!

She felt Su Jin's breath at a glance...

"Stop!" Di Linglong covered her small mouth, couldn't help feeling sad, and said to Su Jin.

The emperor family, no matter how big a mistake was made, it was...her family...the gods of the emperor family did not know Su Jin’s strength, offended Su Jin, and suffered a lot of deaths. She had to show up and beg, to ping Resuscitate the anger of gold.

Su Jin quietly looked at Emperor Linglong...

Shook his head.

Those who deceive me, kill without mercy!

It's useless, it won't be easy for anyone to come out, even if Di Linglong is brought out by Di Qingyu now, Su Jin will kill him and kill the Quartet!

"Miss! Hurry up and tell him to stop!" The **** of the emperor family could hardly bear the feeling that he might die at any time, and hurriedly cried out sadly.

"Yes, Miss! We can't hold on anymore. He is a demon! The killing demon who walked out of **** will continue to fight, and our emperor will be killed by him!"

"We were wrong, Miss, we were wrong! Please don't kill him, the emperor's eternal foundation is about to be destroyed by him..."

"More than a thousand powerful horror king gods, tens of thousands of ordinary clan gods, have died, Miss, if you don't intercede, we will soon die."

"Miss, we shouldn't treat you like that, Dizu! Dizu, please beg Miss, let her stop the killing!"


Di Zu’s face is also very ugly now. She has turned into a 30-something appearance, and she has just used the'forbidden technique', and now she is still a little hesitant. After all, the effect of the forbidden technique is not over, and her power is now Increased several times, but the terrible consequence is that she will die after this war!

She is still hesitating!

She still refuses to bow her head!

She thinks she can fight Su Jin!

"Dizu, he has been merciful." Di Linglong knew that Su Jin was very stubborn now, how could she persuade him to come back.

Show mercy?

The emperor stayed for a while.

Di Linglong said sadly: "My law enforcement alliance, one thousand five hundred Terror King Gods, was killed by him in one blow. The five thousand Terror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region were also a blow. You...don't you understand!"

Dizu's body trembled, she... how can she believe it! Even if this was said from Di Linglong, she felt that she could do it, and could wipe out the lord of this eternal old god!

I have to say that this scene is really shocking.

It turns out that Su Jin sneaked into the Eternal God Realm just to find this woman...

Not only the Queen of Shark, the Princess of the Night, Han Dieyi, and Ye Qingying! Even the Protoss of the nearby cities, the Demon God of Duankong, could not help being shocked by the words of Emperor Linglong——

Destroy one thousand and five hundred Terror King God, one blow.

Destroying the Five Thousand Terror Kings of the Eastern Divine Region is also a blow?

From this point of view, in this battle, the emperor is really not worthy of being Su Jin's opponent!

"He was injured." Di Zu looked at Di Linglong with cold eyes.

"You can't contend if you are injured. He has a arrogant personality... You lower your head, and I will ask him for mercy, and that's all." Di Linglong said with a cry.


Emperor Zu shook his head, "I can't bow my head to an eternal old master of him! If it spreads out, the reputation of my Emperor's family is no longer needed!"

Refused to bow his head.

Unwilling to be soft.


Very good!

The golden giant that Su Jin transformed into, the giant sword was slowly lifted by him, and he began to move.

Di Linglong's heart tightened, and quickly flashed between him and the divine gods!

"Get out." Su Jin said coldly.

"No, you... don't kill, please." Di Linglong said while looking at Su Jin with tears.

The Emperor also walked towards Su Jin, and said angrily to Emperor Linglong: "Get out of the way! Otherwise, I will kill you first and then kill him!"

The scene, once suffocated!

Anyone can see that the emperor will not let go. The other party has killed so many powerful people in the emperor family, it is already a blood feud, and she wants to kill Su Jin when he is seriously injured!

"No! No..." Di Linglong collapsed just like her sister, crying and shaking her head. If she knew it would be like this, she would never come back stealthily.

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