My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3837: Huahai Jinghong

Liri clear sky.

It's not that dim space anymore. Here, the clouds are cascading, the peaks are green, the strange birds are flying, and Su Jin has been watching for a long time. In addition to the scenery, he has a sense of depression in his heart——

"Mr. Su, please." The white-robed old man is not as indifferent as before, but now he is very enthusiastic, especially after seeing Su Jinjin's robe stained with blood and his eyes are full of blood, he dare not care.

This is the strong man named by Mrs. Xuanji!

"Dare to ask, what kind of existence is the Eternal Capital in the entire Eternal God Realm?" Su Jin looked at the white-robed old man and asked.

The white-robed old man was shocked--

This Su Jin is so bold! In the Eternal City, you dare to say this blatantly, depending on the situation, if you don't give a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid you can't keep the other party!

"The Eternal Capital is the old dynasty in the Eternal Gods Realm. This statement is not appropriate here, but you only need to remember that the current Eternal Capital can definitely be ranked in the top fifty in the Eternal Gods Realm." Bai The old man said.

"Only fifty--" Su Jin's eyes flickered.

It seems that this leader is not too strong. Moreover, the white-robed old man said he ranked in the top fifty, Su Jin would not believe it, the water was too much. But this can also be seen from the side of the power of the Eternal God's Domain.

The white-robed old man sighed deeply.

The first fifty, it turned out to be there. But after the death of the city lord, it was impossible. Of course, the white-robed old man knew that Su Jin didn't know the matter, at least for the time being, he could still bluff over.

"Elder Chengfeng! Is this the newcomer who passed the test?"

Suddenly, a figure floated, blocking the path of the white-robed old man and Su Jin. There were males and females in this group of figures. There were more than a hundred in front and back.

"Mrs. Xuanji wants to summon Mr. Su, you all retreat--" Baipao Chengfeng elder shouted in a deep voice.

"Just him? Madam wants to be summoned? Elders don't want to laugh. Madam is still in mourning, how could he summon a male cultivator protoss——" A young protoss questioned the words of elder Chengfeng.

"Mr. Su is the God of Three Thousand Inspirations. He stands out and stands out. He wants to join our Eternal Capital. There is nothing wrong with being received by his wife--" The elder Chengfeng waved his white robe and cried out a headache.

These hundred protoss all came from the big families in the eternal capital, even if he was the king god, he was the same as Su Jin back then. The foreign protoss who joined the eternal capital cannot have the same status as them.

"The God of Three Thousand Inspiration?" Many Protoss took a step back.

"So powerful? No wonder the murderous aura almost materialized."

"I can kill 3,000 Inspired Protoss before being promoted to the King God. Why don't I listen to it, but the blood on this guy's body seems to have just been fought. You shouldn't lie about what Elder Chengfeng said?"

"You all get out of—"

At this time, a cold voice came out.

More than a hundred Protoss in the Eternal City all stepped aside and looked into the eyes. It was an extremely handsome young Protoss. Su Jin took a casual look and found that there were two lines of blue blood on the forehead of this God, centered on the center of the eyebrows, faintly There is a mark of God's eye--

Of course, after taking a look, Su Jin stopped looking at these protoss.

To him, it's not worth mentioning.

Su Jin finally saw a very strange scene with his eyes.

Under the void of the left hand, in a sea of ​​flowers, someone was holding a flower basket and was picking white petals with a catkin. Her fox face seemed to have passed by, making Su Jin stunned.

That woman... Isn't that a protoss?


In the eternal city, of course, they are all gods. No, the rules of this goddess have been broken--

Su Jin did not have time to think about it, but the anger of the elder Chengfeng could no longer be covered!

"Mo Jingyun...what do you want to do!" The elder Chengfeng looked at the young man with his hands interlaced in front of him and shouted.

"Tu Sanqian Protoss? I don't know how to compare with me, Mo Jingyun!" Mo Jingyun seemed to ignore Elder Chengfeng and stared directly at Su Jin.

However, what surprised Mo Jingyun... Su Jin didn't seem to put him in his eyes at all, and in the face of his extraordinary fighting spirit, he ignored him——

"Jiang He is old, and the new dynasty is about to start. Riding the wind, you step back...Let them compare." Madam Xuanji's voice came from the top of the vast holy palace.

Elder Chengfeng nodded, he should be like the more than a hundred gods, opening the battlefield!

When Su Jin heard this, he calmly looked at Mo Jingyun——

What to do, I can't even mention the slightest fighting spirit, this kind of stuff is too bad.

But no one knew Su Jin's thoughts.

Now the more than one hundred Protoss, all of them are watching the two young Protoss! One, bathed in blood, and murderous. One is the Tianjiao Protoss of the Eternal City!

"Mo Jingyun is the young generation of our Eternal Capital, who can be ranked in the top five strong. A few years ago, he was promoted to the King God. Although he is a newly promoted King God, he did not retreat even in the face of Elder Chengfeng. What does it mean--" Protoss sighed.

"This rookie who hasn't even been promoted to King God still wants to fight Mo Jingyun? I really blinded him!"

"It's a pity, this will be a dull battle. Mo Jingyun will squeeze the young man's head into the soil. After all, not everyone can challenge Mo Jingyun--"

"What does Mrs. Xuanji mean just now? Is it because the city lord has died, and the eternal city has no rule yet, so we must choose a city lord from the eternal capital?"

"Mo Jingyun was very likely to sit on the throne of the city lord, but in the end, this Tianjiao who has slaughtered three thousand inspiring Protoss came, he will never be merciful this time—"

"It's really boring, the new **** has no qualifications to challenge Mo Jingyun!"


Mo Jingyun naturally heard the onlookers' words of the Protoss, and he felt more comfortable when he heard it, and his eyes on Su Jin became more and more arrogant—

"I have three moves. If you have the power to fight back, I will leave." Su Jin pointed to Mo Jingyun very decisively. With that terrifying tone, even the elder Chengfeng who was watching the battle was suddenly shocked. .

"Good, good! I don't want to see if Jingyun, how can you be able to speak wild words in front of this king and god!" Mo Jingyun suddenly became annoyed-

Say it!

Mo Jingyun's rules of the King God were all condensed. He is a newly promoted King God, but the power of the King God is no longer defeated by the elder Chengfeng!

Su Jin sighed, the raised hand did not fall, and he did not want to continue to be guessed by Mrs. Xuanji, even if it condensed the time!

"Huh? I can't move anymore--" Mo Jingyun was shocked, and his face also showed a very puzzled expression!

Within about one-third of a second, Mo Jingyun had just used the "rules of kings and gods" to counteract the strength of the other party's years, but soon, the heat wave from high in the sky accompanied by the fiery light, as if to shatter the world!

Mo Jingyun was finally able to move! When I looked up, my face changed!

The flaming red **** fist that resembled a small continent suddenly reached the top of his head!

Can't escape!

Mo Jingyun stretched out his hands subconsciously, Wangshen's rules were running with all his strength, he was in the peak state now, he couldn't break this punch if he didn't believe it!

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