My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3789: Step on the road, Thang Long!

The wind is like a ghost crying.

Lei Sumao Spider King was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly said: "Good luck today, the storm has not yet appeared. It will save a lot of trouble to be able to reach that stone pillar smoothly!"

The stone pillars are very wide, about the width of a medium lake, and thousands of feet high in Thunder Swamp. Su Jin looked at the surface of the stone pillar, except for the traces of vicissitudes swept by the endless storm, his heart moved slightly--

"Close to the surface of the swamp, take a closer look--" Su Jin said to Thunder Marsh Spider King.

Thunder Marsh Spider King Dang even cautiously began to approach.

Liu Li'er's face was getting paler and paler, approaching the bloodless white, and her mind seemed to have started to explode. At that moment, she only felt that the heavens and the earth seemed to be spinning, the scenes were spinning, and the rules of God in her body began Get unstable!

Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and strands of scripture began to shuttle around Liu Lier. This is a ‘meditation curse’ Buddhist scripture, blessed by his current Buddhist and Taoist attainments——

Liu Lier felt much better in an instant! The rules of the gods in the body began to calm down, and the pain was instantly relieved by ninety-nine percent, and within a moment, she had completely returned to normal.

"I can't do it..." Liu Lier collapsed, and when he shook his head, the fear on his face became more intense.

The kind of pain just now was even more uncomfortable than when she had disappeared on her own when she was fighting with Ye Di.

If it weren’t for the emperor to impose Buddhist scriptures, she would probably disappear in endless torture. That feeling was too terrible. She immediately felt that she might really stop here, and she went forward and stepped on the stone pillar. I don’t know what will happen.

"You don't even have the strength to survive here... Believe me, I can take you away--" Su Jin looked at Liu Li'er as encouragement.

Liu Lier felt a little comforted in her heart--

At least from the performance of Ye Di at present, there is no intention to abandon her. She knows that the stronger the stronger, the more cold-blooded, like Ye Di, the heavens are probably almost extinct.

With the approach of Thunder Marsh Spider King.

The stone pillar standing at the end of the Thunder Swamp was already in sight.

"There is a stone painting with ancient imprints on it." Leimau Spider King said incredulously.

On the huge stone pillars, a wonderful picture made Su Jin look more and more serious--

These pictures.

There are evil dragons stirring the sea, stars colliding, and there is not even a humanoid picture in the picture. If you know the records of the heavens, it is quite long. The longest history that the human monks know is the age of the ‘Ancient Sage’.

"It is a scene shortly after the opening of the heavens--" Liu Lier was anxious, but she could understand a little bit, explaining to Su Jin.

"The picture on the stone pillar is disappearing in my eyes!" Thunder Marsh Spider King was shocked and exclaimed.

Liu Lier looked at the first picture again, and found that the first ancient picture also disappeared!


Su Jin shook his head. What he saw was completely different from Liu Li'er and Thunder Marsh Spider King. The wonderful pictures on the stone pillars all seemed to be imprinted. With his **** pupils, they were all imprinted in his mind——

From his point of view, the entire picture on the stone pillar has special insights. There are more than 8,000 pictures in total, and it is a vivid picture of the evolution of the heavens, which is very likely to be of great use to him in the future.

"Can you still see?" In the vision of Liu Li'er and Lei Maru Spider King, there was no trace of the picture on the stone pillar. She looked at Su Jin, wondered, and asked softly.

"Yes—" Su Jin didn't explain much, "Are you ready? Ready."

Liu Li'er was not suspicious, even if he was facing an enemy!

Su Jin gently waved with one hand, and under the Thunderbolt Spider King’s eight spider spears, the “Great Ascension Technique” Wenluo appeared. Pieces of fairy feathers fell. When Thunderbolt Spider King looked intently again, it found that it had already Come to the top of the stone pillar!


The scriptures around Liu Li'er swiftly shuttled up and down, and the golden glow was shattered by mysterious attacks!

"Someone is attacking me!" Liu Li'er screamed, and she immediately passed the situation to Su Jin. The key point was that she didn't know where the attack came from!

I couldn't see any traces of strong humanoids, and I couldn't see the direction of the attack. If it hadn't been for the Buddhist scriptures, Liu Li'er would have died on the spot!

This is definitely not a joke!

With that kind of intensity, Liu Lier believed that she would never be able to follow--

You must know that the "Sutra" she protects is personally protected by the Yedi of the Samadhi realm. The method that can break the Buddhist scriptures, if not for the Yedi, how can she stop it!

"Huh -" Su Jin's eyebrows were raised, his brilliance changed one after another!

In the end, the eyebrows began to glow!

Strangely speaking, Su Jin's blessings with several **** pupils still couldn't find out who attacked Liu Lier.

"Lost... a dead end..."

