My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3901: Extreme suppression

At the moment when "All Things Fire Lotus" was swallowed by Su Jin!

Su Jin even had the illusion of turning into fly ashes at any time. He had never experienced that kind of pain!

"It's so hot... it feels like the internal organs don't exist anymore--" Su Jin had just made preparations, but the expected pain was ten times higher than he is now!

Wei Na has never seen this before!

The color of Su Jin's body, from the color of a prawn, gradually turned into fiery red, and Wei Na couldn't get close to Su Jin at all!

"Eat indiscriminately!" Wei Na didn't know the meaning of swallowing "Fire Lotus", she only knew that it was killing her life——

What is the fire lotus of all things, Wei Na still doesn't know yet!

Wei Na looked at Su Jin...with a little sympathetic gaze, she couldn't help much, she could only hope that Su Jin was okay...

Now, Su Jin's situation is extremely dangerous!

It can be said that the danger has just begun--

In Su Jin's body, "The Bridge of Heaven and Earth" all bloomed with extreme light! The wildness of "Fire Lotus", almost all the power in his body was ready when he swallowed it.

Stone heart...Bodhicitta is also the first time to exude incomparable Buddha intent, golden light! On the other side, circles of crystal red power swiftly crossed the "Heaven, Earth and God Bridge", resisting the almost desperate flame!


If Su Jin speaks out now, Wei Na may not believe it! The world inside him now seemed to have ignited a terrible fire in an instant——

If it weren't for Su Jin not to be ready to'swallow lotus', he would even disappear in the endless flames the moment he swallowed it! This is definitely not a joke!

After all, "Fire Lotus of All Things" is a super god-level existence that can burn the heavens!

And outside--

Outside the lotus star eye...

Many Flame Demon Races don't even know what happened, they just feel that the temperature of the void has suddenly dropped, don't know how much! Affected by this, some low-level flame monster races, even when they were caught off guard, turned into igniting lights and disappeared!

"A big event happened in the eyes of the lotus star! We can only save the race by walking into the lotus constellation!" The Nine Skull Serpent King made a decision without hesitation.

"The lord hasn't issued any orders..." Bone Snake said quickly.

"can not wait anymore!"

The Nine Skull Snake King now feels his power is swishing down! And it has discovered a major problem. The number of the Nine Skull Snake Monster Race is decreasing sharply.


"Nothing! Speed ​​to the nearby star eye, if necessary, enter immediately!"

On the other side...Many flame gods are also panicking, the entire lotus star eye seems to have gone out, and the temperature is fading astonishingly. For them, it is definitely a disaster!

"The Flame Lord has ordered that all Flame Demon Races, look for the lair! Enter the lotus star eye!"

"Damn it, what exactly did those two human races do after they entered the star eye at the center!"

"It’s no time to invite Suizu’s super presence! The lotus star eye could have provided power for our flame demon race. Now...the power we can draw is too little, too little, maybe... maybe in the lotus constellation , Some flame treasure is missing!"

"Who can extinguish the flames in the eyes of the lotus star? The intensity of the flames, even our flame lord has no courage to go down, but after the two human races go down, everything is different... if all this is the same as the two human features , Even if you kill me, I don’t believe it—"


Flame Demon Race, panic--

Also getting more and more disturbed, and Wei Na!

She saw Su Jin's skin with her own eyes, and there was a crack...The crack was very thin, with a faint blood color, but the blood could not flow down!

"Hey... Are you okay... Don't scare me..." Wei Na shouted at Su Jin from a distance.

no respond!

The only thing that made Wei Na feel a little relieved was the strange scenes that followed! When she was visible to the naked eye, Su Jin's skin was cracked, but the blood did not flow out, and she would recover quickly afterwards——

This guy! too frightening--

Wei Na was extremely nervous, if this were changed to the human race in their world, I am afraid that a thousand lives would be lost! In her eyes, Su Jin now seemed to be an existence ten million times more powerful than a monster!

Under observation--

Wei Na took notice. After Su Jin's skin recovered, it cracked again. This phenomenon has occurred more than a dozen times, but he can recover every time.

"It's the lotus flower." Wei Na looked at Su Jin from a distance, sighing and thinking.

too difficult.

Su Jin naturally knew the condition of his body, that kind of flame, with all his power, could not be completely extinguished, and the "Fire Lotus of All Things" seemed to be free from the restraint of Fuxi Dao Formation, and began to show off unscrupulously in his body— —

Just now... Su Jin almost used up the last trace of Vulcan Dao power to fill up the cracks in his body. In fact, for the last few cracks, he once thought he could not hold on!

"My dignified Human Race Yedi, not the World Honored! You can't be surrendered if you don't believe it!" Su Jin was fierce, and he was still looking inside!

The Buddha's will in the heart of the Bodhi Stone has been brought to the extreme by Su Jin! But he has no other choice but to do everything he can to——


One after another Buddhist scriptures shone in the endless heaven and earth **** bridge——

Blossoming buddha lotus began to bloom all over the sky!



Countless scriptures were swallowed out from the top of every buddha lotus that blossomed--

"Everything is born, and my strength can last forever!"

Su Jin was extremely calm. While looking inwardly, he watched a piece of Buddha lotus withered and disappeared, but there were more Buddha lotus, like a torrential rain.

"The last level!" Su Jin growled.

The last level!

Su Jin knew that "Fire Lotus of All Things" was previously suppressed by the Fuxi Dao Array and the Nine Heavens' Cold, and the strength had been lost for unknown reasons. Now... he felt that the opponent's strength was weakening?


Could it be a trap?

Su Jin also has two considerations-

do not care!

Su Jin's face was stern, and "The Gate of Eternity" quietly appeared in the distance of his boundless "Bridge of Heaven, Earth and God". If he could not surrender "Fire Lotus", he could only send it away... Besides, there is no second way!

Either surrender, there will be the danger of falling!

Either send it away or miss it again!


The ripples of "Winding Paths" turned into ripples, surrounding the bean-sized "Fire Lotus" of all things, but the fire lotus shook slightly, and it actually grew again——

"Not good!" Su Jin suddenly said in his heart.

The years of winding paths, the strength of the years, and many heaven and earth bridges... even more than half were destroyed in an instant!

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