My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3715: Last lesson!

Impossible to lose!

So arrogant--

Young Lingzun didn't know how desperate the majority of human races in the entire Liuli Land were when faced with what she said, how could God be so careless! It might be good to say if you change to a personal opponent, but this is Ye Di, a Ye Di even more powerful than God!

"The son of King God, too arrogant! He wants to make Yedi three moves, and he will not lose. He is obviously confident that the other party will not touch his clothes!" Someone who supported the gods was directly smirked. .

"Is he serious? But it's normal to think about it. After all, he hasn't seen Ye Di's power. This kind of god, if you fight with Ye Di, you will be honest, such as the previous lotus goddess, and the joy Kill God."

"It's not honest about killing God Huanxi. Even now, I am still thinking about revenge, but it is also right. Yedi is so powerful that he can't resist at all. He can only ask for help like a dog. There is no hope of revenge—"

"Young Lingzun? I think it's not bad for Ye Di to let him three strokes, so arrogant, it seems to be miserable. This Lingzun probably doesn't know that Ye Di's goal is his Father God, and his goal is King God. level!"


Under the wailing pieces--

Lingzun naturally turned a blind eye. He has the capital to be confident, and he is absolutely qualified to be confident. At best, the opponent is a pinnacle of human race. The physique of a human race can only cultivate three thousand great ways, and he cannot follow his true divine body and body. The rules of repairing the gods are comparable.

"I agree, but you are the son of the King God, you can't speak without words, let's say three tricks--" Su Jin said with a strange expression.


"Although you are confident that it is impossible to lose, there is no absolute in everything. If you lose, I only have one request." Su Jin looked serious.

"What's the requirement?" Lingzun asked indifferently.

Su Jin pointed to the happy killing **** in the light prison, and then said: "Enter the prison, hedging——"

The killing intent in Lingzun's eyes grew, and under his indifferent gaze, he nodded immediately, "As you are."

At the moment when Lingzun agreed, many people trembled fiercely. Of course, there were also gods too!

Lotus goddess, Gao Yue, Tracer! Even killing gods with joy has a bad feeling.

After all, these four gods are all means to see the night emperor... It's okay to kill the gods with joy, he doesn't think that the night emperor can beat the spirits, but the other three gods...

"What if I lose, Sister Lotus..." Tracer smiled bitterly, "When the time comes, Ye Di will definitely tell me to heddle. That's the Spirit Venerable, I dare not—"

"Ye Di tells you to do whatever you want..." The lotus goddess also bit her teeth.

no solution anymore!

at this point! There is no reconciliation between the two parties. What the goddess of lotus hopes most is that the Taiyang King God can come as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he comes late, the humiliation of the Protoss will continue, because in her opinion, the spirits are definitely not where they are now. Yedi's opponent in this state----

"It's fun, Ye Di is going to teach our proud Protoss a lesson." Gao Yue smiled helplessly and said calmly.

Under the world, who can make Yedi three tricks? This Lingzun is very exaggerated, and the exaggeration also shows that as long as the attack of the emperor hits him, even if he loses, this is the life of no human race, but it is a human disease!

Gradually...the world gradually quieted down.

In this silence, there is a tense atmosphere--

Su Jin gently flicked his hand. With this flick of his hand, I don't know how many people were frightened. You must know that the previous gods were punished by his hand covering the sky!

But this time it was surprising...

As Su Jin raised his hand, the halo of the avenue slowly rose.


Three ways.

Six ways.

Su Jin did not exhibit the nine halos, but the six halo circles around him——

"Six ways of cultivation, human evildoer, it seems that this **** looks at you very highly." Lingzun didn't care, and shook his head. The six ways of cultivation were not allowed by God. Of course, any human race would be afraid of monks with more than six ways. This does not mean that God will be afraid.

The methods of the Protoss were far beyond the ability of the Six Dao Xiu, so when Ye Di displayed the six auras, he didn't care about it.

"Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger... Yedi is too overcast." Tracer sighed.

"Watch well, study hard... Human race can rule the heavens for so long, they have many places for the gods to learn." said the lotus goddess.

"Honestly, I was convinced by Old Brother Ye anyway. Guess what moves Lingzun can take on Ye Di?" Tracer asked curiously.

Hard to say--

Gao Yue and the lotus goddess both shook their heads. Yedi was able to defeat them. It can only be said that their gods are lower. Moreover, Yedi may not have displayed all their powers. The same is true for this spirit deity. There is the father of God Zuoluo. God, his ability is not much worse.

"Come on!" Lingzun had already waited a little impatiently, and yelled directly.

Su Jin slowly raised his hand, and the light of the six avenues began to condense——

That kind of powerful light is much weaker than when Su Jin used it on several gods earlier, so many people in the Land of Glazed Glaze are surprised, but they also know that Ye Di's move must be deliberately to make the gods ugly!


Su Jin condensed a huge arm in the void--

The front end of the arm was clenched into a fist shape, as if directly above the void and smashed towards the spiritual master!

"Fan Xiu is all Xiu, such a low-level means will bluff an ordinary human monk." Lingzun looked at him and wanted to laugh, he took a step, extremely ethereal and holy, and disappeared in place.


Many people have seen that the problem is wrong!

When Lingzun appeared in the distant void again, his face finally began to change drastically! Just as he took a step and disappeared, the sky around him seemed to change!

Cover the sky!

There are dozens of sky arms, turning into hands that cover the sky, ruling the void! The previous contempt of the key Lingzun made him a little unprepared now. He only felt a kind of strange aura surging around him. Because it was relatively rare, he did not immediately discover that it was "Secret of the Sky".


boom! boom!

"Where can a human race be so powerful!" Lingzun was furious, and said angrily: "I am in the form of a mystery, beyond the sky, with the power of the earth, my divine body can even surpass the flow of time and space, you How can you meet me!"

"That's not necessarily--" Su Jin's voice appeared.

In the spirit of the deity, there are thousands of thin strands of divine light that are diminished. In an instant, his divine body seems to disappear. His technique is absolutely stunning!

Seeing this scene, Tracer covered his eyes! He will never forget that Ye Di used to palm the sky with the hand that covered the sky, which caused him to fail to escape from the palm of Ye Di's palm. The current Spirit Venerable seems to be repeating his mistakes!

Fortunately! Lingzun's technique is far more powerful than Tracer. This point, he saw it really, after all, Lingzun's use of this technique has reached the peak!

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