The sound seemed to come from the depths of the unpredictable Xuanming, the scene was once weird--

The huge spider body of Thunder Swamp Spider King is also constantly trembling. Sure enough, if you want to leave here, you need to pay a price. That kind of voice seems to be telling a cruel fact. Even if you walk out from here, you will embark on a lost road. , It is impossible to reverse——


The momentum is gradually rising! A big hand exuding a virtual white flame, brazenly pressed Su Jin from the void!

Fortunately, Su Jin possesses the blessings of several pupil techniques, so that he can clearly see the attack speed of that level. This speed is simply not too evil!

The big hand exuding a virtual white flame pointed forward, as if it went straight to Su Jin's eyebrows! It seems to deduct Su Jin's colorful eyes!


Su Jin's momentum is soaring, like a peerless God of War for a time, majestic! He straightened his body, the destructive power of kendo in the series of "Treading the Road" instantly turned into a strangling storm. When the imaginary white flame was pressed by the big hand, the finger was a little bit from the center of his eyebrows, and he directly smashed it with kendo. !

No one knew that the Sky Devouring Crimson Devil clan not far away, the King of the Red Devil turned into a youth, also witnessed this scene!

It almost frightened to worship--

The stone pillars will face unknown evil spirits. The king **** who killed more than a dozen thunder marshes all the way back then was severely injured from above. The attack speed is no longer known to what point, so the king of the red devil is now It's so gaffe!


After Su Jin extinguished that virtual white flame arm, the entire Thunder Swamp began to shake like no other!

Endless storms began to sweep across Daze, mud water formed a monstrous tornado, more than ten thousand places!

And the entire Thunder Swamp was like the collapse of the sky and the earth, with big waves and violent rumblings!

The Red Devil King exclaimed again and again, "Go!"

It doesn't dare to stay any longer. It's already a wicked place, and it's not close to the powerhouse of its level.


The mysterious and unpredictable sound continued to reverberate throughout the world. When the sound appeared, with the stone pillar as the center, the sky was solidified into a purple-red color in the surrounding area of ​​more than 100 million miles!

"Cracks in the Cemetery of the Gods... The cracks have appeared!" The Thunder Marsh Spider King was extremely surprised. He looked up at the sky above the stone pillars, but as soon as its words fell, it screamed!

Where is the space rift in the Cemetery of the Gods?

That crack was actually a slowly opening eye...

The evil charm is more than the evil charm, the sky of the cemetery of the gods has opened his eyes!

"Is this the secret of the Cemetery of the Gods..." Su Jin stared coldly-

Liu Li'er just took a look at that terrifying giant eye. It wasn't as bad as Thunder Marsh Spider King, but it also felt as if the soul had been stabbed hard and painful.

On the face of Lei Suma Spider King, several eyes were bleeding at the same time! After it got used to it, it was very lucky when it opened, because it almost went blind—

The current Thunder Marsh Spider King is in the same mood as Liu Li'er. It feels hopeless to escape, but it doesn’t regret it. Yedi can’t cut it in the swamp. It’s already benevolence and righteousness, so it’s considered to live one more day——

"The cemetery of the gods restricts gods, not humans... you threaten me, it's useless." Su Jin, including the vertical eyes, stared at the weird giant eye above the sky.

"Death...death..." The strange voice that seemed to be lost, continued to drift.

Su Jin glanced at Liu Li'er, and was about to do it, but she was firmly grasped by her arm. She really didn't know how much pain she would suffer if Ye Di left her side! So instinctively didn't want him to leave!

"I use the eternal trick. As long as you don't resist and don't urge God's rules, you can set the time for a stick of incense. For me, one stick of incense is enough." Su Jin said to Liu Li'er.

"Okay—" Liu Li'er said with an ugly face, knowing that it is not time to hesitate.

The mystery of the calming magic is that it can fix everything about her, but not including thinking. As long as she doesn't resist, the cemetery of the gods will not restrict her god's rules too much. Su Jin has thought about this question, but if it is in general The risk is not small to take her away with the calming magic technique, so at present, she can only emergency and prevent her from encountering mysterious accidents.

Afterwards, Su Jin performed a calming technique on Liu Lier!

Next second!

Su Jin's momentum climbed again, soaring!

Under the gaze of Lei Suma Spider King, above the stone pillars, golden dragons set off a shocking storm!

Those golden dragons can't be counted. The surrounding storm traces and the sharp dragons make this world seem to be on the verge of destruction for a while!

"Is this the power of the night emperor..." Thunder Marsh Spider King felt suffocated!

The huge golden dragon, one winding around the other, with Su Jin as the center, soars into the sky!


"Rising Dragon", above the void, two golden characters, like a mountain, shattered a void!


See also destruction!

After Shenglong passed, at the feet of Su Jin, a divine sword with a destructive aura turned out to be like a small continent! Compared with that weird giant eye, the size of the sword under his feet does not seem to be much larger--

Su Jin is now like a mighty powerful existence, his eyes never show weakness to others, and then his sky-shattering noise swept across the cemetery of the gods!

"Step on the road, cut!"

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