My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3737: senior! Confused!


In the land of glazed glaze, the atmosphere of all places instantly solidified——

Zuo Luo Tianwang’s sleeve was cut to pieces, almost as if he hit him in the face before. After all, he said that the Emperor Night could not attack him!

"What if you see it through, the monkey is always a monkey, and it won't take long." Zuoluo Tianwang converged all the'rules of the king', and the whole body seemed to escape.

Su Jin felt the murderous intent of the God of Zuo Luo, and obviously he made him ashamed and caused strong dissatisfaction with the other party——

"Wang Shen, but so." Su Jin said lightly.

"Cut off a piece of the king's clothes, can you be happy like this? It turns out that the happiness of the human race is so simple." Zuo Luo Tianwang said.

"I want your life next." Su Jin calmly looked at Zuo Luo Tianwang, his tone still confident.

The power of the swordsmanship dissipated, and the sword test was over. The Zuo Luo Heavenly King had already given him some confidence in Su Jin's estimation. Although he knew that this battle would be extremely difficult, he still didn't think he would lose!

"Hahaha, take my life! Ok... very good..." If the **** Zuo Luo had tears, he would probably laugh and cry now. He really wants to laugh at the monkeys in this world, but he too Knowing what his status is, those low-end and ordinary'monkeys' are just like some dust, not worthy of his attention.

At the time of the size of the God of Zoruo Tianwang-

Su Jin's eyebrows were raised, and a kind of golden thread slowly began to condense, and the golden light made Zuo Luo Tianwang's smile suddenly stopped.

"You...You are really surprising." Zuo Luo Tianwang was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he said to Su Jin.


What's the accident?

Countless people are in a state of ignorance——

And at this moment!

To the north of the imperial city and the imperial palace, a sea of ​​clouds began to thicken, and those clouds bloomed with strange clouds, which directly attracted the attention of many people!

"The back garden... the back garden that Ye Di visited..." The Chaosheng Banshee's face changed slightly.

Not only the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass were surprised, even if it was Long Ruo, who went to find the night emperor's Long Ruo at that time had entered the back garden of the emperor's palace!

The current Long Ruo is staring blankly at the void on the north side of the back garden of the imperial palace...The cloud layer is very low, and there is an old tortoise with a mottled tortoise shell looming in the sea of ​​clouds!

"Which existence is this..." Gao Yue and the lotus goddess were all shaken back a few steps, and they could only fight by leaning against the railing in front of the imperial palace.

And Tracer was even more unhelpful, he just took a look, and was shocked by just one look! On the other hand, other human female cultivators did not have such an unusual reaction!

"Who, who is it!" Lingzun and Huanxi Killing God were in the light prison, shaking with fright, if they were not in the light prison, they would probably be no better than Tracer!

The world is sensational!

Standing on the battlefield, Su Jin also looked at it instinctively...

Zuo Luo Tianwang's face was terrified, and his expression was solemn, unprecedented! How could he have expected this kind of existence in the imperial palace in the Land of Glazed Glass!

The land of colored glaze is full of sensational chain effects!

"In the imperial city! Behind the imperial palace!" A monk was so excited that he couldn't imagine that there could be such a terrible existence, guarding the land of colored glaze!

"Who is this? The ancient sage? How is it in the form of an old tortoise? It is behind the imperial palace, and the emperor who has passed away should know it!" Some people think carefully and fear, but now they are shocked in their minds!

"The emperor died in Yedi's hands, why didn't this senior help? But when Yedi fought against the Zoruo Heavenly King God, it appeared!"

"No demon, no devil, no fairy! What kind of existence is this! I heard that Ye Di entered the back garden of the imperial palace several times, and it was rumored that it was a forbidden place for the emperor. Could it be that time, Ye Di could communicate with this great power?"

"It's terrible! The face of the **** Zuoluo has changed. Is this an existence that can make the **** Zuoluo be jealous? How is it possible—"

"The mottled marks on the old tortoise can actually be condensed into substantial years. This method can be achieved by the limitless powers of the inhumans, and I am afraid that the kings and gods cannot do it. What is the origin of it!"

"I knew that there is such a secret powerhouse in the land of glazed glaze. Why should you be afraid of the night emperor, why should you be afraid of the gods of the protoss! Monarch, did you refuse to invite this senior to death? What is the reason?"


"Old blind man, keep his promise, watch the little friend fight with Wangshen..." The old tortoise sinks and floats in the clouds, shaking slightly, as if the sky may collapse at any time, and its voice is extremely old and weak, but that's it. This kind of sound can appear in every soul's heart.

Su Jin hugged his fist at the old turtle. He was puzzled, but didn't want to ask. In fact, he already had some guesses in his heart——

"Senior, you're confused!" Zuo Luo Tianwang said with a stern face.

From his face, the previous arrogant look disappeared, as if apart from regret, there was more disappointment——


Zuo Luo Tianwang's ‘senior’ voice seemed to have opened up the entire glazed land!

