My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3722: Declare war

"Could it be that the Huanxi line is at odds with the Taiyang line? But this is not the same. Even the Taiyang King God has gone to see the Zuoluo Heavenly King. It hasn't come out for most of the day. It doesn't look like discord. ."

"The two king gods are present and Ye Di can still live. It's a great miracle. Could it be that Ye Di is too powerful, so that the king **** has no confidence in winning."

"This matter is not right, and the Ye Emperor side didn't say anything, but during the day, he provoked the Zuo Luo Heavenly King God of the Huanxi line, and he has not received any response from the Huanxi line."

"That Lingzun is abolished. If Zuoruo Heavenly King God does not make a decision, it means that the Lingzun has been abandoned, and the one who has been abandoned together is also Happy Killing God."

"Emperor Ye, he didn't leave the imperial city until the night half an hour ago--"


Many news, as if they had grown wings, spread to every corner of the Glazed Glass Land.

The power of King God is shocking! But more people are discussing why Ye Di should not die! Lingzun is not Yedi’s opponent. It’s better to say, what are those two kings and gods afraid of——

The wonderful fragrance is floating in the mysterious space deep in the Great Palace.

In that space, the tree of enlightenment was glowing with silver-green light, and in that kind of luster, it seemed that some wonderful rules were reordered, so that it was controlled and absorbed by a woman under the tree.

Not far from the tree of enlightenment, Su Jin carried the wine jar and looked at the deep starry sky...

"God, there will only be more and more, I originally expected to fight Wangshen, but it has not been realized today." Su Jin looked at the starry sky, thinking about things.

"Although the Taiyang King God did not make a move, he is definitely on the side of the Protoss, otherwise he would not go to visit the Zoruo Heavenly King God."

"I don't have much time--" Su Jin was a little worried. He saw King Taiyang with his own eyes during the day. Although he didn't show any expression on the surface, the power of King Taiyang seemed to be boundless.

Su Jin has a deep understanding of pressure, that kind of pressure.

Time passed quickly, with the late night, Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows——

Su Jin saw a familiar figure come in.

The lotus goddess descended from the palace in the sky to the imperial city, and the other party went straight into the imperial palace, as if he were familiar with the road.

" have to be careful." The lotus goddess walked not far to Gao Yue and sat under the tree of enlightenment, reminding me, and said to Su Jin.

"I am not afraid of King God." Su Jin said lightly.

"It's a good thing to have confidence. I can only tell you this. Although I don't know what Taiyang King God and Zuo Luo Tianwang are talking about, I am afraid that it is not far away to do it with you." The lotus goddess said seriously.

"Why are you telling me this? You really hate my human race——" Su Jin walked to the side of the lotus goddess, smelling the natural divine lotus fragrance on her body, and slowly sat down like her.

The lotus goddess' heart jumped. She knew that tonight was all right, so she refused to miss the Enlightenment Tree, and she also knew that the Ye Emperor was there. Gao Yue would definitely use the Enlightenment Tree to enlighten her. This is the biggest reason for her coming.

"I hate you very much." The lotus goddess closed her eyes when she finished speaking. The rules of the gods in her body roared like a storm, and the tree of enlightenment instantly descended endless rules and perceptions for her to enter the state.


Su Jin looked up at the starry sky, he was looking forward to it!


The beautiful starry night always passed extremely fast, Su Jin was exhausted, walked out of the Great Emperor’s Palace, it was already bright outside——

"Ye Di." The Chaosheng Banshee seemed to stay up all night, and when she saw Su Jin coming out, she greeted her.

"What?" Su Jin asked.

"Between the stars last night, the palace in the sky moved thousands of miles away, I don't know if the **** Zuoluo wants to draw out of the battlefield." Chaosheng Banshee said.

Su Jin instinctively glanced at it and said: "It doesn't matter, I should be able to fight the King God today, and that Zuo Luo Heaven King God should be my first opponent."

"Yes." The pressure of the Chaosheng Banshee increased. Although she could not imagine fighting against Wangshen, after all, she was on the side of the night emperor, and it was impossible without pressure.

Su Jin smiled indifferently, and then walked out of the light prison.

Then, Su Jin said to the two blindfolded horses in Guangjai: "The two brothers didn't close their eyes overnight, right?"

"Zuo Luo Tianwang is going to fight today, you will die--" Huanxi Killing God gritted his teeth.

Lingzun cursed Su Jin all night last night. How could he not seize the opportunity to attack him face-to-face, he immediately said: "Father God kills you, why do you need half a move! You can't even take a breath in front of him!"

Su Jin held his hand and faced the threats of the two, unmoved——

"If Zuoruo Tianwang dare to make a move, this king will do something for the heavens and human races and take off the king's head." After Su Jin finished speaking, he ignored the two, but looked up at Chaosheng Banshee. Said battlefield-

Indeed, just as the Chaosheng Banshee said, the palace in the sky has moved thousands of miles west, so it seems that the **** Zuoluo has already murdered him.

Su Jin sneered slightly, and even started to eat the snacks brought by the maiden concubine and the enchantresses, quietly waiting for the news from the God of Zuo Luo.

Soon, Long Ruo floated into the palace, not far in front of Su Jin.

"Ye Di." Long Ruo nodded and said.

"You four tigers, entering the imperial city, it seems that you haven't been idle these few days." Su Jin said lightly.

Long Ruo's face turned red, and said: "Ye Di is fighting against the Protoss, and the Four Tigers have little self-awareness, and specially made a dragon drum that shook the sky in all directions, intending to cheer for Ye Di when he fights against that King God."

Su Jin was silent, believing the support of the Four Tigers——

And then, just a little more than a moment earlier, there was finally movement in the western palace of heaven!

It was a scene of goddess dancing and music! Every goddess, like the national beauty of the world, slowly began to drift closer!

"Human Yedi, I am here by the order of the God of Zuoluo, and declare the war decree!" After a pair of middle-aged protoss with white temples spoke, the dance of the goddess suddenly stopped.

"Speak—" Su Jin's face remained as usual.

"On the battlefield of Ten Thousand Miles of Sky, as a strong human race, you need to pass five levels. If you can get to the shrine by chance, Zuoluo Tianwang will fight with you. If you can't go anywhere, then you will only be blamed for your lack of strength." The middle-aged protoss said with arrogance.

"Your Zuo Luo Heavenly King God is really careful--" Su Jin waved his hand lightly, "Say the time, then get out."

"After a stick of incense." The middle-aged Protoss was secretly annoyed. Although he rarely came into contact with the Humans, he also knew that this strong man in his eyes had defeated the Lingzun and had the strength not weaker than some high-level gods.

After speaking, the middle-aged Protoss left with a cold face.

It’s just that the twenty-one goddess of this happy line stayed above the imperial palace——

Su Jin knows that these goddesses who danced before are the first of the five levels.

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