My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3727: Magic in the Mirror

Three tricks, breaking three barriers——

No one can doubt Ye Di's self-confidence. Obviously, Zuo Luo Tianwang's arrangement for the first two levels has already annoyed Ye Di.

The Chaosheng Banshee walked to the lotus, and carefully looked at the unconscious Yutang——

"Ye Di walked into her world without any damage. Doesn't this mean that he really has the strength to challenge the King God?" The Lotus Goddess couldn't help saying.

"Why? Isn't this woman more powerful than the King God?" Gao Yue was frightened by the words of the lotus goddess, and asked quickly.

"Although she does not have the strength of the King God, it would be very troublesome if the King God falls into her world, and her aura seems to be different from before. It should be the opportunity from the night emperor." The lotus goddess looked more and more sure. Tao.


Gao Yue has no doubts.

Not to mention this Yutang, even if it was her and the lotus goddess, it was just two nights under the tree of enlightenment, and they were ascending to the sky, especially the lotus goddess, 20,000 rose to six levels, the gods are infinite Approaching that spiritual sovereign--

If this continues, the achievements of the lotus goddess will be limitless. This is also the reason that the lotus goddess continues to choose to stay in the imperial city instead of going to the palace that day.

"When will she wake up." The Chaosheng Banshee hesitated, because she was a protoss, when she looked at the lotus goddess, she didn't know the other party was unclear.

The lotus goddess stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Yutang’s face, and then she trembled as if she had made a big discovery--

"Previously, the emperor said that she was the one who seized the house, and the body should be a human body. Now... now she has completely turned into a god!" The lotus goddess screamed.

"Does it feel wrong? Let me see—" Gao Yue knew that the Protoss had a wonderful ability to perceive each other. When she heard the words of the Lotus Goddess, she didn't feel it from Yutang, so there were some doubt.

Next, after some investigation, Gao Yue... directly lost her mind.

Protoss! The divine body really turned into a protoss, and there was naturally a reason why they did not see the problem of Yutang in time!

"The Peak Protoss... The Peak Protoss under the King God——" Gao Yue and the Lotus Goddess looked at each other, and all lost their voices!

Who can stand this--

You must know that Lingzun is only a high-ranking god, unable to cross the gap between the gods, and Yutang's body, the two of them casually touched, they could feel the energetic rules of the gods spreading over the net, and the gods The rules and her divine body have been incomparably in agreement, perfect and outrageous!

so horrible.

If Ye Di didn't go to the third level, according to Gao Yue's character, he would definitely ask what the situation was!

The lotus goddess smiled bitterly, she still underestimated Yedi——

Although the lotus goddess is extremely content with the current situation, compared with the opportunities that Yutang has obtained, she is not enough at all.

"After Ye Di fights the Queen God, come back and ask him again--" Chaosheng Banshee said.

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess nodded.

"You don't think that Yedi can really defeat Zuoluo Tianwang, although I believe that he can fight the Wangshen, but the hope of winning is still very slim." The lotus goddess attacked first.

"Ye Di can, definitely can." Xin Yuehu said without hesitation.


In the first two levels, the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass did not seem to be addictive at all!

Especially in the second level, the sad Yutang lost, and the scene couldn't be condensed! Fortunately, Su Jin has appeared in the third level!


Su Jin saw a strange picture of a human-shaped stone mountain floating quietly in the void battlefield. Could it be that the third level is this stone mountain?

"What are you looking at? I am your opponent in level three——" Shi Shan opened his eyes, the stone skins swayed all over his body, and many stone skins even fell.

Su Jin glanced, frowned and said, "Yuan Jing?"

"Your personal monkey, who is the spirit? The spirit is a demon, and I am an extremely orthodox protoss!" The two red triangle eyes condensed on the rocky mountain were obviously angry.

"It's just that the source stone of the gods has become refined. If you are a stone, don't participate in this war between gods and humans." Su Jin said calmly.

Su Jin really saw the situation in this mountain——

The source stone, and it is a very unusual source stone, Su Jin believes that if he really cut it open, it would be a disaster.

"Lao Zi Shi Wang, I will stop here, no matter what you have to do, you can't pass my level. Also, take back your three tricks to break the three levels as soon as possible." Shi Wang hummed.

"Zuo Luo Tianwang is really a good strategy. Let alone the first level, I gave Yutang a chance at the second level. Fortunately, things may have been out of his control. Yutang will only follow me in the future. And you... he just wants to see if I can cut you off--" Su Jin laughed.

"You can see this? Come on, you human monkey is kind of funny, hit me, aren't you good at kendo? If you can split me, I will admit defeat on the spot." Shi Wang pointed to his forehead, begging to be beaten .

Su Jin's eyes were cold--

He has this ability, but it is impossible to fulfill it.

Therefore, ability comes to ability, but it is not necessary.

