My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3929: Emperor Linglong

Can you be crazy?

You know, the former leader of law enforcement can practice safely for thousands of years in a blink of an instant, but now, what kind of place is this now, it just froze here——

And the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she really wanted to hurry up, and didn't want to spend with Su Jin anymore.

Although the law enforcement leader knows that even if she has been here for a hundred years, she is only a year outside, but after only three months, she is annoyed, and can even be said to be irritable.

"Fairy, fairies, think twice--"

Su Jin raised his hands and almost waved the white flag, and said hurriedly: "I thought you didn't tell me who you are. If you don't intend to hate me, isn't it? How am I embarrassed to find you."

The law enforcement leader collapsed.

"Please enlighten you early and show your true derivation power! I can't stand you anymore!" The law enforcement league put away the ice blade, and she has only confirmed it now. This guy has forgotten everything except his own name. 'Now!

"Hey, hey, enlightenment——"

Su Jin looked suspicious, "What is enlightenment?"

"Do you really think you dare not kill you?" The law enforcement leader raised the ice blade to Su Jin again, gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Yeah, I got it, I realized it early." Su Jin had to flatter him first, and he was relieved until the other party put down the ice blade.

"What are you going to do next?" the law enforcement leader asked.

"The fields in the east are dry, go and water--" Su Jin nodded seriously and answered truthfully.

The law enforcement leader found that his IQ was simply not enough when he stayed with Su Jin! She shouldn't ask, she talks too much!

The mood cannot be calmed yet.

The law enforcement leader turned around and said, "Don't you know how to hunt? You will send me a roast chicken every day from now on--"

"The field is dry..."


Over the east side of the field, a dark cloud burst forth. The law enforcement leader put down his raised hand and walked directly toward the cave. Before she disappeared, a clear voice also reached Su Jin's ears.

"Remember, my name is Di Linglong—"

Fairy, his name is Di Linglong!

Pin, Su Jin is still tasting, his heart is really nice, but how does he feel that the other party seems to have hatred with him, and in this ancient wilderness, catching a chicken depends on luck, wherever he can catch every day— —

But the fairy asked, Su Jin felt that no matter how dangerous he had to try it.

So, after trying for a long time, until night fell, Di Linglong hadn't waited for Su Jin to come.


It looked like a quarter of an hour, a voice with a guilty conscience appeared outside the Dongfu——

"Say." Di Linglong descended from the cave mansion.

Su Jin held up a chicken coop, "I didn't catch the chicken. Try it again tomorrow. I'll cook something else for you."

Di Linglong covered her eyes.

No way.

She was really out of it.

Working hard, Di Linglong tried her best not to show her murderous intent, and asked: "Then cook this nest of eggs for grandma!"

"Don't, egg and chicken, I will hatch it tomorrow, and I will make roast chicken for you in the future--" Su Jin said goodbye to Di Linglong.

However, the scent that made him feel very familiar once again hit his face, and Di Linglong was following!

"What? You are not welcome to come to your house?" Di Linglong said.

"Welcome, of course welcome."


Three small buildings outside.

Su Jin is cooking very skillfully at the fire----

The more Di Linglong thought about it, the more absurd he was. Looking at that busy figure, I really didn't know what Su Jin had in doing this. Could it be possible that this would make him become an invincible powerhouse?

"You have a good taste today." Su Jin lit a firewood, set up a barbecue on the side, and continued: "Yesterday some wild deer licked salt on a mountain, fell one, and I carried it back. "

Su Jin was busy, and after a while, the whole deer leg was placed on the barbecue grill——

"Surprise the fairy again later."


Star folds.

Cool breeze.

After nearly an hour of busy, nine dishes and one soup, live together! The highlight was also brought up by Su Jin. It was a clay pot made by Su Jin.

The sealing mud on the jar was opened by him, and then a fruity scent spread out——

"Wine?" Di Linglong stared at Su Jin, this guy actually lived a life here!

"There are several kinds of wild fruits in the forest. I can tell if the birds are eating them." Su Jin took the cup made of bamboo and poured it on Di Linglong.

Di Linglong looked at the desktop——

Cold vegetables and fruits, grilled fish, hot dishes, and some dishes that she can't name. There is a considerable space in the middle of these dishes! Su Jin put up a roasted golden deer leg.

"Try it." Su Jin seemed to look forward to Di Linglong's expression after tasting.

Di Linglong and Su Jin looked at each other for a long time, and only after not seeing a trace, did they pick up the bamboo chopsticks and randomly picked up a piece of cold vegetables and fruits——

"Sweet?" Di Linglong asked.

"I'm afraid it's not sweet enough, so I squeezed some soup up."

Di Linglong then watched Su Jin use a stone blade to give her some roasted deer legs. She hesitated for a while, because under Su Jin's ‘like’ eyes, she was not good to eat!



Di Linglong obviously felt an accident.

She swears that in the past ten thousand years she hasn't eaten as much as tonight, not even one piece! Moreover, the fruit wine is also called the best, plus the venison together, it is a perfect match.

"It's delicious?" Su Jin couldn't help asking.

Di Linglong's face changed slightly--

She stared at Su Jin blankly, "Do you know why there are only you and me here?"

"Fate, fate." Su Jin smiled.

"That's because you are a god! A **** comparable to me!" Di Linglong said.

"Impossible, I think, but I am a human being, and I don't have the ability to fly into the sky like a fairy." Su Jin shook his head.

Di Linglong began to get excited, "Fake! You, wake up! This house is condensed by your strength, don't believe it!"


Di Linglong waved open the house directly--

But in the next second, Di Linglong stayed where she was. This house... She saw with her own eyes that Su Jin raised her hand to condense. Although her blow was not too hard, as long as she condensed with divine power, This blow was enough to disperse Su Jin's supernatural power--

but now!

All the beams appeared in Di Linglong's eyes, and she even felt that these three small buildings were real. 1

"Fake! Believe it or not!" Di Linglong also lifted the dining table, and the vegetables spilled all over the floor. She couldn't control her emotions anymore, and pointed to the fields, "Everything is derived, what kind of seed do you grow!" You and I are mortal enemies, wake up and fight me!"

Boom boom boom~~~

The field was opened, a mess!

Su Jinlun stayed in place, wondering why Di Linglong was so popular! Somewhat at a loss!

"These... are not easy to come by." Su Jin bowed his head, and finally he said slowly: "You go --"

Di Linglong was a little more sober.

She watched Su Jin turn around, watched him pick up the deer legs that fell on the ground, and then took out a nest of eggs in the corner, and walked towards the east side of the river.

Di Linglong disappeared, she did not appear in her own cave, but one step, the end of the world!

The anger accumulated in the heart seems to be more and more prosperous!

Di Linglong has never been so furious, who is she! The leader of the law enforcement league! Su Jin forgot, she didn't forget it!

"I'm going out! Never want to see him again!" Di Linglong has been affected by him during these three months. If this continues, she probably won't know that she is the leader of the law enforcement league!


The ice blade in Di Linglong's hand was directly slashed towards the void!

But the trace of her cutting in the void is a golden scar!


One piece after another piece of golden God's word appeared in the void! Di Linglong looked dazzled, as if she had seen the vast history of the Protoss, but when she was angry, where was there any scruples? The rule of Dayan directly derives a golden sledgehammer with a radius of ten thousand feet, and it blasts towards the wall of the clock!

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