Emperor City!

In front of the imperial palace!

Numerous gods, such as the lotus goddess, Gao Yue, etc., all face bleak!

"There are five-colored ruins on the tortoise shell, and every inch of the five-colored soil on it can recreate the gods. How far this senior has reached, even the king god... the king **** is extremely jealous of him, and calls him senior." Enduring the discomfort and trying to look at it, with the power of her current high-ranking god, she only persisted for a few seconds, and it was just a few seconds, almost causing her injury!

The Chaosheng Banshee is so happy!

"Do you remember? At that time, there was a golden ancient monument hanging in front of Yedi, who was still in epiphany. That golden ancient monument should be the thing of this old predecessor!" Chaosheng Banshee said.

The reminder of Chaosheng Banshee shocked everyone in an instant!

I remember, how can I not remember! At that time, because the night emperor did not appear in time, it was good for people to worry for a while, after all, at that time, the King God just arrived!

When Tracer heard the ‘Five-Colored Ruins’, he instinctively glanced at it and immediately ‘ah’, covering his eyes——

When he let go, two blood stains suddenly shed from the corner of his eyes!

"Don't look!" The lotus goddess shouted, reminding Tracer to get up.

"Almost, I was almost blind..." Tracer was injured. During the subsequent inspection of the injury, he found that he could still see things as usual, almost crying.

"It turns out that this old predecessor is the chance of the Ye Emperor! The previous Ye Emperor, although confident, did not reach this point. That epiphany, that golden ancient monument, seemed to be his source of confidence! Now, This old predecessor showed up to help, and it gave the world's human race a peace of mind!" Xinyue Fox also said with great emotion.

"Maid, do you know that there is such an old senior in the back garden of the imperial palace?" The Chaosheng Banshee asked the imperial concubine.

The maiden imperial concubine was still in a daze. She shook her head blankly and slowly said: "In the emperor restricted area, it is impossible for anyone to connect close to him, let alone go in. I I wonder if such a senior is there."

This is the Chaosheng Banshee letter!

The Chaosheng Banshee looked at the lotus goddess, Gao Yue, and Tracer, more puzzled, and asked: "We can see some scenes on the turtle's back, but your protoss reaction is so big? Tracer was also injured. ?"

"I don't know." The lotus goddess bit her lip, and she also felt strange--

With all doubts, everyone and the gods all looked at the battlefield again.

After arching his hands, Su Jin glanced at Zuoluo Tianwang with cold eyes, "If you can be watched by the seniors, you should rest in peace."

The **** Zuo Luo looked at the old tortoise again, gritted his teeth and said: "Senior! If it is not my race, his heart will be evil. Now the time for my race to open up a new world has come, if the seniors help me wait, the name of the senior , Must be remembered by the Protoss forever!"

"Zuo Luotian, are you still awake!" In the palace of the sky, the words of the Taiyang King God also slowly spread, and the tone of voice is unique!

"Taiyang!! You are notoriously timid! The other kings and gods are all of the same family, why can't you! Forget it! The other kings and gods will come soon, it doesn't matter if you have you or not!" Zuo Luo Tianwang was very angry and shouted angrily.

Taiyang King God no longer speaks--

But it was precisely because of the words of the Taiyang King God that made Gao Yue and others in the imperial city understand some things!

"It turns out that this old predecessor is the existence that Taiyang Wangshen is worried about! But now think about it, Taiyang Wangshen is right, if Yedi has this senior backing behind, "New God Era" will be true. It may not be able to open it up." The lotus goddess understood many things in an instant, and slowly said to Gao Yue and Tracer.

"When Ye Di killed the emperor, this senior did not take action. Obviously this senior did not trust the emperor." The imperial concubine of the maiden thought for a while and said: "Ye Di is too powerful. In a short time, you can get it. The trust of this old man, in a few days, has been the work of the emperor's life."

"Life? How do you know that this old man has been in the back garden of the imperial palace for so long?" asked the lotus goddess.

"Did you not look carefully? This old man has a chain under his step." The maiden concubine said.

"We can't see... and we can't watch..." The lotus goddess dared not look directly at her. If she continued to stare, she couldn't bear the weird power, and she was afraid that like Tracer, she would be unable to The force of prediction hurts.

just now.

The face of the **** Zuo Luo is as ugly as it is--

Su Jingang was about to turn around and fight the Zuo Luo Heavenly King God again, only to be directly startled by a sight that even started to dumbfound him——

In the huge clouds on the north side of the garden of the imperial palace, the huge old tortoise floated up and down, smashing the world. It slowly opened its eyes... the color of the pair of eyes instantly silenced everything.


Although turbid, even though the pupils have completely turned white, the circle of colors is enough to let people know the identity of the other party! This old tortoise, who has been around for so many years, turned out to be...a protoss! !

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