"Then you stand still, otherwise my swordsmanship won't have long eyes, what do you say if it's crooked?" Su Jin said indifferently.

Shi Wang didn't doubt that he had it, and he stood there stupidly.

Su Jin slowly stretched out his right palm and lifted it slightly. Shi Wang was waiting, but when a golden brilliance appeared under his feet, he realized that it was not good!

"You are playing tricks!" Shi Wang jumped up, his arms seemed to rise in the wind, and they turned into two lacquered hammers, directly smashing them at Su Jin!



The stone king, like a mountain, is surrounded by a bright yellow light. At its feet, there is a ‘swastika’ Buddha seal slowly rotating, and in that moment, it seems to be deep in the mud!

"What's the situation! I beg you to be beaten, the night emperor will not cut it!" The monk in the land of colored glaze was very puzzled.

"This is a **** source. Since it can be arranged by the God of Zuoluo in the second level, it must have its purpose. Yedi doesn't want to cut it off. After it is cut off, the **** will be completely out of trouble, right? Di Neng can be the opponent or the two to say——"

"After splitting, Ye Di felt very troublesome, so I used the Supreme Buddha Tao to trap this god. Anyway, its current power seems to be unable to threaten Ye Di."

"It's so stupid. It was so simple that Ye Di saw through the strategy. It seems that Zuoluo Heavenly King God and Ye Di's battle of wits and courage did not take advantage."

"In the first level, twenty-one goddess were defeated. The powerful goddess of the second level has also fallen into the hands of Ye Di. It can be said that Ye Di has never lost at all. On the contrary, Zuo Luo Tian Wang has suffered a loss. ."

"I didn't expect to see such a powerful Buddhism in his lifetime. I am afraid that his Buddhism has reached the realm of the other side--"

"No! There are rumors that Yedi’s Buddhist Tao has reached the ultimate samadhi realm, and the world’s people and Buddhas cannot reach the Buddha’s wonderful realm. This Yedi still has a tree of enlightenment, think about it... he doesn’t Who is the evildoer?"


Now no one, no **** dare to look down upon Ye Di!

The King God has not yet taken action. At least the gods who have attacked the Ye Emperor have not succeeded. The Protoss is still in a big defeat. At present, only the King God can counter the Ye Emperor. It has become the consensus of everyone in the Land of Glazed Glass!

"All the human races are despicable monkeys! You dare to let me go and fight with me upright!" Shi Wang now sees the vast power of Buddhism, as deep as a galaxy sea, golden light everywhere, flashing It can hardly see where the Ye Emperor is!

"I'll deal with you with this trick. If you can come out, it will count as a loss--" Su Jin smiled.

" can't succeed!" Shi Wang was unwilling to get angry. He vaguely saw Ye Di walking towards the fourth level, and he could only watch, really angry.


The stone king struggled hard, struggled for half an hour, and couldn't get rid of the vast'swastika' Buddha seal under his feet. It has never been so powerless, hateful, the king **** can't split its stone shell, otherwise it If you are born, who can stop!

The third pass is simply a pass for points-

Su Jin's mouth is joking, is this the five-level problem? It seems that the Protoss is not very good. He is only interested in the powerhouses of the Kingshen level. Other than that, he only wants to fight quickly.

"After the three passes, it is indeed a vigilant existence of Zuo Luo Tianwang. It is a pity that you met me."

When the sound came out, Sukin paused, and in his eyebrows and pupils, he saw a strange situation. At a distance of ten miles away from him, there were nine mirror-like fluctuations, gradually showing up.

As the nine huge mirrors gradually became clear--

Su Jin observed carefully and nodded slightly.

With nine mirrors, only one human figure appears in the mirror. This existence is by no means simple.

In the mirror, the human figure seemed to be facing Su Jin. He was sitting, with Erlang's legs tilted, and a scarlet wine glass in his hand.

"It's him—" The lotus goddess saw that scene, as if she was uncomfortable.

"Which **** is this?" Chaosheng Banshee asked directly.

"It's not a god." The lotus goddess sighed: "It's a devil. The devil in the mirror—"

"Unexpectedly, your arrogant Protoss can still walk so close to the demon head, but what method does the demon in this mirror have to be arranged in the fourth level by the **** Zuo Luo?" Chaosheng female demon said.

"Ability to communicate with profound knowledge, very few shots, opponents must die...Zuo Luo Tianwang has a'Golden List' under the command of the gods. Among the missions received by this demon, no one has missed in the past hundreds of battles." The lotus goddess's face was particularly solemn. , She also didn't expect that the Demon in the Mirror would be arranged in the fourth level.

"Is it tricky? Ye Di can slay this demon with one move--" Xinyue Fox is still more confident in Ye Di.

The lotus goddess said: "The night emperor may defeat the demon in the mirror, but he may be injured."

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